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Primaris Calgar: your thoughts?


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People often think that to critique something means it's an attack (we're all guilty of that, myself very much included) so when I point out the pose doesn't look particularly dynamic it doesn't mean I hate the models.


They're very nice models and likely the only Primaris I'll get since I can justify the larger size (scale) with my Guilliman and MK4s. Kinda like his special super guard.

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Well, ultramarines have usually been very Roman In theme/style. Which I like a lot actually.


I'm glad they have stuck with it, and yes those honor guard are very Roman Legionary to my eye as Well. Especially The Scotum style shield and Gladius. Rather like the Invictarus Suzerains but with gladii instead of axes.

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The calgar pre-order is up on the NZ site.


From the fluff description the surgery to go from a standard marine to a primaris marine is described as extremely risky, and Calgar is the first marine to undergo the surgery.


Also, the 2 victrix honour guards that come with him are named; Lethro Ados and Nemus Adranus.

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The calgar pre-order is up on the NZ site.


From the fluff description the surgery to go from a standard marine to a primaris marine is described as extremely risky, and Calgar is the first marine to undergo the surgery.


Also, the 2 victrix honour guards that come with him are named; Lethro Ados and Nemus Adranus.

Are they special characters?


I thought, going from the Warhammer Community site, that "Only in Death Does Duty End" meant he is seriously wounded or killed (heart stops) and goes under the knife to become Primaris because he had nothing to lose?

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His shoulder pads are indeed separate. Interesting. That means I now can add a badass Aggressor Sergeant to my Deathwatch :lol: I think the hardest part will be putting the Deathwatch shoulder pad ONTO Calgar's left arm :lol:





The Victrix Guard are fairly similar, but not complete mirrors of each other.

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My only gripe about this box is that Calgar's two head options are on the Victrix Guard sprue. I was hoping we'd get these as a separate release at some point, but that kind of shattered my dreams. I'll still buy it, I want Calgar, but I'm hoping for a separate release of Victrix Honour Guard.
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Not just his head on the Victrix Guard sprue, but parts of his fists are on there as well, and his hip tassets. It does look like you'd have to resculpt part of the aquilla shoulder plate if you removed the intake vents, but that should be doable, it looks like the vents are molded onto the back part of the model, while the eagle heads are separate on the backpack piece. Probably a bit of detail to be sculpted back onto the eagle heads on the pack though.


I've said it before, but will say it again: I love the level of detail on the Primaris models, but I really wish they'd have made a way to have this level of detail with more posing options. Makes it so there is very little reason to own more than one version of any given model.

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He's 200 points.

The Victrix Guard aren't particularly awesome, rules wise, unfortunately.

Most important thing to me is; do they intercept or absorb shots or are they like Honour Guard and take a wound at a time? I really hope they aren’t like Honour Guard or I simply wont bother.

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From what I can make out on a blurry pic they intercept a wound on a 2+ and then take a mortal wound.


They are 35 points each, 3 wounds and 4 attacks with a 2+,3++

Only armed with a regular power sword.


Not a unique unit so you can take more, but each unit appears to be max 2.

They are Ultramarine specific.


Imo they could make a pretty fun unit if you could take them in a large squad.

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From what I can make out on a blurry pic they intercept a wound on a 2+ and then take a mortal wound.


They are 35 points each, 3 wounds and 4 attacks with a 2+,3++

Only armed with a regular power sword.


Not a unique unit so you can take more, but each unit appears to be max 2.

They are Ultramarine specific.


Imo they could make a pretty fun unit if you could take them in a large squad.

Do they count as characters or can you snipe them...
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From what I can make out on a blurry pic they intercept a wound on a 2+ and then take a mortal wound.


They are 35 points each, 3 wounds and 4 attacks with a 2+,3++

Only armed with a regular power sword.


Not a unique unit so you can take more, but each unit appears to be max 2.

They are Ultramarine specific.


Imo they could make a pretty fun unit if you could take them in a large squad.

Do they count as characters or can you snipe them...

They are NOT characters, unfortunately. As a big unit they'd be solid but I feel they'd be a burden unless you're transporting them in a Repulsor alongside a character.

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Shame they aren’t characters. Seems like they really wont help protect anymore then a standard 5 man squad would. Just be the closest model.


How does the intercept wounds work on Calgar. If he takes 6 wounds do you half it to 3, then roll the 2+ for those 3 wounds?

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Yup I just confirmed their rule is the worse variant of bodyguard. The Death Guard and Tau Drones are still a much better bodyguard unit.


Unless it’s been interpreted incorrectly to me I’ll only be using these in a narrative type scenario as the points will be much better spent elsewhere.


My understanding is this;

Guilliman/ Calgar get hit with an Oathbreaker Giudance Strat ( man I hate that Strat). Your HQ has no save so go straight to D6 wounds. On a 2+ your bodyguard takes the wound, repeat until dead. Your HQ absorbs the rest.


The other Bodyguard units absorb the hit, and take the full damage in mortal wounds. Even if it’s overkill ( let’s be honest, it usually is).


I really want to be wrong about this. On the other hand I don’t know how much they cost but in most cases they will not be using their weaponry and will be absorbing wounds in the form of mortal wounds so they better be dirt cheap.

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