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“If my father had his way, he would shell the Imperium to death from the comfort of his daemon world and never set foot in the material plane again. Not I. The Black Legion offered me power and more importantly, the chance to hold the Imperium’s greatest heroes by the throat and squeeze until their spines snapped.” - Dragos Tetsuo the Unbreakable, Formerly of the Iron Warriors, Lieutenant of the Oathsworn of the Black Legion

In this pict-capture, Tetsuo wades into enemy fire. The wiring of his armor has grown and fused with his own flesh, creating a tangle of organic and mechanical cables that criss-cross his body. These cables may explain Tetsuo’s near-mythical survivability. During his time on Vigilus, Tetsuo repeatedly shrugging off massive wounds and once survived the promethium bath of a Hellhound tank.



Despite how long this took, I feel like I caught a good groove with my vision of Mallex here. The amount of detail on these models remains quite daunting so I just try and tackle it in sections as best I can. I especially love the way the plasma pistol turned out! Still love painting that last bit of Steel Legion Drab around the base at the very end. Those old-school touches just make this so much more personal for me. Onto the replies!

Liking the black on Valdred, the highlights aren’t as bright (they are very neat btw) and Yorr is great - I do like the colour pallette you are using on the Cultists/Renegade militia - just enough black to show their allegiances whilst still looking rag-tag.

Just an idea, have you thought on blackening the heat shield at the end of the flamer? I usually drybrush black in the end, then a really light dry brush of a dark blue :thumbsup:

For my own dudesmen I have never painted a squad of cultists as I have always concentrated on the more fun stuff and find them unfun!! It is something I do need to remedy however hopefullyster this year. I affectionately call my Cultists ‘The Smear’ as that is usually what they end up quick sharp in games :biggrin.:

Thank you for the tip! I did what you said and added a bit of blackening at the end of the flamers. When I post the full squad you'll see the new effect. I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out and I have you to thank for it, Midnight Runner!

What can I say!!? I love the models, but the short background you wrote for the renegade guardsmen really brings this thread to a new level. Keep writing those.

Great job mate.

Thank you for the kind words, Are Verlo! If you like my writing and want more of it, you can download my Horus Heresy visual novel, The Last Night Lord, at this link here. And let me know what you think of Tetsuo's background!

Looking great SoC.

Glad you've taken the black and thank for sharing it with us.

After reading AD-B's books, I never really had a choice. Thank you for looking, Vesper!

Really nice!, the highlights you have (very sharp indeed) probably don't look as over the top from 1-2 feet away (perfect table top viewing distance :wink.: ) so in my mind they look awesome,

only golden deamon models and display stuff really stands up to 6 inches away inspection!!.

makes me want to do a Black legion force...(damn you Abaddon...)

cheers, Mithril

p.s. i'll second the use of black /blue on the flamer tip

Thanks mithrilforge! Sadly I'm the sort of painter who wants every miniature as good as I can make it. I feel like I owe it to the talented sculptors at Games Workshop to treat each model like a hero. This of course means I take way too much time on each one but eh...

Should have more progress to share soon! Stay tuned brothers!

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