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Kill Teams & Kill Zones of the Odothese Sector; Update 26Mar


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Hello, it's been a while (almost 4 1/2 years) since I posted on here. You might remember my Chaos Space Marine plog, The Legion of Taurus. Whilst I still have that army (and have a handful of units to complete for it), due to real-life stuff (moving, changing jobs, another 'hobby' project), and generally feeling a bit burnt out with GW & 40k, I've had zero inclination towards anything related to the hobby. I did have a brief dabble with Deadzone - building the terrain is fun, but the miniatures & setting just didn't grab me like 40k did - but that aside, I just wasn't bothered to make any miniatures, paint anything, or play.

I still followed what GW was up to - I'm pleased that GW have clearly changed from the sort of company they were 5 years ago, and are now more open and engaging with the community - but nothing piqued my interest. Until, that is, Kill Team was announced. It ticked the boxes for me:
  • Squad based, smaller number of models (doing massed armies and keeping up with 'Codex-creep' I think contributed to my 40k burn out)
  • Space for story and narrative (never been a competitive player, it's about fun and story for me)
  • Smaller play area required (I just don't have space for 6'x4' boards and the associated terrain)
  • Fast pace of play (since 7th came out, friends who still play have described games taking hours and hours, even just to deploy and sort out stratagems etc etc etc)
As I already had my Legion of Taurus, a pile of spare Space Marine minis, and a bunch of terrain left over from my Deadzone dalliance, I felt it was time for me to return to the hobby - especially as I knew I was going to be looking at less of an investment of time and finances than back when I was building and painting armies..!

Anyway, I've blathered enough. Before I commence with a few pics, I'd just like to acknowledge a few people on here who's logs have inspired me while I've been lurking for these past few weeks before posting my new log. The plogs of these are excellent and well worth reading, if you've not! Atia, Augustus b'Raas, Biohazard, Brother Chaplain Kage, Cadmus Tyro, Doghouse, DuskRaider, ElDuderino, Grieux, KrautScientist, InsanePsychopath, rednekkboss, Subtle Discord, SystemSyn, Tzen (and apologies to those I've forgotten!)

Anyway, pics and details... the plan is to build 2-3 Kill Teams (apart from those I can make from existing armies), a couple of boards, and paint some terrain to go with it. Without further ado:

Part One - Killzone Xergev

Decades before the Legion of Taurus launched their all-out war to conquer the Odothese Sector, they lured a strike force of Avenging Eagles Astartes to an abandoned mining planet, Xergev. There they decimated the loyalist Astartes in a series of ambushes and traps - all part of a plan to lure further Imperial forces to the planet. Though the campaign against the traitors, referred to as 'The Xergev Prosecution', was considered a success, the Legion of Taurus was not destroyed.

For the first of the Kill Teams & terrain, I'm focusing on this little nugget from my Legion of Taurus' background; I'm doing a Kill Team of Avenging Eagles Space Marines, and a board representing the desert-like terrain of Xergev. To start of with, I've built the Kill Team - but first, behold, the first GW miniature I've built in over 4 years..!


(I've since repositioned him on the base, as he was a bit too far forward).

Here's the whole Kill Team:


(I've since had to swap the Sergeant's Combi-Grav for a Grav Pistol, as I hadn't realised it wasn't legal. D'oh!)

The feel I'm going for is that these are survivors of the ambushes and traps that have wiped out their comrades, so are seeking vengeance on the Legion of Taurus (and hopefully survive long enough to get intel about the traitor's forces to the in-coming Imperial armies). As I'm finding my way back in to the hobby I didn't go overboard on conversions, and will attempt to convey that they're 'survivors', trying to evade the Chaos Marines, through how I paint them (chips to the armour, etc). Hopefully, I can remember how to paint them..! :teehee::laugh.:

I'll post more details about each individual Marine over the course of this plog!

As well as this, I've been re-configuring some of the terrain I built for Deadzone to use for Kill Team. Although it doesn't look 'standard' Imperial-style Gothic, Xergev was abandoned pre-Imperial times, so it doesn't matter. My plan is to paint it really weathered and rusted.


