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Dallo's Kill Team Stuff

Brother Dallo

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Hi folks,


Like many others, I've been enjoying the newest edition of Kill Team.


I'm currently taking part in a weekly campaign running at lunchtime in work with a few of my colleagues.


Having regular games has been inspiring me to get some models completed, which has been great. I'm playing Genestealer Cult in the campaign, but for now I want to show you the Immortals Leader I'm working on.


He still needs some mould lines cleaned up, but I'm pretty happy with how he turned out.




I wanted my leader to stand out as more than a stock Necron.




C&C Welcome.



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Thank you both for the kind words. They certainly help with keeping the motivation up.


MrBear, it's nice to see you working on your Night lords again. Do you have any Kill Teams planned for them?


DamnedProphet, I hadn't actually considered him as a lord fluff wise. It's an interesting thought. I've been working on a trophy taking Deathmark to keep him company, so expect to see him shortly (and pester me if he never turns up :blush.: ).



Like most people, I couldn't resist grabbing a few issues of Conquest when they came out. And like most people, I've got a few ideas on how to use them in Kill Team.


Here's a sneak peak of what I've been working on. Any guesses what I'm doing with them? 


Hint, there may be some clues in the kits I've taken parts from. :tongue.:




Sorry the photo is a bit fuzzy. It's just a quick phone photo.


In terms of the Kill Team Campaign, my GSC are performing admirably and are currently in 2nd place. My last mission got mothballed as we ran out of time, so we'll pick that up again this week over lunch some day. 


I'll try to get some photos of my GSC posted when I get the time.


C&C Welcome.





So I managed to get some more hobby time in today. I'll show off some of the stuff I was working on at a later date, but for now, I thought it might be fun to play Guess the Bit.




The rules are simple. Tell me where the bit in the picture came from. The coin is a standard UK one penny piece. I'll give you a clue. You can find this in a GW kit.


Guess away.



Hi Atia. Thanks for the kind words.


You're correct, the conquest models will indeed become Ravenguard, though hopefully they'll be different to what B&C has seen before. I've got a few conversions planned to hopefully make them my own.


My Necrrons will probably end up being a mix of metal, green and orange. I quite like one of the armies from the old codex where the green rods have been replaced with rods trimmed out of Immortals' guns, so I'm aiming for a scheme resembling that.


Keep those guesses coming in.



Looking good with those marines mate. Ain't even going to try guessing regarding that bit though, haven't got the slightest clue to be honest. :tongue.:


No 'proper' Kill Teams planned at the moment for me either. I would be fun to try, but it's the distances to the nearest 40K gamers that complicate things as always...

  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the really late answer, I was going to answer your guess with a project update then the site was down for a while.


Closet Skeleton, sadly it is not a Scarab Occult bit. Good guess though.


So instead of doing the grown up thing of continuing with the project I was working on, I got distracted by something shiny.




Any guesses regarding my next project?



Not quite. I've bought a Warlord and two war hounds for Titanicus (and a building set). I got that sprue of Orks to potentially use on the bases. I may not use them, but it was £3 on eBay, so it doesn't matter much either way.


The plan is to stick at this as it's only three models. I'm not renowned for completing projects so feel free to prod me if you don't hear anything for a while. :p




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