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Wow that mounted guy is something really crazy, looking forward to seeing more progress on it!!



Great job on the traitor guard, I really love those new models. Seconded on the drone rider though, that’s gonna be amazing!

Thanks very much guys.  The drone rider will be a slow burn as I want to get him right.  Currently thinking that I will go with the pusgoyle wings and legs but made to look more mechanical.


I have finished basing the 5 cultists.




Here are all of the traitor guard together.




Next up I'll do the first 3 cultists of the Cultists of the Abyss set.

Finished up the painting on the 3 cultists last night.  Next up is basing them and assembling the rest of the Cultist of the Abyss.




In other news I have some bits on order for the drone rider and an experiment for some nurgle cultists.  You can never have enough cultists!

The three cultists are complete.




I'll carry on with the Cultist of the Abyss models.  I'm finding their them fairly slim, particularly the arms so weapon swaps are quite hard.  They also have quite a lot of bear flesh which makes head swaps difficult.  I'm wondering whether Dark Elves or Dark Eldar would be good sources for heads and arm/ weapon swaps.  Any suggestions?

As I have the day off and it's cold and wet I'm going to see if I can finish this lass.
She is the champion from the Cultists of the Abyss set.  I've swapped out her chainsword and given her the knife from the CSM Aspiring Champion. which I think works quite well as a sword for her.

Edited by Givemead
  • 2 weeks later...

Next on the painting bench are a few more cultists.


These are a bunch of doubles from the Cultists of the Abyss set. From left to right there is the double of the auto gun guy that I painted already with a head swap and also the round mag changed for a straight one. The next is the double of the lady on the far right, who has had her heavy stubber swapped for an auto pistol and a spiky mace type thing.  The central guy and the second from right are based on the same model, the one with the auto gun is mostly original, while the other has had a hand weapon and auto pistol swapped in.

I have finished the latest batch of five chaos cultists.




The models are really nice but the push fit nature of them I think means they are prone to slight gaps and lines where the pieces join together.They were a little fiddly to convert as they have quite a bit of bare flesh which is a bit challenging I find.  Still the head and weapon swaps are successful for the most part.


I think I need a change from cultists so I'm putting together Karanak and I'll do the Flesh Hounds as well, which will at least make a start on Wrath and Rapture.

It's really cool to see how the conversions add some spice to the models.

Thanks very much Llagos_Tyrant.  I agree.  They are really nice models and I enjoyed the challenge of converting them.


I have got the bases done on this latest batch




I thought I would also do some side-by-side pics of the conversions.




I thought a face on and three-quarter view for these two to show the small changes I've made to the helmet and the weapon swaps.




The weapon swaps were quite easy here, but the head swap was more of a challenge as the neck on the model is quite thin.  I'm not completely satisfied with the pose of the hand weapons lady, but I was pleased to get the 'gangsta' horizontal hold for the pistol in on a model!




These last two come from the two batches.  The magazine is a subtle change but I'm rather pleased with it.  The head from the Hellstriders works well and plus I have a small blade/crest thing in my bits box now.


And here they are all together




I still have the grenade launcher guy and the second grenade throwing girl to do at some point, but for now I need a break from cultists!

Up next on the painting bench is a pair of Bloodletters!?!




You may be thinking that the isolation protocol has got to me and that surely I should be painting some Plaguebearers or something else suitably nurgley.  Well there is method to this madness.  Over a year ago I got Wrath and Rapture and have been feeling the shame of having not done anything with any of the contents.  I have therefore decided to paint the Fleshhounds and Karanak.  However, I want to do them justice so I thought I'd try out a couple of variations on some Bloodletters.  I'm going to try a mostly Contrast paint scheme so I've sprayed these white and then one the appropriately named Daemonic Yellow from Army Painter.


I've also been trying out an idea I have for some Nurgle chaos cultists.




These are Skaven Plaguemonks heads for the hood with Arco-flagellants faces.  It's a good start, but I'm not sure about where to go next.  I was thinking of using the Plaguemonks bodies, but they are rather old models and somewhat crude in comparison with the arco-flagellants.  They are also quite short.  I had thought about using crypt-ghoul legs or even just plain chaos cultist legs to give them a bit of extra height and to give them somewhat more human legs.  Thoughts?

I have finished my experiment with the Bloodletters.




They are not finished to a particularly high standard but certainly enough for me to have worked out what I think I'll do on the Fleshhounds.


