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+++ Muster of the Unforgiven +++


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any starting date then?


Not that I've heard, but if I were Frater's here I'd start getting things assembled/basecoated in preparation. We really need to stick it to our pesky Sanguinius loving brethren.


not to worry, I have 11 terminators waiting to be painted. the photo is done. now I wait. but I hope the wait won't be too long, as I am on Gilgamesh as well and the finishing date for this 2 months cession is end of May.

but i'll have something else prepared for June. an indication: it's all black.

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Tau ... Xenos scum...  :cuss Where are the chaplains when you need one?

:devil: :evil: :devil: Wasn't it a Chaplain that was part of the deal? (I actually don't remember - I didn't find the book that objectionable, but I didn't find it particularly memorable either) :devil: :evil: :devil:


(And in case anyone doesn't get it, of course this is a joke)

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So given “War of Secrets” and the DA/Tau “team up”, I can pledge both my Tau and some Stoneburners to the muster and cause during the ETL, right??? :devil: :evil: :devil:

You're in for it now mate, blades of reason warming up etc etc

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Tau ... Xenos scum...  :censored: Where are the chaplains when you need one? 


You can summon Chappy Stobz by posting Primaris in DA colours. He's like a shark smelling blood. Beware, spotting heresy on his arrival will probably result in the destruction of this page.

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Tau ... Xenos scum...  :censored: Where are the chaplains when you need one? 

You can summon Chappy Stobz by posting Primaris in DA colours. He's like a shark smelling blood. Beware, spotting heresy on his arrival will probably result in the destruction on this page.

Like this? :lol:








In other news: Forge World's Dreadnought Offer has enticed me. But, sadly, literally EVERYTHING I WANT TO GET, is partially out of stock, so I can't do it until it comes back in stock.


Leviathan with Storm Cannons or Grav-Flux Bombard? The Leviathan's body is out of stock

Deredeo Dreadnought with Hellfire Plasma Cannonade and Aiolos Missile Launcher? The Missile Launcher is out of stock.


Literally, the only thing I can get right now is the Relic Contemptor Dreadnought, two Contemptor Heavy bolters (get one free) and the Contemptor Missile Launcher for a Contemptor Mortis.


Very annoying, not gonna lie.


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I have my vows planned out and assembled! I hope to finish a vow every two weeks so I can spend a comfortable month on the bloody knight. Probably won't go that smoothly. I don't even reach 1500 if I would compress it all in one vow, so no big boost of points from my side.


VOW 1: 229 Points

- Captain(110) w/ Master crafted instigator bolt carbine(6) & Camo cloak(3)

- Infiltrator squad(110)

VOW 2: 206 Points

- Lieutenant(80) w/ master crafted occulus bolt carbine(4) & Grav chute(2)

- Infiltrator squad(88) w/ Helix adept(32)

VOW 3: 174 Points

- Librarian(100) w/ Force Sword(8) & Camo cloak(3)
- Eliminator squad(54) w/ Marksman bolt carbines(0) & Camo cloaks(9)

VOW 4: 206 points
- Primaris Librarian(93) w/ Force Sword(8)
- Suppressor squad(54) w/ Accelerator autocannons(45) & Grav chutes(6)

VOW 5: 485 Points

- Knight Crusader(285) w/ Avenger gatling(75), Thermal cannon(76), Heavy stubber(4) & Stormspear missiles(45)


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I've got an unbuilt squad of Hellblasters.


I've also got:
- 25 Deathwing

- Deathwing Ancient/Apothecary/Champion

- 2 Chaplain in terminator Armour

- 2 Librarians in Terminator Armour

- 20 Intercessors

- 3 Inceptors

- 3 Aggressors

- All of Shadowspear

- Far too many bikes

- Darkshroud

- Talonmaster

- Land Speeder

- A bunch of Company Veterans

- Lots of Souts

- Two Knights

- Cypher

- Imperial Space Marine


..... Yeah, I've got a lot I can vow :laugh.:

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That will do it. I think I see a swearing black shape on the horizon running towards us, waving with his crozius.


Think you see shadows, or maybe a watcher? 


Due to the lack of chaplains, I will paint one in my first vow.


So my first vow will be:  

Apothecary on Bike


Company Master 

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I have my vows planned out and assembled! I hope to finish a vow every two weeks so I can spend a comfortable month on the bloody knight. Probably won't go that smoothly. I don't even reach 1500 if I would compress it all in one vow, so no big boost of points from my side.


VOW 1: 229 Points

- Captain(110) w/ Master crafted instigator bolt carbine(6) & Camo cloak(3)

- Infiltrator squad(110)

VOW 2: 206 Points

- Lieutenant(80) w/ master crafted occulus bolt carbine(4) & Grav chute(2)

- Infiltrator squad(88) w/ Helix adept(32)

VOW 3: 174 Points

- Librarian(100) w/ Force Sword(8) & Camo cloak(3)

- Eliminator squad(54) w/ Marksman bolt carbines(0) & Camo cloaks(9)

VOW 4: 206 points

- Primaris Librarian(93) w/ Force Sword(8)

- Suppressor squad(54) w/ Accelerator autocannons(45) & Grav chutes(6)

VOW 5: 485 Points

- Knight Crusader(285) w/ Avenger gatling(75), Thermal cannon(76), Heavy stubber(4) & Stormspear missiles(45)



I didn't realise we can have more than 1 unit per vow. I may have to reconsider my vows! I better get cracking so I can paint some more points for the Lion!!!

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I've got an unbuilt squad of Hellblasters.


