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After a bit of time away I’m back with a small project. I have found with deadlines and such my larger projects don’t get the time they deserve for WIP shots and breakdowns as I’m often no stering through 2k+ in a couple of months.


This however is a lovely slow burn. A local group has set out on an ambitious Inq28 campaign that involves lots of creative writing, everyone building terrain, war bands and GM aids like gangs, rouge psychers and non player characters. So lots of variety right off the bat and plenty of scope for war bands to grow along with all the extra stuff that we are committed to doing.


So my project. Well I have done a lot of reading on all things inquisition, the major Ordo’s have plenty of lore but none were getting the creativity going. The minor Ordo’s on the other hand just started ticking boxes. I settled on Ordo Astra. The branch of the inquisition that deals with astrological events that could threaten the imperium of man. Things like black stone fortresses appearing, planets re emerging from the warp. The destruction of Cadia would all fall into their jurisdiction for investigation.


With that in mind I set off on trying to build my Inquisitor. I wanted to keep my Inquisitor a little more bare bones, soace faring adventurer type. Trying to keep the human feel of him and leaving the darker side of Inq28 for some of his warband. So bellow are some WIP pics of a few characters at various stages. Although we are all doing a marine they are not taking part in any warband.


Hope you all enjoy.










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Hi folks thanks for the comments. Yes it was the gunslinger that got out under the hobby knife to start that. I have continued to work away on him. All very exciting stuff sculpting bits of cloak and adapting pouches. Nothing worthy of a WIP if I’m honest.


I started toying with concepts and ideas for other warband members and decided a former Tau Auxiliary wouldn’t be a bad little addition. Always liked the idea of them and gave me some interesting parts to play with that I wouldn’t normally try and blend. Mainly sculpting left to do. Name suggestions for this saved soul more than welcome.






That Inquisitor is amazing. I litteraly had to do a double-take and sit up straight in front of the computer. Great use of the Kelermorph torso; that coupled with the head and arms gives him a great pose and sense of character. Really can't wait to see him finished

@PoweHungryMonkey thanks for such a positive response.


Managed to get some hobby time in and finally got hit with an idea for the Blackstone sprues. These were a nice little kit bash to work on while fettling some of the more key figures for the war and and NPC’s


For those wondering the monkey is called Kraken and he keeps the keys to emperor knows what but he is protective of them.


Sorry it’s a smaller update. Hope it’s given you something to enjoy.











Been enjoying a bit of work away. I took a pile of bits with me as to keep my sanity. Had a little ideas make there way into something more.


First up was a Magos. Not yet got a name for her. I figure she is the medic you don’t come back from have a few darker servitor types I want to have a stab at and Kraken the cyber chimp definitely deserved a creator to be represented.




Next up we have the right had lady of the Inquisitor, his most trusted Acolyte and the handler to the Tau Auxiliary her former master being from the Ordo Xenos, saved from the same fate as her master by the turn coat that she is in charge of.




With the idea behind the Ordo I settled on being that of studying astralogical events and there impacts next up was trying to get a vehicle together for exploratory teams. I wanted to keep a mechanicum vibe with out going full blown ad mech kits. Still details left to add but I’m happy with how the chassis has come together.




Finally we have some men fighting from a planet now lost to the ravages of warp soace. I have always loved the Kasakin minitures and concepts behind them. I wanted to give them a more rapid insertion feel so knocked up some jump packs and now just need to reattach the power packs to the hell rifles.




Hope you all enjoy. All feedback welcome.



Some more brilliant stuff here. While the Stormtroopers and transport are very cool, its the acolyte that got me excited. Another great use of bitz there with Eisenhorn's great-coat. Good thing he's a resin mini and not metal, that looks like it was a lot of cutting :yes:

Thanks for the great comments.


The vehicle conversion wasn’t as bad as you would expect. The basic shapes and dimensions work well together, most of the Fox is a diagonal cut to get it to sit flush.


You joke about metal minis. I have a surprise for you all. I wanted to slim down the gangers I have been hacking at and found the old Daemonettes in a draw and set about using them as a trial. The head is too long and going to get swapped out when I find something a little more suitable.


As always enjoy.






Hi all. Thanks for the comments :) always nice to see how the tinkerings of a man with too larger a bits box can inspire others.


@firestorm40k thanks that’s massive praise I am hoping to bet some more blades out to plastic soon.


@MagicMan that Magos was genuinely one of the hardest pieces to compose. Admech hasn’t often been my cup of tea, that Inquisitor fell together other than that hands being pigs due to kit scales. It’s a tiny thing but took a lot longer than I’d like to admit to find the right bits.


@PowerHungryMonkey hahaha I wouldn’t say Iv gone to lengths a lot of this has come from elements of kits I have had knocking about from other projects and the likes but there have been a few things I grabbed because I wanted to see what I could do with them.


@Kraad Belak thank you, the guardswomen were easy and difficult at times. Not all the traitor guard parts play nice with the Escher kits and the cadian heads are too square jawed to transplant. I will have a crack at sculpting some with lasguns for them at some point in the future. The girls of the penal legion deserve more than just a hand full of las pistols and improvised weapons.


@Brother Zeal many thanks. The Inquisitor really was an interesting build and given I have been using atmospheric weathering on a few of my more recent projects was an interesting challenge to portray all of that before I started adding paint.


All of that said. I have been making merry with a paint brush. Not the usual picture bomb update but it’s always nice to see the process.







Had a little painting time over the weekend and remembered to grab a a few pics as I went. I do apologise that there is a wet ink in a couple of pics. Nothing huge. Some cloaks and camo and a good solid start on a few faces. They all need sharpening up and bringing up a bit more. The colours have been interesting wanting to keep them all looking individual or like small squads cobbled together but still cohesive. Definitely something that’s required a little more planning than my usual approach. A few new additions are in the works but really trying not to time frame myself so I can chip away as and when.


Hope you all enjoy.















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