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Today in Titanicus I...

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Today I finally made up my mind about what household to paint my knights... for now at least. I'm going with Hawkshroud. I'd been considering Coldshroud but they're supposed to be friends with Gryphonicus... and we don't really know anything more about them than that.


On the FB group I saw someone else had done these. They'd taken the eagles from the AI transfer sheet, which turn out to be identical to the Hawkshroud symbol. I've got some AI stuff so I think I'll have plenty of little hawk transfers to decorate my knights. Hooray!


I think they'll look good with my Astorum titans. The yellow will match that of the titans, tying the force together a bit, but the rest will be different. One cool thing is that Hawkshroud knights are often decorated with markings relating to the force they're accompanying, so I'll have the option of adding on the occasional Astorum symbol here and there.


I've gone ahead and painted a load of the panels on three Questoris yellow. This is a bit of a hassle because I'd given the knights a black undercoat. A couple of thin coats of wraithbone later it seems to be coming out quite well. Hopefully I'll have a test model/banner to show before too long.

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Wraithbone and Gray Seer are pretty awesome. I used Wraithbone to base a white primed Deathwing and it’s perfect, it looks like the third time I paint my Deathwing will be the charm.


I haven’t done squat with AT but I have gotten my BFG stuff reprimed :/

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Today I received a couple of things in the post: a Tamiya weathering master set and the big AT terrain box with the spires in.


Both are pretty interesting. The weathering master thing seems like a really simple way to apply mud and dust. So far I’ve only used it on a bolt action Churchill tank but I’m really happy with the results, and the speed with which they were achieved. This is a great product.


Also, I’ve got a ton of buildings to construct. I’ve got plans for hexagonal structures to try and make sense of the stupid hexagonal towers. Slight issue is that people mostly don’t make hexagonal buildings, for all kinds of extremely good reasons (e.g. beds, tables and so on tend to be rectangular). But I guess they could be associated with the as-yet-non-existent church, or something. Anyway, in no event will I put a hexagonal tower on a square base. I’m not a barbarian.

Edited by Mandragola
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Yesterday I had a bit of fun playing with the little guys, tempting other folks at the club to join in the fun :D





Also had a proper 1250 point game to show the ropes for a pal with beautiful Defensor force and shoved them into the swamp.




Click to see the details, more pics in the blog :)

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If you can forgive the pun, the pics with the roadways look like an "epic" confrontation.


Now that FW is going to open its doors again, what odds are folks laying for Defense of Ryza coming in the next two months?

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Today in Titanicus, I drafted up a 1000 point army list. It turns out one of the Fraters here lives relatively locally so we’re hoping to meet up for a game when some semblance of normality returns.


I think I’m going to have a dig through my old half painted models tonight and see how much effort it would take to get the 1000 points fully painted. My motivation for Titanicus tailed off a while back, but this might help me get back on the wagon.



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Started an imperator as a little project. Going to add flak guns to the open roof next!


(I plan on it being dual use: a valiant in 40k and as an imperator model... so the plan is to magnetize various bits of base terrain, so I can switch out a marine for an epic land raider etc)


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Been working on my modular industrial terrain sets. This tester of the basic kit is 127 parts (of 208) and is missing a few pieces, like the railings for the main platform and some dressing items (crates, barrels)...

That's a nice kit!


I can think of several uses for it...

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Cerastus go together nicely and if you have a bits box you can make your shock lances look different. I had fun adding SM, Empire, Stormcast and even Eldar bits. Leaving your shield arm off can make painting easier btw


Yeah, current plan is to leave the carapace & shield separate for at least the earlier painting stages, although I think I'll leave their build as standard for these first two


At least this time I'm aware of how easy it is to accidentally glue the Reaver's pelvis on the wrong way, so I can ward against that particular error :happy.:

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