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Codex Next Week


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It's funny, it seems like non-wolves players are more upset about the problems with our Codex than we are.


I know, that for me, I'm just so happy to finally have a Codex (and one that looks pretty competitive) that I'm just happy to have it, errors and all.


I think if we had received an update to our Codex that nerfed us. Then we'd be pretty pissed lol. As it is, it's a nice change so why complain? 


They're gonna have to be careful with the 2 week FAQ/Errata though. If it nerfs too much stuff, along with this... oh man lol 

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The whining about the edit is crazy. There WILL be things tweaked/reinterpreted via the SW codex FAQ which will be released approximately two weeks after the codex. Having to keep the warlord trait PDF update on-hand is no different than keeping a couple pages of FAQ on hand.


If you want a perfect, error-free codex then we can return to the days of years-betwee-releases. If you want a *living* rules set which is responsive to errors and balance issues, then you must accept updates. I’ve been playing since right before 3rd edition came out: this is a golden age of 40k with GW’s responsiveness. Please don’t disincentive them from being responsive and continuing to make he game better.


I *hope* they keep doing what they did in the future when they realize they’ve made a mistake.

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The whining about the edit is crazy. There WILL be things tweaked/reinterpreted via the SW codex FAQ which will be released approximately two weeks after the codex. Having to keep the warlord trait PDF update on-hand is no different than keeping a couple pages of FAQ on hand.


If you want a perfect, error-free codex then we can return to the days of years-betwee-releases. If you want a *living* rules set which is responsive to errors and balance issues, then you must accept updates. I’ve been playing since right before 3rd edition came out: this is a golden age of 40k with GW’s responsiveness. Please don’t disincentive them from being responsive and continuing to make he game better.


I *hope* they keep doing what they did in the future when they realize they’ve made a mistake.


I do agree this is a pretty golden age for responsiveness. There is still room for improvement but it is leagues above old GW. I think the underlying hang-up is we are too used to the old GW so this new, fluid, ever-changing GW can seem like they are shorting us. 


However, I do think that if they are going to move towards a more updated system that the Codexes should have been the cost of an Index or Chapter Approved as that would make it feel less of a blow to the wallet when it changes so quickly.


That would be my constructive criticism to GW, keep up the good work of updating us and our rules as fast and as often as you can BUT maybe change your thinking on pricing for the things that are going to be frequently updated.

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This and referenced links in rules are why I've only been buying digital enhanced editions since 2013.


if I didn't have a FLGS to support I would do that in a heartbeat.

The whining about the edit is crazy. There WILL be things tweaked/reinterpreted via the SW codex FAQ which will be released approximately two weeks after the codex. Having to keep the warlord trait PDF update on-hand is no different than keeping a couple pages of FAQ on hand.


If you want a perfect, error-free codex then we can return to the days of years-betwee-releases. If you want a *living* rules set which is responsive to errors and balance issues, then you must accept updates. I’ve been playing since right before 3rd edition came out: this is a golden age of 40k with GW’s responsiveness. Please don’t disincentive them from being responsive and continuing to make he game better.


I *hope* they keep doing what they did in the future when they realize they’ve made a mistake.


I  have played since Rogue Trader came out. Actually started playing in the  mid 1980's with Warhammer Fantasy Battles then Rogue Trader but still you get the point.


Just because GW is finally behaving better is no excuse for errors like with our codex. They had 15 months to get this book out and they still flubbed it. Unacceptable.

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I want to know if the digital version has the "misprint". If it doesn't, I'll just cancel my physical pre-order and get that.

In the Facebook announcement comments they said that the digital edition should be the correct one

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So, I'm at the point where my personal, subjective opinion on the Codex debacle I find irrelevant.


I am thankful that they found the error so soon, and are pushing the fastest fix that they can. Should this have happened? No. Did it? Yes. The SW phrase, "I will remember my mistake and choose to correct it," is the best thought to keep in mind here.


I honestly think our Warlord Traits are not great, but they are solid and good enough. Sagas are just icing on the cake that is our new Codex. This thing is going to become a meta changer, unless they actively overnerf with the two week FAQ.


:cuss happens. I'm angry, yes; but, long term, it's found and an attempt at a fix is already underway. If they can do a voucher and return for a replacement Codex in a timely enough manner to not send themselves into the financial red, go for it. If that's a major problem, there's multiple FAQ's and always will be, as 8th is a living edition, and might be the first or next edition to make it to a decade of active rules set.


Wolves are going to be downright beardy; the question is, are we talking cheesy beardy? If so, that's bad. If not, well...


Hunt on!

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Meh so they had to fix the Sagas in a PDF, so what, they are fixed and that is all that matters to me. It's a million times better than being stuck with crap or missing for whole editions while waiting for the next codex.

I think the codex is going to be very solid in the long run. Over all I am happy with the codex, there are only a couple of bike HQ's I will have to use from the index.

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I want to know if the digital version has the "misprint". If it doesn't, I'll just cancel my physical pre-order and get that.


If it has you can be sure it'll be updated soon.

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The whining about the edit is crazy. There WILL be things tweaked/reinterpreted via the SW codex FAQ which will be released approximately two weeks after the codex. Having to keep the warlord trait PDF update on-hand is no different than keeping a couple pages of FAQ on hand.


