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So I got the "Know no Fear" starter set, and I had this vision that I should do the Plague marines as that they came from the Iron Warriors chapter. I am wondering what else I should do to with them, and just to be clear, I am not going to do hazard stripes, as I suck at free handing.

1. Do they look like they are IW and not DG?

2. The lords smoke is grey atm, but should I go a more sickly green?

3. The lords cloak is red atm, but I am thinking go another colour, if so what should be good colour

4. Shall I rustyfie them even more or can they get to busy.


They are in no way done, there is quite a lot of work to be done, I can see some errors and such which will be cleaned up, the lords stomach ache is not done and so are not the squished nurglings under his foot..

Cpt. Danjou

Edit:Changed some wordings and spelling errors. Sorry Excessus for making your post a bit strange after the editing..

Edited by Cpt.Danjou
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I think they work well as Iron Warriors, yeah :)

Even if you don't want to attempt the Hazard Stripes, I'd go with a couple of sections in yellow anyway.

I'm not sure if the red cape works on the whole - perhaps yellow, or a browny-green?

I think they work well as Iron Warriors, yeah :smile.:

Even if you don't want to attempt the Hazard Stripes, I'd go with a couple of sections in yellow anyway.

I'm not sure if the red cape works on the whole - perhaps yellow, or a browny-green?


Red capes work for IW's, they just need shading and highlighting. These look to be just a flat red right now. 

The problem for me at least in terms of iron warriors vs death guard, is that I painted my deathguard in an iron scheme and so they just look like death guard. The models are just so explicitly plague marines that you really need to work the iron warriors in. The trim to me doesn't matter, it's the application of chevrons and de-emphasizing the mutations. Avoid greens and blues and anything people associate with nurgle or alchemy; smoke should be black, eyes red, etc. I'd cut off most of the censers as thats a pretty legion specific thing.

I have read and contemplated what you have all said. The cape will stay red, now it needs to get properly painted. About hazard stripes, I have tried using masking tape, but how much I experiment with it, the shoulder pads and other areas does not look like they have stripes, the stripes might go there when I do the bigger models one day, like rhinos or dreadnoughts. I do agree that the armour looks a bit greenish, but it all depends a bit how the lights hit them. The recipe for the my armour is Runelord brass, washed with Coelia green shade, thin layes of Vallejo Natural steel, and then some light touches with Nuln oil, just so the armour gets a an older look. I agree that the eye lenses should be red just for some spot colour.

What I am going for is a Iron Warrior warband that has fallen into the clutches of papa Nurgle, so if/when I field them I will probably go DG rules with lots of sacrificial cultists and the few marines will be plague marines. As a loyalist player, Space wolves, I have some, but not much knowledge about either IW or DG. I do like the Plague marines models, but I loath the green/white DG aesthetics, but the gold/black/iron looks of IW is more the cup of tea for me. Maybe I should go an independent warband instead or maybe a splinter force from the IW who has gone pure Nurgle? I really have no idea if there are splinter forces from the Iron warriors or if they are an intact legion.


Did some more work last night


There will more updates tomorrow, hopefully a finished one or two.

Cpt Danjou

the gold trim has done a load for them to look more like iron warriors:biggrin.: 

aside from that i'd say have a few tries with hazard stripes, you can test on something else abit, they are really not actually that hard to do, not even close to the realm of freehanding in my experience. you basically jsut paint a bunch of close together lines, and you can go back and forth to neaten them up

for the terminator lord, i'd say black cloak would look good on him, and maybe paint up the smoke as fire? (just reverse highlighting through black, red and yellow and a touch of white in the deepest parts)

Looking great! As carnosaur says, the gold trim will really help to sell the IW look, if slightly more putrified. ;)


For Hazard Stripes or straight lines in geberal I do have a cheat you can try.


Block out in yellow, then do a rough black line. Next you use a black fineliner pen and fix up the rougher bits so it becomes even. Then add detail/rust/damage as you see fit.


It's great to see this take form and inspire me, as I've been thinking of doing IW Plague Marines for a while, referring to my Warband Idea as the "Carnivale of Rust", where the former Iron Warriors' armour becomes completely caked in rust.



Edited by Brother Cambrius
  • 3 months later...

So after a while being sick and having to paint some red stuff. Red Eldars some Mars AD and Khorn Daemons. I have gone back to my IW Plague marines. The Drone is done and there are some more infected marines on the table. Have a look and enjoy or whatever...



Cpt. Danjou

So today, my flgs had a sale on old GW stuff that they are not going to take in again and some other stuff, I got hold of the finecast warpsmith and a finecast Nurgle daemon prince, plus some other bits and bobs. So now I am assembling the prince, who will join my IW plague marines. The warpsmith I have other ideas for, so he will not become nurglified. I am not a fan of finecast, but for €12 it was ok for those two models.

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