I was thinking I would prefer the redder one but actually I really like the more orange one too.  May be the yellowness of the base is putting me off the redder one?  I'm still a bit unsure about how to do the metal bits as I feel neither of the swords really works that well.  Fortunately the Fleshhounds just have collars.  I may try my usual recipe for metal (some kind of grey, usually Mechanicus Standard Grey or Stormvermin Fur then drybrushed Stormhost Silver or Boltgun Metal depending on how dark I want it) and then try different Contrast colours over the top.


I'd be interested to hear what you think.

I'm more leaning towards the orange one, but as you said, the green base might interfere a bit. Maybe paint it up in black/dark brown as a test?

But the details definitely pop more with orange/ meanwhile the darker one looks more menacing, hmm

I'm more leaning towards the orange one, but as you said, the green base might interfere a bit. Maybe paint it up in black/dark brown as a test?

But the details definitely pop more with orange/ meanwhile the darker one looks more menacing, hmm ... Depends on your preferences, really.


Thanks Ranulf the Revenant.  This is very similar to my own thinking so I based them properly:




They are joined by one of my original Bloodletters that I painted probably nearly 15 years ago (?) shortly after the plastic kit came out.


I think if I do more Bloodletters that I will go with the more orange scheme.  For the Fleshhounds though I think I will try a bit of a combination of both schemes - orange at the feet and for the ruff(?) and then going into black for the spines/hair along the back.


On the old Bloodletter, it seems that I didn't properly base very much of my early daemons because all of that unit plus I'd say about 80% of the 40+ Plaguebearers are based very poorly.  Might have to do something about that.  Anyway I decided to bring this one up to the same standard as my other CSM models.


This is a terrific thread! But I am keenly interested in how the Nurgle Mordheim cultists/mutants turned out- any updates?

Thanks for reminding me of them Azekai.  They have gone on to the back burner at the moment for a number of reasons.  I was struggling to find a way to bring them up to the minimum 10 for a unit of cultists without it looking to much of a random selection of models.  I also wasn't sure about the heavy stubber guy.  I will return to them for sure, but not just at the moment.


Thanks for looking in everyone.

Did someone say 'Paint more Bloodletters'?




Yeah, OK then.  I should be able to finish these 3 up pretty quickly.


They will be the 'orange' scheme, but with their swords done with something like my 'normal' recipe for metal.


An interesting thing I noticed when putting these together was that there are 8 parts to each Bloodletter!


Also, even though they don't have to being daemons, they are doing a bit of social distancing:wink:

Edited by Givemead

I have finished the 3 Bloodletters




I haven't gone so dark with the red on the back and thighs compared wit the test model.  I've also gone with a different set of colours for the swords.  I'm really liking the results and they were super quick to do.  In fact I think basing will take longer than they did to paint.


I will move on to the Fleshhounds and Karanak as my 12 Months of Hobby Challenge vow for the start of April.  Who knows I may come back and do the remainder of the Wrath and Rapture Bloodletters or redo the 'red' test mini.

I've got the Bloodletters based up.




Next up will be the Fleshhounds and Karanak from Wrath and Rapture.






These guys and the Fiends were really why I got the box.  I don't know when I will get around to painting the Seekers, in particular as I find the models rather uninspiring.  I have two main issues; firstly they don't look fast enough, they seem to be just walking along, also the riders with their straight legs?  The previous metal ones were so much better.

For the last few days I have mostly been finishing up the building and modelling of my Foetid Bloat Drones.




Here they are all together.  They are just about there, with just a little bit more work with liquid green stuff.  They are built from 4 of the Dark Imperium drones and 2 of the multi-part kits.  The multi-part kit gives a range of face plates and the full range of weapons from the codex.  I took sometime to make sure that they are as diverse as possible given the parts I have.  Where I have used the same face plate I've tried to alter them a bit so they don't look too similar.




These two have the DI face.  I've tried to fill the splits on the face of the right one to differentiate them.  They will also have different weapons - Plaguespitters for the left one and the heavy blight launcher as pictured for the right one.  Once they are undercoated I will add some Agrellan Earth on the armour panels to give some added texture.




These two have the slit-eye face plate from the multi-part kit.  Here I've done quite a lot to the Nurgle symbol on the right hand one.  I used different sizes of beads that I got years ago from a haberdashery store.  I also used the tiny balls from inside a Brita water filter.  I think it looks pretty good.  Again they will have different weapons, the heavy launcher and a fleshmower.




