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Hello everyone I've been doing project logs for a while (and I even have one on this site in the Dark Eldar section but I didn't know that this existed at the time as I'm still kinda new to Bolter & Chainsword.  (It's here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345779-kabal-of-the-nightsworn-project-log/ )


Anyway I play Dark Eldar and have been making a converted army in the theme of Necromancy, Armor, and Kabals (you'll see some of these themes as I post images) if you all would like I could start posting lore to go with each of the models as well. Anyway on with the show!


Talos Pain Engines

IMG 20171130 214607012



IMG 20171130 214806681

Bolter 1



Project Log 3

Project Log 4


My first conversions (These are pretty much a test now but I'll put em here anyway)


WIP Mandrakes (Conversion not Complete)

Drakes 1

Drakes 2

Drakes 3

Drakes 4

Drakes 5


Wyches-Kill Team (You can see some of my other projects here if you look)





Archon Conversion



Anyway I hope you guys like some of my conversions and more will be on the way, and I look forward to your comments :smile.:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

It's not all all threadomancy xD I'm always happy to see or hear people's opinions. Plus I'm always working on my army I just go through bouts of inspiration and motivation to work on things (and sorely limited by my budget) 


I didn't respond for a while as I didn't have any kind of ideas for my next idea but I had a concept for Wracks that I thought would give me an excuse to respond :P 

Wrack Concept

Stand in awe of my legendary MS Paint Skillz :P 


For the conversion it's using Wrack legs, and I wanted an armored torso and shield (the shield representing the 4++ he WILL have) and I want to have at least a few spears point forward because I like the idea.

Lol, I have quite a few ideas with MS Paint that I've cobbled together. I'm a huge fan of masks myself and will be pulling from Nighthaunt, Sisters o Slaughta and Executioners for the majority of my army going forward.


The Wracks aren't too far away as all I'm lacking atm is the Wrack legs. Once I have them than I can post some WiPs of them.


Sometime later this week I think I'm going to post some updates of what I've been working on so I can post actual progress here xD

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Prophets of Flesh is 100% the way to go with Covens as the rest just can't compare to the 4++ it gives all your stuff (plus the shields make more sense that way :P ) Not to mention I can start ressurecting my wrack squads with CPs afterwards.

  • 1 month later...
So I don't have any new models I've kept playing with painting so that is the update you'll see.  I'm really liking how I paint ice. Like a lot. As for the dark metal I have two main ways I've been painting it and this is the newer way I'm testing. I should've done the former method on the raider but I've never washed a vehicle before so I didn't know the consequences. Overally after I did a hasty fix it's good enough for the base (note I haven't touched the sail area or added a new sail (old one fell off as this was a used model) 


For the infantry I'm actually disappointing how the paint job turned out. I like the idea as what I really want is (Metallic) Black Armor with golden trim with purple cloth. Problem is I have no earthly clue how to paint in general (i'm picking things up) but atm have no idea how to edge highlight effectively and well it made me do a poor paintjob on probably my favorite mandrake :/ If you guys have any tips or tricks on painting & highlighting I'd GREATLY appreciate them. Otherwise lemme know what you think I'd really appreciate some comments & criticisms on this one.






  • 4 weeks later...
Alright guys so some good news! (Yay) I have a few big projects under way. 

1.) Trying to find out how to turn a Zombie Dragon into a Tantalus, 

2.) A daughters of Khaine battleforce I need to convert into a Wych Cult, 

3.) A bunch of Haemonculus coven stuff coming including Khainite Talos Pain Engines, more Wracks, and a new and improved batch of Grotesques based off of my previous ones but IMO better (I'm currently waiting on my bits to arrive for this) 

4.) A new Harlequin army themed off of the Mandrake Conversions (which will eventually be replaced as I do concede they don't fit the Mandrake aesthetic...(I'm looking at alternatives which include kitbashing the Chainrasp horde with Eldar bits)


So I only have results for 2 & 3 (although I honestly plan on focusing on 3 & 4 in the near future) I hope you guys enjoy!


Now the Harlequin army is actually themed as my Archon's special forces so imagine an army of these guys and you have the general idea of my (very expensive) plan.


Dreadguard 1

Dreadguard 2

Sslyth 1

Sslyth 2

Whilst I always love seeing your conversions and this army in general, the prospect of you turning a zombie dragon into a tantalus is making me very excited :D I`ve never thought of that before but now you`ve suggested it, it sounds like a very creepy and cool idea :P the harlequins are looking rather excellent as well i must say :)

So because of this post I took my Zombie dragon (that I had somewhat assembled) and compared it to the size of a raider (my original idea was to basically have the raider on the back of the Zombie Dragon kind of "War Elephant" style) but looking at the size comparison if I actually carry through with the idea I'm gonna need to pull from a couple other Dragon kits as the Zombie dragon is just a little too small I think :(  If I wanna carry through with the idea (which I kinda do) than I'm gonna have to pull from some other Dragon kits. 


Because come on the Tantalus is terrifying in CqC and in Melee which is PERFECT for a Dragon. Plus ever since I saw the Eye of Error's Ravager Dragon conversion the idea of an Archon finding a Dragon in a raid and thinking "I wanna ride that" has been in my head. I mean if you are a space elf pirate lord YOU WANT A DRAGON!



  • 2 weeks later...

Alright a WIP that I'm waiting to set and paint but... behold my Talos Khaine Engine!

Talos Khaine Engine 01

and thank you so much steamius for replying :D Yeah looking back it's such a great image. (I didn't realize the temporary names are shown... I'm gonna have to put a little more thought in the names xD
So Soul, I'm currently considering the magmadroth from the fyreslayers for it.
In other news another talos tail came in as well as 60 kabalite legs.
  • 7 months later...


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