Dolchiate Remembrancer Posted May 29, 2020 Share Posted May 29, 2020 Gorgeous work WF! WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted June 1, 2020 Share Posted June 1, 2020 I made the previous mistake of trying to do all the purple at once. It is more efficient but it is a bit of a pain and fiddly, I'll try and be better for the next lot and stick to the plan! It doesn't help if the efficiency gain is cancelled out by the hassle I missed the comment on the previous mistake - can you elaborate on this please? I'm all ears when it comes to removing hass from painting TSons! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 1, 2020 Author Share Posted June 1, 2020 Nothing that radical, just that there's a sweet spot for batch painting. The more you do the better of course but there's a cut off where the gains begin to drop. The more fancy the model the fewer you can do before you get bogged down. Especially for models/colour schemes that have a lot of building up before the pay off. I think this might be three models for Rubrics as they're very detailed, and blocking in is time consuming. By splitting the models up you can feel like you're making more progress as you can see the models come to completion, then you can swap back to working in bulk once you've got passed the hassle stage. For my Sons that's mostly the bluple, once that's done it's a lot easier to do all the Leadbelcher and gems etc at once Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dolchiate Remembrancer Posted June 1, 2020 Share Posted June 1, 2020 Nothing that radical, just that there's a sweet spot for batch painting. The more you do the better of course but there's a cut off where the gains begin to drop. The more fancy the model the fewer you can do before you get bogged down. Especially for models/colour schemes that have a lot of building up before the pay off. I think this might be three models for Rubrics as they're very detailed, and blocking in is time consuming. By splitting the models up you can feel like you're making more progress as you can see the models come to completion, then you can swap back to working in bulk once you've got passed the hassle stage. For my Sons that's mostly the bluple, once that's done it's a lot easier to do all the Leadbelcher and gems etc at once Totally agree. I find 4 is that tipping point. Sometimes it can be done. Other times I regret it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted June 4, 2020 Share Posted June 4, 2020 Gotcha, Rubric Burn Out is a thing. They burned me out even with the older metal/plastic hybrid kit. I'll be doing my next power rubes in 1-2s I think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 4, 2020 Author Share Posted June 4, 2020 Yep, and to prove the point I'm working on my KoS tonight To be fair I've finally got it ready for painting so I was going to dive in sooner or later... but on the other hand I'm fine with a break from the Rubrics I'll dip my toes back in soon Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DavionStar Posted June 4, 2020 Share Posted June 4, 2020 How have I not seen these before. Adoring the purple Rubrics! Mine are purple too, though I went with Silver trim instead of gold. WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 18, 2020 Author Share Posted June 18, 2020 I've been back on my Rubrics, made enough progress to show: Once I've done some touching up only a few colours left, I should looking to finish them off this week Definitely a lot easier working in bulk once you get passed the Leadbelcher Tallarn Commander, The Yncarne, Arkaniss and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Montoya Posted June 19, 2020 Share Posted June 19, 2020 very nice. It doesn't look like you magnetized the hands, so i assume you just left off to make painting easier? (good call. Wish i had thought of that when i did mine!!!) Where is the head for the aspiring sorcerer from? Are you leaving it gold? Or just haven't painted it yet. (Destro the exalted sorcerer!) WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 19, 2020 Author Share Posted June 19, 2020 Thanks! Yes the weapons and backpacks I always keep off as it makes painting the models much easier. Some bits are still fiddly to paint as the Sons models have so much detail on, but I don't think that having them less assembled would make painting any easier overall once you've juggled bits and finding out which loincloth goes on what legs... The head is from the MkIII Tactical squad, gives a nice clean look and a suitably determined expression :) I'll be aiming for a more bronzed skin tone for him, though I'll need to review my paints to this end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 21, 2020 Author Share Posted June 21, 2020 A productive weekend, the Rubrics are complete: I didn't have any suitable colours for the head so I ended up mixing and it came out well (better than