I'm in the process of adding some styrene rod to cover gaps that often occur with this terrain product:

Thinking about how I'm going to paint these, so I've had a 'test' at using the salt-technique to get some chips going on. Starting off, I've primed this with some cheap white then red acrylic spray primer:

I then sprayed it with hair spray (!) and put some rock salt on while the hair spray was still wet; once that had dried a bit I sprayed it with blue primer:

Before the blue fully dried I brushed the salt off with a damp brush:

As far as a test goes, it's been a learning curve - I think I need to use a salt that's a bit more fine/granular, to get more coverage (admittedly I struggled to get the rock salt granules to stick). But hopefully, once I've sussed this technique, with some weathering powders and washes, I can get this terrain done quickly.

More pics to follow as I get painting; in the meantime, thanks for looking!

Nice to see you posting in these parts again. I'll be following this log with interest.


Keep up the good work.



Has it really been 4.5 years? Jesus, nice to see you back I always was a fan of your Chaos Marines :D

Thanks for the warm welcome back! :)


Hello mate, nice to see you back. Looking good so far. :tu:

Thanks Doghouse - sorry to hear about your health of late, but glad to see you're back in the hobby saddle, still knocking out those fantastic models and conversions :tu:


Looks good mate, could I suggest.. just for your own sanitys sake.. just rock the cheeky old sponge approach for the terrain? May cut down on 'layers' that you need to do :).

Thanks, I've done the sponge technique before, in all honesty I found it just as time consuming; plus I've been wanting to try the hair spray/salt weathering technique on some terrain for a while - I just need to practice and perfect it!


In the meantime, I've been dabbling with the ol' B&C painter to try two schemes for these Avenging Eagles. I can't decide between doing them Black, or very (very) dark grey. Either way, they'll have gold helmets, aquilas and shoulder trims.


Here's the darker of the two - none more black :D



...and using the dark grey (based on Adeptus Battlegrey, according to the B&C painter):



Why choose between the two? There are a number of Black armoured chapters, so I'd like to differentiate from them if possible. Also, I like that the Gold looks softer on the dark grey than on the black.


So, any thoughts - do I go full Batman ("I only work in black..."), or not? ("...or sometimes very dark grey.) :D


Thaks for looking!

@Reyner, I'm with you on the Dark Grey - it's not a common colour for a Marine Chapter at all. That's something that's swayed me to go for this scheme over the Black.


To that end, I've begun trying out how I'm going to achieve the paint scheme. Behold, the Brothers of Squad Testor! Theirs is the greatest sacrifice of all; they will not see the glory of battle; they will not take pride in being displayed with their comrades. From their sacrifice their Brothers will bring Glory to the Emperor on the tabletop with their finalised paint-scheme!




I've been trying a combination of things; on white primer and dark grey primer, black washes, finally settling on my own mix of Codex Grey and Chaos Black.


Here's the progression - show some leg, boys! :D :




From left: first attempt, Codex Grey then Fortress Grey highlight straight on to the grey primed model - right leg painted with my thinned mix, left washed with Badab Black.

Second attempt: left leg washed with quite thinned down black-grey mix.

Third attempt: painted with slightly thinned version of my mix.


I originally thought I was going to use the Grey primer, but I ended up being happier with the attempts on white primed models:



First one: very thinned wash of my mix.

Second: one coat of slightly thinned mix.

Third: left leg has a wash of Badab Black, but the other has two slightly thinned coats of my mix.


It's this final one that I'm most happy with, and have settled on. I like the subtle graduation of the colour down the model and how it's settled in the recesses.




Now I'm going to experiment with doing the highlighting; I'm going to try highlighting with Codex Grey and Fortress Grey before applying the thinned paint, and after, to see which I'm happier with.


I'll post more pics as I progress on these - but before I do that, next time I'll post some background on this diy Chapter, the Avenging Eagles. Till then, thanks for looking!

I've been continuing testing/practicing the paint and highlighting for these Avenging Eagles; think I'm getting there with something I'm happy with - couple of thinned washes with my 'mix', then touch with Codex Grey to pick up the highlight on the edges:




Before I start work on the actual Kill Team, here's some background...


An Excerpt From



The Avenging Eagles Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes is believed to have been founded around M.35, and whilst it does not maintain a single Home World, it operates from a number of bases on worlds in Sectors around the borders of the Segmentums Pacificus and Tempestus. Rather than being a crusading or fleet-based Chapter, the Avenging Eagles at any time send a number of patrols throughout various Sectors, and will intervene in conflicts where they believe their intervention will be the most effective.


