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  • 1 month later...

So I'm not sure why these took so long but first of three tactical squads are finished. Like the Havoc Squad I decided to mix in some yellow pads to add a bit of colour to the unit. 








And the Squad all together. 




I've also finished a Standard Bearer to go with the Night Lord Praetor I painted in March. (I really didn't think it was that long ago) I may have got distracted. Maybe.










Next up (if I don't see anything shiny)  Should be some more support marines for the IW and EC. 

Thanks for looking.

Edited by Loquille
  • 3 weeks later...

Time for another update. 

Yesterday I finished the other two members of the Night Lords Command squad, it took forever to remember how to get the blue to work. I even wrote it down... While not the best load out for the unit, I like the idea of them all having chargers to match the Praetor.  




I also built and painted a Primus Apothecary to join the unit, I'm quite happy with him, making use of the extra trophies from the Night Lords Leviathan. 

I went for a dull metalic instead of white, to tie in with the metalic blue. 








Only thing that didn't really work was two Nostroman runes I applied to the little shield on the shoulders, far too dull. 


And a shot of the group together.





I've currently got some Tyrant Terminators and the Night Lord Leviathan to do next. Though I might make myself paint half the Emperor's Children support squad before letting myself touch the fun things. 


Thanks for looking. 

  • 3 weeks later...

I've managed to complete a few more things over the last couple weeks. So I'm back with an update.


First up is a unit of Terror troops, re-built and painted. 




I'm enjoying painting Night Lords at the moment, the Command Squad got me in the painting mood for the 8th. 


Next up is half of the Plasma Support squad for the Emperor's Children drop list. 




And finally, I finally made a start on the Drop Pods to go with the Dreadclaw. Two down, four more to go. 




Next up I need to return to the 4th with a unit of Tyrants, Champion and a Damocles sat waiting. 


@Bjorn Firewalker.  Thanks. 


And as always, thanks for looking. 

Only in death does duty end. 


Something jumped the queue, but that's standard for me now :) 


Finished this Leviathan this morning. 

It was fun playing around and settled on making the centre of the model darker to represent the light hitting from the sides. 









And the one thing that was a pain. I really need someone to tell me no when I get ideas. Added small transfers to each of the tarot cards on the hull. 




Bjorn Firewalker: Thanks :) 


Megavolt87: Thankyou, after the pain of remembering how to get the blue right I really enjoyed painting them in the end. And on jumping the queue. They are Terminators the elite, let them lead on the painting front :) 


Son of Sacrifice: Thanks, it took me a while to get the blue right.



As always thanks for looking. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Update time.


Just the one unit for the 4th, having a large game at the start of November so aiming to knock out a couple more units for them so it's not just a sea of Plastic and resin. 

We shall see how long I stick to it.. :) 




So that's the fancy Terminators finished. I feel the Night Lords are definitely the better painted out of the projects I've got on the go, but overall I'm happy enough with how they are turning out. With the game on the way I've currently got another two units of Cataphractii (just normal terminators)  and a Damocles sat on the paint station.  


Bjorn Firewalker: Thanks dude 


Jason the Scout: Thankyou, you'll have to share when you do.


Sockwithaticket: Thanks, I may moan but yeah, it's nice knowing it's there


As always thanks for looking. 

The Fourth continue to march through my paint table. At this rate I might actually have them all painted by the second. 


Yep, just jinxed it.


So first up something to help bring in the rest of the list to the desk a Damocles Rhino 




And friend, I've had the Rhino near complete for a while, but held off weathering it until there was something else to go with it. 




I'm getting more confident doing stuff with tanks which is a plus, though I still prefer painting infantry :) 


The first of two normal Terminator units for the list is complete as well. I decided to convert the four combi plas from cutting down Plasma Pistols. That was 'fun' but fingers were a sacrifice I was willing to make, as long as they kill their targets and not themselves. 





I decided to go diving into old boxes and was pleasantly surprised to find a portion of an old army so to break up all the Iron Warriors I thought I'd make a start on repainting them, I might make them a side project as I  work through my Legions to slowly rebuild, either as Guard or Militia. 






@Bjorn Firewalker :  Thanks, I'm quite pleased now that I've had time with how they're turning out. 


@Kolgrim Deathhowl : Thanks dude it's great to here that about the painting. :) 



As always, thanks for looking. 

Excellent works, all. I'm surprised how heavily the Rhinos are weathered, considering that badly obscures the Legion symbol. Does that reflect the Iron Warriors' lack of pride in their own Legion? Priorities, i.e., the Rhino crews think, "We're fighting a gods-damned battle! We have to delay our polishing of the tank's armor until after the battle ends, as maintenance of the engines, auspex, vox transmitters, and even the pintle-mounted weapons have a higher priority than making the tank look pretty! Who you think we are, Imperial Fists with more pride than brains?" Tactical sense, i.e., the fact such heavy weathering serves as camouflage?

@Bjorn Firewalker: That's how I viewed it. As long as it doesn't affect functionality and in the case above improves it's ability to call in strikes it would be left to a degree. Besides Imperial Fists standing pristine just shows, they haven't put the hard work into getting the breach :) 



This is from Extermination, page 112 


'Merely aesthetic damage to wargear was deemed irrelevant, and while a Grand Battalion's muster might see rank unpon rank of glittering steel presented for their Warsmith's inspection, a war zone's privations would see the Iron Warriors' armour increasingly blooded, burned and battered over its duration, attended to only to restore functionality until victory was achieved.' 


On the weathering I was going for heavy dust sticking to the hulls, I did try doing a layer on top and to sit in corners ect but sadly it didn't come out too well, but then might end up with far too much weathering so probably a good thing. Though the infantry I've tried to keep in the middle. 

9 days to go until my self-enforced deadline and I'm back with a few more bits of the Fourth. 


First up is the Plasma Support Squad which, like the rest of the power armour went nice and easy. 





The trouble over the weekend began with the Terminators, issues my end really, they've been in several armies since release and were duly requisitioned into the IW again to fill the gap. And it was bugging me that they were starting to show their age after being stripped. While I feel they lack compared to the other units I managed to force myself to finish them and overall I'm okay with them. 




And finally the last two Rhinos for the list. 




Sadly nothing pretty to go alongside the Iron Warriors update this time, as the month has flown by. 

But the Iron Warrior 3.5k is nearly there. I just need to complete 21 more models (only..) 


Currently just need to apply transfers and weather another support squad then onto.

Sicaran Omega.

13 Tactical Marines.

Legion Champion.

And finally Perturabo.


Realistically as I wont rush the Primarch I think I'll just aim for the Champion and the Sicaran as the main focus. 

Edited by Loquille

Another couple things have reached completion, first up is the second five man Support Squad with Meltas. 




Feeling like I've painted too much infantry lately, thankfully I'm nearly there. 


Next up is something I was going to save until the end of the list but it was a welcome distraction. Surprised how quickly he came together as I'd settled on spending the week on him.












I enjoyed working on him and the base, I think I'm going to need to paint a couple Knights of House Orlacc to go with one of my forces. 


That's this week's update. 


As always thanks for looking :smile.:

Edited by Loquille

@Skidman: Thankyou.


Klogrim Deathhowl: Thanks dude. I think I actually spent more time worrying about the base than the actual Primarch. 


MegaVault87: Thankyou, I get what you mean on feeling nervous about starting him, I spent a while trying to visualise different styles. On the base I've kept it so it'll all come apart for when I'm gaming, I nearly left the larger display base in the box but decided I wanted to show the whole Knight.


Dodgy photo.



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