in the picture). I think I'll do this again next opportunity, maybe the next SOT Sorcerer (because you can never have just one squad)? This marks a milestone in enough models to form a Battalion: Only just, squeaking by on the bare bones and not a good one but it's a start I'll swap to other armies for the next project or two before coming back to my Sons; that will be the remaining 9 bolters and 1 SRC to bring my Troops up to full strength :) Dolchiate Remembrancer, Dr_Ruminahui, The Yncarne and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dolchiate Remembrancer Posted June 21, 2020 Share Posted June 21, 2020 Gorgeous job WF! WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archaeinox Posted June 23, 2020 Share Posted June 23, 2020 fantastic work!!! WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkaniss Posted June 23, 2020 Share Posted June 23, 2020 Nice! They look great and it's a fantastic army shot :tu: They're coming along very well, you'll soon have the core done then it will be time for some (even) fancier models :D WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 23, 2020 Author Share Posted June 23, 2020 Thanks guys, it's nice to finally have something that resembles an army of sorts I keep looking at Ahriman Akhenaten but I must be good and do the third Rubric box first. I am getting close to completing all my Sons models; 10 Rubrics, 4 Scarab Occult, 2 Exalted Sorcerers, 1 Akhenaten, and 1 Contemptor. Though in amount of work maybe that's more like half way through..? Once these are all done I will look to the next additions, as that'll be comfortably into 9th I'm expecting that to be the main decision maker for a fledgling force. Some more Rubrics are something you can't go wrong with I'm sure, and a single squad of Termies is too few so I'll be thinking here first. Otherwise probably some more AT, maybe in another Dread? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mordas Posted June 23, 2020 Share Posted June 23, 2020 nice-looking force! can't wait to see hows this progresses. Definitely spurring me on to finish my Sons. WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 24, 2020 Author Share Posted June 24, 2020 Thanks, don't forget to keep us updated with your progress :tu: Mordas 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 28, 2021 Author Share Posted June 28, 2021 Didn't quite make the under a year mark... close enough I suppose, or perhaps as per the great plan? Finally got some gaming in although it has been so long we were pretty much starting from scratch, but as a small 2 vs 2 (500pts per player) keeping it simple without secondaries works fine. As you have probably guessed already I took my Sons at 500pts, allied with some Black Legion against Iron Warriors and Necrons. Since details will be sparse on the report I'll not delve too far into army make up as you can mostly make it out. 500pts doesn't make for particularly complex lists anyway Deployment isn't very deep either as we need to advance on the enemy as they're shooty so it'll be about closing that gap and making opportunities: We get first turn and scurry up the board. A bit of Warptime helps the larger Rubric squad move up and get some good shooting in depleting one of the Warrior squads. Otherwise little happens, it's only turn one after all :P With the little support character some get up again next turn and the Destroyer Lord moves up. The Rubrics are targetted relentlessly and even with -1 to hit thanks to a power they are depleted. I spend some points to grant Insane Bravery to ensure I don't lose any. I use Cult of Time to get D3 back, and get a good roll for maximum results - a welcome change to my rolling so far. Unfortunately the Lord is durable and we fail to achieve much in the centre. The Black Legion move up on the right flank after losing the central squad where much resets on them pushing through the opposing side to assist in the centre. Unfortunately it is not to be. With S5 and more the Warriors have no difficulty taking down the larger Rubric squad even with the psychic buffs. The left Rubric squad that engaged the Scarabs in combat is left isolated and easily finished off by shooting. The BL Rhino deploys its combat squad and they struggle against the Iron Warriors especially as melta cripples the Rhino afterwards. It is soon time for a food break though but the game is not called until after there is some vengeance at least: The Lord is battered to death by the Rubric squad, the Sorcerer delivering the final blow. Small games can be a bit topsy turvy but my rolling was pretty terrible (worse than usual I mean) so we were quickly fighting an uphill battle. Sons are probably not the best army to play at such low points but I was keen to get them on to the table regardless. I need to figure out a better use for my Sorcerers (Exalted in this case) as I've struggled to get much from them, but arguably this is due to the low points where they don't have many Rubrics to play with. Despite the loss it was good to flex my Sons muscles again, I need to get more models done so they can get on the table in a more meaningful way. This is on the cards once I have finished some current projects, especially once we start seeing what the upcoming codex will do The Yncarne, Arkaniss, Prot and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