..... Yeah, I've got a lot I can vow :laugh.:

I felt bad for my pile of shame, seems like you have a grey mountain of it! Now's your chance to reduce that mountain a bit, it's the whole purpose of the ETL after all :biggrin.:



I didn't realise we can have more than 1 unit per vow. I may have to reconsider my vows! I better get cracking so I can paint some more points for the Lion!!!

Make it managable though, making a big vow and failing gives us a penalty. It would also be a shame to complete 4 vows and failing your last, since that one fail cancels all your previous completed vows, giving us an even greater penalty. Small but certain is the key.

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I've got an unbuilt squad of Hellblasters.


..... Yeah, I've got a lot I can vow :laugh.:

I felt bad for my pile of shame, seems like you have a grey mountain of it! Now's your chance to reduce that mountain a bit, it's the whole purpose of the ETL after all :biggrin.:


And that's JUST my Dark Angels. You don't want to know about my other armies :lol:

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And that's JUST my Dark Angels. You don't want to know about my other armies :laugh.:


Man, that's a lot of plastic to paint. If you don't think you'll ever be able to paint it all, you'll be better of if you sell a portion of it. Stockpiling LE stuff I can understand, but the regular kits aren't worth hoarding.

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9000 or so points partially unbuilt and fully unpainted. That's just for The Unforgiven. I have my work cut out. On the positive side, I am trying to make ammends, I have not painted anything for my thousand sons or world eaters.


For me it's not a hoarding thing, more a thing of having options for my armies.

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And that's JUST my Dark Angels. You don't want to know about my other armies :laugh.:


Man, that's a lot of plastic to paint. If you don't think you'll ever be able to paint it all, you'll be better of if you sell a portion of it. Stockpiling LE stuff I can understand, but the regular kits aren't worth hoarding.


I know the feel. I dont know if ill ever even finish. 100+ marines to paint, dreads, rhinos, drop pods, i think i even have a land raider, and ive only completed a squad and lieutenant in 3 years lol and there is all this cool primaris stuff coming out and im tempted to buy more but i shoudlnt. 


i promise when i get back to the states ill finish the army... :sweat: 

id love to participate in these events with you guys when i get back

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9000 or so points partially unbuilt and fully unpainted. That's just for The Unforgiven. I have my work cut out. On the positive side, I am trying to make ammends, I have not painted anything for my thousand sons or world eaters.


For me it's not a hoarding thing, more a thing of having options for my armies.

Same here and I share the sentiment, got about that much and other armies to work on too. My spreadsheet for dark angels says of 250 models, 70% built, 45% painted. Will be nice to pass 50% this year.


Right now I plan to have ready for this year the stuff below but havent decided on where to focus for my first vow yet.


- Drop Pod

- Sammael in Sableclaw

- 6x Ravenwing Bikes

- 6x Plasma Inceptors

- 1x Ravenwing Attack Bike

- 6x Black Knights

- 2x Company Champions

- 1x Smash Master

- 1x Techmarine

- 1x Predator

- 1x Chaplain Dreadnought (Kitbashed)

- Devastator Squad (3x Heavy Bolters)

- Ezekiel

- 2x Landspeeders (weapons magnetized)

- 10x Intercessors

- 5x Hellblasters

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And that's JUST my Dark Angels. You don't want to know about my other armies :laugh.:

Man, that's a lot of plastic to paint. If you don't think you'll ever be able to paint it all, you'll be better of if you sell a portion of it. Stockpiling LE stuff I can understand, but the regular kits aren't worth hoarding.

I know the feel. I dont know if ill ever even finish. 100+ marines to paint, dreads, rhinos, drop pods, i think i even have a land raider, and ive only completed a squad and lieutenant in 3 years lol and there is all this cool primaris stuff coming out and im tempted to buy more but i shoudlnt. 

Nah, I've got this. I spread out what I paint to prevent burnout.


Also GreyRaven: I HAVE sold off models. 29 Terminators and FORTY-FIVE Tactical Marines. I kept the ones I wanted, as I was basically gifted a 7th Edition 3k+ Apocalypse force of Dark Angels. But it was mostly made from Dark Vengeance and I didn't want THAT many copies of the same squad over and over (he says despite having kept all the DV Terminators and Bikers because those ones at least look awesome :laugh.:)


9000 or so points partially unbuilt and fully unpainted. That's just for The Unforgiven. I have my work cut out. On the positive side, I am trying to make ammends, I have not painted anything for my thousand sons or world eaters.


For me it's not a hoarding thing, more a thing of having options for my armies.

And this too. I have a bunch of models assembled but unprimed/unpainted. I don't use them in games until I've got at least some primer on them, and I prefer having them at least somewhat painted.

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Might be a silly question but what is the verdict on assassins? Assuming they couldn't count toward a dark angels vow? 

If it wasn't changed since last ETL, Assassins and Knights can be put towards any Imperial faction as a vow, yes.

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Might be a silly question but what is the verdict on assassins? Assuming they couldn't count toward a dark angels vow? 


At least Stobz painted a Warhound Titan last year for The First and I did my Castigator knight. Both were included in completed vows.

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Might be a silly question but what is the verdict on assassins? Assuming they couldn't count toward a dark angels vow? 


At least Stobz painted a Warhound Titan last year for The First and I did my Castigator knight. Both were included in completed vows.



These inspired me to start my Mastodon for this years vow.  Wonder if I'll get chance to make a second vow?

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Alright lads, the announcement for the ETL is almost upon us, but there are practically no pictures of build/primed vows in here. Having all your vows in the state where you just have to slap on paint saves a tremendous time during the event and can make or break a vow (some people actually finish minutes before the deadline). So get to work you damned slackers and show your brothers and sisters proof that you have units to vow for the Legion!


So for everyone that still has his/her vows on sprue: START BUILDING!

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