If you want a perfect, error-free codex then we can return to the days of years-betwee-releases. If you want a *living* rules set which is responsive to errors and balance issues, then you must accept updates. I’ve been playing since right before 3rd edition came out: this is a golden age of 40k with GW’s responsiveness. Please don’t disincentive them from being responsive and continuing to make he game better.


I *hope* they keep doing what they did in the future when they realize they’ve made a mistake.


I do agree this is a pretty golden age for responsiveness. There is still room for improvement but it is leagues above old GW. I think the underlying hang-up is we are too used to the old GW so this new, fluid, ever-changing GW can seem like they are shorting us. 


However, I do think that if they are going to move towards a more updated system that the Codexes should have been the cost of an Index or Chapter Approved as that would make it feel less of a blow to the wallet when it changes so quickly.


That would be my constructive criticism to GW, keep up the good work of updating us and our rules as fast and as often as you can BUT maybe change your thinking on pricing for the things that are going to be frequently updated.



My criticism is that the codexes don't need to include rules outside of army wide special rules, warlord traits, stratagems, and relics. No more data sheets. No more weapon profile lists. No more points lists. Not having to manage those extra pages should reduce errors and improve the longevity of the codex going forward. Place all those cut things into an online army builder tool similar to AoS. You're now also free to adjust points costs and unit rules piecemeal. Look to Kill Team as a building block. 


In KT, unit rules are available to everybody regardless of what KT boxes you  may or may not own. It's a bit dissimilar in that they're part of a book release in this case so they lack the flexibility to change easily, but the unit rules are still available to anybody with the main rules even if you don't buy that faction's box. The Kill Team boxes just add additional rules and fluff not unlike a codex. But unlike codexes, you don't need to buy all of them to get the rules for every unit. 


Sure, there are ways to get the rules in 40k for every unit outside of GW, but why does that have to be the go to? 


Granted, nothing I'm suggesting would change what happened here since warlord traits are still a thing the books would hold. Maybe that trimming the fat would have made this book easier to manage and mistakes would be less likely to occur. 


In any case - I'm excited that they're willing to make such huge changes, even if it was spurred by an error. It makes me hopeful that underperforming units, armies, and other things might see a similar update. I just wish GW would finally embrace the digital future and support data sheets digitally. 

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Guest Triszin


Well because of the indecission about the error I lost the Collector's Edition... well, it happens. Still will finally get the TDA.


How did you lose it? 


its sold out

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I think the general unrest is coming from the fact that our long awaited and worth the wait Codex has an error that GW says in one sentence was a recent change and the other sentence says that it was a misprint they had seen but could not do anything about. FAQs are put out to re-balance after thousands of people have play tested it over two weeks which may affect the Codex. This is something that is changing right out the gate and only for the English versions which is a large breath of the player base. Personally I am happy we have the rules and I would have appreciated some further token (i.e. here is a free sticker we will be sending out you can place over your incorrect page!) but do not need one.



I reread the relic on the previews for the armor of russ. I do not see anything that stops Bjorn from taking that relic. It doesn't say anything about infantry only?

Named characters cannot take relics, I know that it states that somewhere (not sure where).
as I’m getting only electronic rules nowadays this does not effect me. I can understand some of the perturburance with those getting hard copies, although, printing out the free pdf is definitely better than them not providing at all. I do take exception with having to wait so long for rules adjustment and primaries inclusion. Give us a new unit/models etc..
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Well because of the indecission about the error I lost the Collector's Edition... well, it happens. Still will finally get the TDA.

How did you lose it?

its sold out

Oh! That would make sense! lol

yep uad the Great Company collection, since it was available for shipping still tonthe rest of the World. And after seeing how they hamdled it went to buy it. And it sold out. No big loss.
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Saga of Majesty looks terrible. Only really works when after the deed.




I think it will depend on who it is on. Bjorn is already on a huge base. Surround him with wolves/units (chaff) and they won't die from morale and his re-roll aura will have an extra 3" to it. 

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Saga of the Hunter... OMG !!!

Best one and easiest to pull off (because your warlord making a saving throw actually demands your warlord to be in front, which you probably are not going to do).


I see Thunderwolf Lords and their Thunderfriends getting this for maximum fun (unless they are absurdly costly).




Saga of Majesty looks terrible. Only really works when after the deed.




I think it will depend on who it is on. Bjorn is already on a huge base. Surround him with wolves/units (chaff) and they won't die from morale and his re-roll aura will have an extra 3" to it. 


Problem is how you activate the ability. Njal and Bjorn are good pieces, but how are they suppose to kill the enemy warlord from range?



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Saga of the Hunter... OMG !!!

Best one and easiest to pull off (because your warlord making a saving throw actually demands your warlord to be in front, which you probably are not going to do).


I see Thunderwolf Lords and their Thunderfriends getting this for maximum fun (unless they are absurdly costly).




Saga of Majesty looks terrible. Only really works when after the deed.




I think it will depend on who it is on. Bjorn is already on a huge base. Surround him with wolves/units (chaff) and they won't die from morale and his re-roll aura will have an extra 3" to it. 


Problem is how you activate the ability. Njal and Bjorn are good pieces, but how are they suppose to kill the enemy warlord from range?





I see it as a psychological cudgel honestly. I play Bjorn pretty aggressive and a lot of folks are willing to use their heavy hitter warlords to try and stop him, mostly chaos or nids  I guess.


With majesty theres not a chance in hell your opponent is getting anywhere near him with a warlord. I plan to use that.

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