As well as adhering to the tenets of the Codex Astartes, the Avenging Eagles observe a series of teachings by the warrior-mystic Hattore Hanzhou known as 'The Blade Lores'. These teach that approaching warfare in the same manner that a blade-master seeks mastery of their weapon will lead to an holistic and complete mastery of it: the principals of attack, defence, and first strike that should underpin a general's strategy.


In the Avenging Eagles, ranking Astartes are designated with a preface to indicate their level of mastery of the Blade Lores - each Marine aspires to attain the status of 'Blade-master'.


As of the start of the 42nd Millennium, several companies of Avenging Eagles have joined with forces from a number of other Chapters as part of what has been dubbed 'The Odothese Crusade', which aims to liberate that Sector from the forces of Chaos and Xenos that assailed it at the close of M41.999.



That's it for now, more background - and hopefully some more painting! - soon. Thanks for looking! :)

Getting ahead of myself slightly, this is the sort of thing I should be adding on the 3rd (4th? 5th?!?) phase of this project; but courtesy of that Conquest magazine, I've now got a Primaris Kill Team:




Note the quick and dirty Stalker Pattern Bolt Rifle conversion :D


They'll be from a diy Primaris Chapter I'm going to call the Astral Praetors, which are part of the Odothese Crusade that's in the current time-line of 40k.


But first I need to paint that Avenging Eagles Kill Team. Better get on with that - doing their bases first would help..!

Looking good. How did you find posing the Reivers? They've historically had pretty weird poses stock.

Thanks :) They're the mono-pose 'easy to build' ones anyway, so there's not a lot I can do about them to be fair. The same can be said about all mono-pose figures, sometimes they can look dynamic, others they can just look a bit dull and static.


I guess for the Reivers they could have given them a pose that befits infiltrating terror troops (like sneaking up behind an enemy poised to knife them in the back), but I imagine they gave them this pose not only due to the restrictions of design/casting, but to show off the height of these new Primaris Marines. I'm not going to complain, the whole Kill Team has cost me less than £12, I doubt I'd have even bothered with them otherwise.

  • 3 weeks later...

Good to see we're back! :D Well, with the B&C down, I've been getting some painting practice before starting on the Avenging Eagles Marines proper.



...lots of practice!



Just as well really, as this is the first Marine I've painted in over 4 years.


And the practice has paid off - I'm really quite pleased with how this first one is going so far!





I did the highlights first, and I've got to re-touch a few places (nose, left elbow, edge of left hand) as I managed to get other paint on those places while painting the Boltgun and metallics.


Still, a great start to this Kill Team - about 75-80% there. I imagine I'll get this one finished within the next 7 days. More pics soon, thanks for looking! B)

  • 1 month later...

A whole month between updates - well, painting has progressed, in fact I started on the next Marine in the Kill Team and ended up finishing the two in tandem. Got to say, I found doing the detailing on these a bit like death by a thousand cuts: paint some metallics, get some on another part of the mini, touch up. Paint the bolter casing, get some red on another part of the mini, touch up. Paint the metallics on the Boltgun, go over the red, touch up. And so on and so forth until your sanity breaks! :D


Anyway, here are the first to Marines from this Kill Team: Blade-Brothers Zhaofuuch and Bishou'Dai










So I'm quite happy with these, considering they're my first fully painted Marines (of either spikey or loyal flavour) in 4 1/2 years..! Just need to varnish these then they're ready for battle - but I'll do that when I've finished the whole team.


I'd hoped to get the whole team done before the end of the year, but given how long this'll take (these two took about 7 weeks), I think that's not likely. However I'm ploughing ahead - next up are the Grav Gunner and Missile Launcher Marines.


So more pics soon, thanks for looking!

  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you @Bjorn Firewalker! :)


I'm well in to the 'death by a thousand cuts' stage of painting the next two Marines for the Kill Team. Here's the difference a week makes:






However, the good news is the bulk of work is done - lenses, decals, then the bases, and they're done :)


As well as this, I'm preparing for the next addition to this Kill Team; with this in mind, here are some press molds I've prepared. Any guesses as to what's next..?




More pics soon! Hopefully by then of the week, when these two Marines are done...