INKS Posted June 28, 2021 Share Posted June 28, 2021 They look awesome. Q: Is there any difference rules wise for the bolters. I noticed some bolters are just that and some bolters have the bird head on the barrel. I am not talking about the flamers here either as I know they are different. WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 29, 2021 Author Share Posted June 29, 2021 Thanks :) No difference at all, they're all a bolter - like all of the Sons kits there's a lot of variety in appearances from helmets to backpacks and even the warp flamers. Tzeentch would have it no other way I'm sure ;) Arkaniss and INKS 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted August 7, 2021 Author Share Posted August 7, 2021 Just put in my order for the Hexfire box and the codex and datacards With an online saving and splitting the box it made for a nice deal I expected to get maybe a little goat force to supplement the Marines at higher points so I will leave them for now - can always see about an AoS force with them or whatever. From what we've seen the new codex seems like it is pretty good, at least addressing some things. In particular being immune to morale will be nice especially given my previous game... Once I've cleared a project slot from my decks (maybe the Daemonettes first?) the remaining 10 Rubrics will be up Arkaniss 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted August 8, 2021 Share Posted August 8, 2021 I drove to the local GW shop to get out of the queue system, and make an order in person to give the sale to the store (it helps prop the store's sales up a bit.) So I admit I was hesitant to get the "Limited" Collector's set up just because of the box having so many models I own, plus I don't know anyone that wants the Grey Knights half. lol What sold me on the Limited collection was the art piece... there are a few armies I've played since inception and I tend to get a little stupid when spending on them. Anyway, guess what? It didn't matter. I was first in line, the store manager worked the store terminal.... he kept hitting refresh (as I asked him to) right before 12 PM local time. After about the 10th attempt. the new stuff loaded up! I immediately said, click on the Collector's set, and please put it in the cart..... As we hit the digital checkout right at about 12:01 PM, the cart showed the item sold out. Wow. 12:01 PM. I was bummed, but still ordered Hexfire, Dice/Cards. So there you have it. My store manager is notoriously 'pro-GW' as is expected, but I think he was even a bit stunned. My first game with the new rules was against Orks, and it was quite a good showing of the new Scarab Occult. Termies are my favorite unit of 40K, and Scarab Occult are my favorite of those models... so this is awesome. Arkaniss 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted August 8, 2021 Author Share Posted August 8, 2021 I imagine the collector's stuff is even more of a nightmare to get than box sets... New releases should be a time of excitement but it instead is one of trepidation as sites have issues and stock evaporates... I'm glad I could secure this box as it made for a good deal and I've been building up my Sons so along with the new codex it's perfect timing for me I will be finishing my Rubrics for the round 30 next then straight onto the four remaining SOT. After that I have Ahriman and two Exalted Sorcerers from my current pile, but I suspect I'll be lining up the Infernal Master on my hobby desk soon Prot and Arkaniss 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkaniss Posted August 13, 2021 Share Posted August 13, 2021 Reading that made me sad, Prot At least you still got a normal box but yeah, I feel your pain. Hopefully it will be a thing of the past soon though with GW guaranteeing boxes, though I don't know if that includes collectors editions? Anyway, good to see you back on the Rubrics WF! Will be interesting to see how things change once the codex is out. WarriorFish and Prot 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted August 13, 2021 Author Share Posted August 13, 2021 My guess is the limited edition stuff wouldn't feature, otherwise it wouldn't be limited I am working on the next 10 Rubrics A bit of a slog, but I'll paint them up in batches of three to make it easier - I plan to have them ready for priming this weekend Arkaniss and Prot 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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