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Marines Errant. Expanding to full army...


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In the gloom of the Chapel, Magnar Tytus, Captain of Fourth Company stood impassive before a small group of giants. Even standing above them on a dais, he could see by how much they dwarfed even the biggest of the Chapters' Veterans. He bid them kneel. They did so and were attended by Chapter serfs. Each was given a Mark of Asseveration. A holy writ that bound them to their forthcoming mission. Bare headed, the Primaris Marines looked a little bemused by how much a scrap of paper adorning their armour meant.

They would learn.

Standing, they were given leave. Escorted by the same Chapter serfs, they went to the awaiting Thunderhawk. Tytus watched them go, and shook his head sadly. The Primarch had returned. That was news which ignited the remnants of the Marines Errant. Word of new Marines to help rebuild their Chapter was even more welcome. But now, he had reservations. This new breed of Marine was very impressive, but he knew what that meant.

The old ways would die out, unless these new recruits embraced them.


Tytus turned to face the voice. "Chaplain Monfor. How goes the indoctrination?"

"As well as can be expected. Whilst they are an improvement on His work" he continued cautiously, "They are from a time much different from the present. It will take time to fully integrate them to our ways."

"I hope so."

It's been a while since I've painted anything. Last year in fact. My vow in ETL was fallen spectacularly, my other projects have stalled for now. But this project has taken my attention and hopefully will bring me around to the others again soon.

So, a Kill Team. I've been making lists on Battlscribe, watching others plan and execute theirs and I finally get enough gumption to make a start on this one. I have a number of others planned (Xenos, for the most part), but I wanted an Imperial one to begin with. Sisters are out until next year, so my mind wandered. Looking through Lexicanum one day, I eventually went looking at Loyalist Chapters and remembered Marines Errant. I've loved this Chapter since Rogue Trader times. I've tried half scheme Chapters before, but my hand was never steady enough to pull it off. My effort shown below isn't exactly the best, the lateness of the day I decided to start on it hasn't helped. I do have a decent light to use, but it was packed up when my painting mojo fell to zero. I'll dig it out soon.

Definitely need to get better at free hand too :lol:


I don't have any other pictures right now, my phone deciding to not take a decent picture.

It's gotten me started painting again though. Thanks for looking! ^_^

Edit: It missed off a bit of text...

Nice start, brother! 


Always glad to see some Marines Errant on the board. The trick with the chapter symbol is to draw the star as intersecting white lines, then outline the flames behind before filling it in. :)

I have an old Marines Errant thread on the board that I'll be going back to at some point if you need some inspiration, I know there isn't alot of ME stuff around on the internet.



I remember your ME, MagicMan :) one of the reasons I decided to go for this Chapter too ^_^ I'll be sure to refresh my memory :)


I have a Kill Team list I want to try out soon. The Primaris Marine above was one that came with a magazine sometime ago. I'll be looking for a few issues of the first Conquest (?) Magazine for cheap models :lol:


++ Kill Team List (Adeptus Astartes) [100pts] ++


+ Configuration +


List Configuration: Matched Play: Kill Team


+ Leader +


Intercessor Sergeant: Bolt rifle, Leader


+ Specialists +


Scout: Scout, Sniper rifle and Camo cloak


Scout: Sniper, Sniper rifle and Camo cloak


Tactical Marine Gunner: Demolitions, Meltagun


+ Non-specialists +


Scout: Boltgun


Scout: Boltgun


Tactical Marine


Tactical Marine


++ Total: [100pts] ++


Hopefully, I'll be able to do more this weekend :)

Looking forward to seeing it!


Hope i didnt offend you by linking to the ME i had painted, just thought you might find it useful for help with the chapter symbol.




Here you can see the star made of intersecting lines, which is fairly easy to freehand. Best of luck, brother!


Glory to the Marines Errant!

Thanks! I remembered last night about some Mark III FW models I started painting as XIII Legion, before I abandoned the project. Along with the Mark VI FW models and Deredeo Dread I got for it, they'd be quite suitable to move over to Marines Errant ^_^

Haha! That what I love and dread about this hobby. Finding all kinds of goodies I already have to put towards new projects. Sometimes though I wonder "why do I have all of this stuff" while having a minor breakdown :teehee:


Looking forward to this haul being added to the ME!

  • 4 weeks later...

Wow. Three weeks or so has passed! Well, I for one am glad to be back, and as such want to show what I've been work in on in the background...


My Marines Errant Captain. That's right. Captain. Whilst I have sooo many projects already, Marine Errant captured my imagination and I decided to make a small army. As ever, I always start with an HQ, so here he is. I don't have any fluff for him yet, and I've already laid down the blue and silver, but haven't had chance to take a picture yet. The army will be a mixture of regular Marines and Primaris. After a discussion with my fellow Mods a while ago, I had the idea of a Marine Captain with the wings from the AoS Retributor model. The detail on the wings reminded me so much of a comet, it just fit so well for Marines Errant in my mind. I have another idea in the pipework. Just need to see how viable that is though.

In any case, its good to be back and actually doing some modelling and painting! ^_^


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