It's clearly a Librarian. Skull with ram horns? That's the symbol of the Librarius

Well spotted ;) It is indeed. I've just received the parts I need to build this conversion, I'll post pics when he's assembled :)

Now the proverbial cat is out of the bag (so to speak) I decided to try some ideas for how I want to pose my (as yet unnamed) Librarian for this Kill Team. The general idea is that he's advancing over the the corpse of a dead Legion of Taurus heretic Astartes, still summoning fire from the immaterium to smite his enemies.


His right arm is where I'm stuck on two choices for pose. Feedback on which looks the better of the two is welcome!


First: the 'yes I'm aware this makes me look like a Jedi' pose:



Second: the 'get off my lawn you darn kids!' pose:



The plan is that I will sculpt some warp flames around his hand - either shooting out (if I go for the open palm) or coming put of his clenched fist.


If it's any help, here he is with the head I've chosen. I went for an angry looking one as the narrative for this guy has him having been captured by the Legion of Taurus, he's escaped/been rescued and is mightily annoyed at being subjected to 'interrogation':



Getting the best pose is just the beginning with this guy - there's quite a bit of sculpting to do to cover the Grey Knight iconography etc, and convey that he's been through the mill a bit. In the meantime, thanks for any suggestions/feedback! :)

I've finished the next two members of this Kill Team - Blade Brothers Daoqiang (Missile Launcher, Heavy specialist) and Kekaotui (Gravgunner).











Close up of the text inscribed on Blade Brother Kekaotui's Gravgun - it says 'Zienju', which is translated from the ancient Sinosian word that is closest to 'Truth' in Low Gothic. Sinosian is the language spoken by Hanzhou, the warrior mystic whose teachings underpin the Avenging Eagles' philosophy of combat and warfare.




Next for this Kill Team I'll be painting the Scout/Sniper; I'll also be continuing with the Librarian conversion (just having to sort out the press molded insignia as the first attempt didn't go so well).


...and as if this project is already taking longer than I had expected, I've taken it upon myself to use some spare Marine miniatures and paint an Imperial Fists team (to sell). Because Yellow armour is quick and easy to paint - especially when you've never painted it before..! :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks @Bjorn Firewalker :)


Here's the Sniper Scout finished - Blade-Initiate Shi'fiaq:







I've never painted camp before, so pleased how that's turned out; and also with the face as it's longer than I can remember since I've painted a miniature face..!


My plan now is to finish that Librarian conversion, then paint the final two Marines for the Kill Team. Hopefully I'll manage to do that over the Christmas period, seeing as I've a few days off work.

  • 1 month later...

Thanks Bjorn Firewalker! :)


It's been a month, but I've been productive - I've finished the last two Avenging Eagle Marines for this Kill Team. Here are Blade-Veteran Xie'Jian, and Blade-Sergeant Xianjia:




Xie'Jian carries a bronze vial containing the Geneseed of the slain members of his squad, and of the scout squad assigned to their strike force. All were killed in ambushes sprung by the Legion of Taurus. Xie'Jian felt especially responsible for the loss of the Scouts, and now stays close to that squads only survivor, Blade-Initiate Shi'fiaq (the Sniper). He has made a vow that the last surviving Initiate will be kept safe until they can regroup with the rest of the Avenging Eagles' battle group on Xergev.







The seven members of this Kill Team are all that remains of the strike force, which originally consisted of elements of the Avenging Eagles 3rd Company: Squads 1, 2, and 3, Astartes from 7th Squad in Land Speeders, and half of 10th Squad. Blade-Sergeant Xianjia is the highest ranked surviving Marine, and leads this Kill Team as they seek to take vengeance on the Legion of Taurus - and hopefully regroup with their brother Astartes. The auspex he carries is decorative (as I misread the options available to Tac Sergeants in Kill Team, you can't take a mêlée weapon AND an auspex, d'oh!); I imagine that he uses it to scan for signals from the main Avenging Eagles force, between the Kill Team's skirmishes ;)








Here they are with the full Kill Team:




I need to varnish these chaps, then they're ready to hunt down the enemies of the Emperor! :D Of course, they need a battleground for this, which is the next thing on the agenda. As well as that Librarian conversion, which I've been trying to work up the motivation to complete since before Christmas!


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