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The disc is looking good so far! Painting the striped areas helps with giving it some variety so that was definitely worth doing. I wouldn't worry about too much gold, certainly not at this stage of painting. See how it pans out later once you've got closer to the finish line :tu:


Besides as TC says, short of Custodes there isn't much more a gold army :P

  • 1 month later...

With my limited time (and depleted daylight) I've not been making progress on my Sons - but that is soon to change! I've finished some other projects and my Sons are the only painting work on my desk so I'm hoping this can get me started again on them.

To further enable this endeavour I have got myself a goal and extra motivation:


He was always the plan, but now the plan has manifested in real space :laugh.: I will finish all of my Sons Marines at the least before starting on him I may see how it goes as I might need to get a few more (e.g. a fourth Rubric squad). Other than the current hobby desk stuff that's nine Scarab Occult, an Exalted Sorcerer, and Ahriman which isn't too bad.

Will need to see what Tzeentch has in plan for me :wink: The Tzaangors will wait until I fancy adding them to a list, or something different to work on - variety change is the spice of life right?

  • 2 weeks later...

I am looking forward to Magnus - how could you not - I think he'll be the largest model I have as he should dwarf the KoS. I'm going to stick to my mission to get my current Sons done, once I convert the current batch (I got a little over excited with assembly) I will take more manageable chunks. Maybe Magnus then :thumbsup:

In the meantime I can still field my Sons for small 500pts games :smile.: The list is slightly different to the previous one though I had to reforge it because in a very unSonsy moment I got everything ready in advance... except my armies lists :tongue.: Fortunately with such limited models it doesn't take long to craft a new one quick. This time facing off against the Custodes...

As far as deployment goes small games and small deployment zones mean you line up like days of yore and get ready to make the most of it. The plan is also simple in that I need to do as much damage as possible before getting charged. Once I do maybe I can shuffle units out of combat to shoot - the rest is down to leveraging psychic might. Custodes are weak against psychic powers so if I can survive long enough I reckon I'm in with a good shot as the Sorcerers will always die last :tongue.:

I win first turn and move up to shoot. Some psychic boons are cast and shooting managed to take a Guardian out. Pretty good result but I was hoping for more.


Luckily for me the responding fire isn't that effective either and I lose a Rubric from each flanking squad. The Custodes are now closer so my window to weaken them is rapidly closing... First things first some crafty psychic powers can bring the two Rubrics back and I throw Smite and shooting at them. It goes well thanks to some Cabal extra Mortal Wounds and I can take out the Guardian squad and wound the Captain a bit. Less so on my left flank as the Allarus seem impervious to harm.

As expected it all comes down to how well I can survive combat. The answer to that is similar to my turn 2 in that my right flank does well and holds with only a couple of losses but I lose the left squad.


It's not all bad news as this leaves the Allarus out for some shooting, and with some sorcerous might I have a plan to free the right squad up... With a set 3 Mortal Wounds and extra D3 (rolling a 6) my Exalted can finish off the Captain. Extra shots finally start delivering some shooting damage against the Allarus and I take one out - the other against all odds is lost to a Rubric's fists.


The game has turned in my favour with such an excellent turn and there is little the Custodes can do as I converge my forces to finish the job.

I'm starting to get the hang of the codex somewhat now, though the number of Stratagems is still a little bewildering (especially when I'm used to having only a handful - if that - for my other armies). I'm keen to get larger games in though so I can do more with them, hopefully sooner rather than later. 30 Rubrics and an Infernal Master will let me make much more varied lists :smile.:

It still feels somewhat new to play with my Sons, but I'm looking forward to losing this feeling as that would mean more games, more familiarity and more models :laugh.: With that in mind, some completions for the current hobby desk work:


Not the most exciting of things, but I feel it has been a productive approach so I'll do the weapons next so I can focus on the Rubrics last :smile.: Maybe this is the dawning of a new batch Marine painting approach? The picture isn't great with the artificial light but I think the warp flames on the icon turned out well (better than in the photo at least).

I haven't forgotten about the Infernal Master, he is the model I've progressed on most after all. I've been working on him when I can so he's almost done, mostly touch ups and details left :smile.: I'm hoping they're not too much work as if things go ok I reckon I can get him done this week with any luck :thumbsup:

It doesn't change the work involved of course, but splitting the Marines up into separate parts makes them more manageable. I pondered it before on my CSM as I always got to the backpacks last as they were a natural end to a model but also because I enjoyed painting them the least. Not a good combination :tongue.: With Sons models being so much more detailed (including backpacks) this has really helped me approach them :smile.:


All the more so as aside from not feeling in much of a mood to paint I had created a mental block on the scale of the work so this has been a bit of a breakthrough :thumbsup: I will learn my lesson and not do so many Sons in the future :sweat:


Oh, and that's not black but a blue/purple - proof if it was needed that I'm not just saying the picture isn't great :laugh.::wink:

Busy weekend and while I didn't get the time I was hoping for I've made enough progress that the Infernal Master is very close to being done. As I'm not sure on a few of the last bits this works out ok as hopefully I can finalise them before the next time I can pick up a brush :smile.:


He's just resting in place currently as gluing will come last of course. I'm looking at doing the vial as a green (same one I use for eye pieces on my CSM), and I think a brown that's not dark on the pouch and holster would be best? The highlighted bit is what I'm assuming is supposed to be cabling? The more I look at it the more I think it should be soft armour.