These two complete the group.  These are my two least favourite face plates so I've only used them once.  I haven't done that much to these to customise them but I have done a bit of scoring and drilling as with the others.  These will have spitters and a mower to give me two of each weapon.


I really need to get on with my test painting for the Death Guard.  As I think I've said I would like to try to do most of the painting with Contrast paints and I have a general idea that I want a pale yellow-green colour for the armour plates and large flat areas and use a dark brown for trim and 'metal' bits.  Fleshy bits I'll try to use something similar to my Poxwalkers, although I didn't use Contrast on them.  I'm not sure about other bits like cloth but I'll probably go with dirty white and red, similar to the Poxwalkers.  Bases will be done in my standard brown-grey scheme which is quite dark.


Thanks for looking.

I have started doing some test for the Death Guard scheme.




I started off doing some test patches on a group of old marines, but I quickly decided I needed to be more scientific about the process.




These are a bunch of shields with testing for the armour colour.  Actually this is a bit overexposed as the colours aren't as bright in real life.  Still not sure which to go with.  Quite liking the simple Plaguebearer over Rotting Flesh combo.  It's not really yellowy at all, which is what I thought I wanted, but I'm not convinced by the other 'yellow' samples.




I feel much more certain about the 'metal' tests.  Here I think I'm going to go with Typhus Corrosion over a white base with Gryph-hound Orange over that.  I also like the same combo over Leadbelcher.  The problem is that if I were to go with that I'd start by spraying with Leadbelcher, which could mean that doing the armour panels is a longer process as I'd potentially have to do several coats to get the base coat consistent.  That is actually how I did my Death Guard many years ago - doing the trim first then blocking in the armour panels.  I always thought it gave good results but felt like a long process.


While I think about all of that I think I am going to crack on with the Word Bearer using the Contrast method - Warhammer TV - Word Bearers.  If it goes well I plan to do the Mark IV armour marines from Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth, which have been sitting in the box for years.

Edited by Givemead

Excited to see how these turn out! The modifications to the Bloat Drones really help to differentiate them, and the custom Nurgle symbol with beads is really well done!

Thanks very much Llagos_Tyrant.  I tried to keep he modifications subtle but still noticeable.  Hopefully the paint job will add another dimension to variation.



Enough of this paint testing lets have an actual painted mini.






Really so pleased with this guy - you know when you really hope it will turn out good and then it actually does.


Not that difficult either.  Sprayed black then Leadbelcher.  Coat of Basilicanum Grey all over.  Gentle drybrush of Stormhost Silver to get a nice edge to the metals for the trim.  Flesh Tearers Red on the armour panels, which was the hardest part.  Touch up the metal with Boltgun Metal.  A bunch of light brown colours blocked in for the holster, horns, belt and other cloth type bits.  Skeleton Horde over the browns.  Black Templar on the Bolter and pipes around the helmet.  Eye lenses done with Ork Flesh. Based up in my normal way with sand and small stones.  Painted Stormvermin Fur. Drybrushed Steel Legion Drab and Karak Stone.  Edged in Steel Legion Drab.


Looking back at the Warhammer TV demo I see that Mr Two Thin Coats did the shoulder pads in black, which I think I will do when I get around to the Mark IV armour marines.  I think the mark IV armour will be easier than this guy as there isn't so much trim.  It may take a while though as I will try embiggen them a little so they don't look too small next to the Death Guard.

  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent work on the Chaos Marine. Is he a former World Eater who chose to defect to the Black Legion? From another warband, maybe one pledged to Khorne?

Thanks Bjorn Firewalker.  I didn't say in that post but he is meant to be a Word Bearer.  I didn't do his shoulder pads black as GW did in their demo -

.  I plan to do a unit of marines in mark IV armour that I've had for ages.


I have a couple of WIP pics to show off today.




The Flesh hounds are coming along.  I was really not feeling these for a while, but having done the teeth and claws they are looking much better.  I think its just the collars to do now for the painting.  I'll be picking up Karanak after these and then will do the basing all at the same time.


The other WIP pic is the start of one of my Bloat-drone.




I started out by spraying it black and then doing a selective spray of white trying to keep to the armour panels, flesh and from the top.  Then I did Typhus Corrosion over all the 'metal' bits.  Over the top of that I did a coat of Gryph-Hound Orange.  I think this gives a really good rusted metal look.  I will try a little bit of Boltgun Metal on edges and bits where the rust might be wore away.  I still haven't completely worked out how I will do the armour panels, but I feel like I've got a good start here.

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