I can get him done this week I'm sure once I've sorted these final questions, as you can see he's very almost there :biggrin.:

I decided not to delay on the bits I wasn't sure on, it looks like soft armour to me so I have painted it as such. I think the lighter brown leather works well and the green on the vial was no trouble at all (even using three greens, I also used three reds on the scarab not that you can see). All he needs is the threading on the staff handle I missed which is no trouble:






I'm pleased with how he turned out, I've got an extra HQ now so my lists will already be looking better :tongue.: The disc for the Exalted is next as I've been painting the odd colour on that so it shouldn't take long to complete. Then the plan is the weapons probably though if things are going well and my mood is right I might start on the Marines. Or perhaps the Exalted, though I feel that he might be better as a model to work on as a break from all the Rubrics?

Thanks, he will likely feature in most lists I expect :D The disc of Tzeentch was a lot further along than I realised so I could get this done today:


Making steady progress :smile.: Won't get time this weekend for more but I'm looking forward to moving on to fresh bits and models next :thumbsup:

The Infernal Master looks wonderful! It's a great model and you've done him proud :tu: I agree with Paladin the warp flame blue is lovely and I particularly like the couple of red scarabs that was a good choice! I'm really liking it as an accent to your scheme, the book really benefits for it on the disc. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the model :)

I'm focusing on a Rubric and the Exalted to get back into the swing of the scheme, things are going well and they're getting there especially the Rubric:


I tried to get the blended red but it didn't come out too great in the picture. Along with the other bits on the back it makes me wonder about how much detail we paint on Sons characters only for it to be obscured (or worse) by billowing capes and the like :lol:


Probably too much to do for completing them this week with my available time but it's good to be making headway :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Taken a little while but he's finally done, outside of the usual tidying up:


A lot going on with such a model, but worth it as always with Sons models. I'll aim to get the single Rubric fully painted up then get to the rest - the goal is to get these all done this year :smile.: As you can't have a new Exalted Sorcerer without a name a little bit of lore too:

During the Great Crusade Khufu was well respected for his psychic talent and martial skill, but it says much that he was best known for his dislike of xenos. After the Heresy this bloomed into outright hatred which would often cause differences of opinion when he lacked the focus of others against the Imperium, so he travelled as a free agent for a long time until coming across Akhenaten as they both raided a world, lured by the knowledge hidden deep within.

Circumstance forced them to work together for the locals were of no mind to accept guests and the two soon learned they had much in common. Despite being dubious of Akhenaten's generous offer to surrender the world's boons to him if he would join his band for a time it won Khufu over and, no doubt as the master sorcerer always knew, turned into permanent membership when Khufu realised he felt at home for the first time in centuries. Riding atop his Disc he has been an able and reliable member ever since, if his preference for actions against xenos must sometimes be allayed with wise words or promise of plunder.

It is enough that your species vile existence persists, alien, but that you and your disgusting ilk consider yourselves our superiors? Laughable! Do not pretend you did not see the power I wrought this day I saw the despair in your soul for each Rubricae I returned, for each life I extinguished in vengeance. Before Tzeentch's chosen you are nothing.

The backpack eyes are hollows so I don't think it'd work, probably because they're "designed" to use the helmets but I don't think it's much of an issue. I've finished the Rubric too, aside from the transfer which I'll do in bulk when they're all done :)


For some reason I seem to have lost the ability to take decent pictures in daylight...

Khufu looks grand and I like the fluff snippet! :tu: I've mentioned it before but I'm really liking the red being introduced onto character models. What's next? You're making amazing progress so maybe you can keep the work rate up :)

I think I'll try and stick to the original plan with this Rubric done and work on the weapons, then I can focus on the Marines :thumbsup: Even though I'm working on other projects too I think my goal of completion this year is readily achievable so after that we'll see. Thinking on it that should be the Scarab Occult, as I have technically started on the box with the TDA Sorcerer so they should be considered unfinished business, but I reckon it would have been some SOT up next regardless :tongue.:

  • 5 months later...

I haven't forgotten about my Sons - I see them every day after all :tongue.: I'm on a mission to complete all outstanding projects now which includes them of course so I will rectify this soon :) All the more so as this is the last push for the core of a Battalion! As proof of my thoughts, here's a lore piece for the Infernal Master, Iahmesu:




Iahmesu, like many of his peers, found the embrace of Tzeentch quite liberating for his sorcerous studies. He took to daemonology and delved into it deeply, becoming well versed in its intricacies and more importantly dangers. In this his fastidious nature was of great benefit as he took careful measures to understand from many angles, helping him become one of the more effective Infernal Masters.

This was of importance to Akhenaten, for being in command of no great host he had become accustomed to careful consideration, and also helped Iahmesu be of further use as he time and again proved a wise advisor, frequently playing opposition to Akhenaten's plans. As his mastery of his art increased Iahmesu was able to provide more sorcerous counsel as he peered beyond the here and now, though even after all these centuries Akhenaten still refuses to place too much in them, treating them as cautionary notes for his myriad plans.

Iahmesu minds not for his sorcery was always for his own feats first and foremost. That said, or perhaps because of it, a form of intellectual rivalry has formed between Khufu and Iahmesu over which path is most effective in battle. The former wielding pure psychic might; the latter the denizens of the warp. The answer is still unproven but it has helped the younger and older members of the band form a level of mutual respect which is well for Akhenaten would tolerate no internal squabbles that may interfere with his schemes...

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