Marshal Rohr Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 Why do they keep doing this :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 Takes place during the indomitus crusade us all they said. But the crusade hasn't stopped, it's still going right? No, Guilliman has long since declared the Indomitus as successfull (even though it didn't reach its goals obviously) to raise morale in the Imperium. Legionnaire of the VIIth 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Triszin Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 Why do they keep doing this :D Ya, I'm starting to feel they waaay over hyped this again Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G8Keeper Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 So much for them upping the rumour schedule this week for this aye? Doctor Perils 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Loss Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 They also said the galaxy felt too small (which I agree with wholeheartedly) and they werr trying to fix that. That is refreshing to hear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Triszin Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 They also hired someone or something I thought who specializes in military logistics to assist with writing. They want to explain how logistics in this universe works, and I'm excited to see it, as this might also indirectly fix the numbers issues. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rob P Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 What is meant by the galaxy being too small? I kind of agree and disagree with this. On one hand, the warp has safe routes and unsafe routes which means that places that fall along the safe routes will be highly populated, whilst places that are not on the routes are practically unreachable within the context of the 10k year setting. This means the galaxy can be as vast as you like, but if a system is not reachable in a reasonable period, it might as well not exist. On the other hand, named characters shouldn't be meeting each other all over the place and it should be reasonable to think that even well known chapters have very little living knowledge of each other save where they may have come together (such as at Armageddon). I suppose to some extent the speed at which the primaris have been allowed to swarmed the galaxy doesn't help to give the impression of a vast setting. The rift ought to have created the have and have-nots when it comes to primaris. Imagine the divergence in marine forces that could have been developed due to the rift. Khornestar 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Rohr Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 I think that means they realize Vigilus was too crowded and wanted to give the factions some spaces to dominate in without encroaching on someone else’s spotlight Khornestar, Rob P, and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 Rob P, I think you answered your own question in your response... Rob P, Khulu and Lexington 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 They also said that Drazhar's identity is going to remain a mystery for now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redcomet Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 What is meant by the galaxy being too small? I kind of agree and disagree with this. On one hand, the warp has safe routes and unsafe routes which means that places that fall along the safe routes will be highly populated, whilst places that are not on the routes are practically unreachable within the context of the 10k year setting. This means the galaxy can be as vast as you like, but if a system is not reachable in a reasonable period, it might as well not exist. On the other hand, named characters shouldn't be meeting each other all over the place and it should be reasonable to think that even well known chapters have very little living knowledge of each other save where they may have come together (such as at Armageddon). I suppose to some extent the speed at which the primaris have been allowed to swarmed the galaxy doesn't help to give the impression of a vast setting. The rift ought to have created the have and have-nots when it comes to primaris. Imagine the divergence in marine forces that could have been developed due to the rift. it took 200 years to finish the Indomitus crusade. 200! That is a heck of a long time. In compassion the HH was over in 7 years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redcomet Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 Takes place during the indomitus crusade us all they said. But the crusade hasn't stopped, it's still going right? Guilliman calls the crusade done in Dark Imperium. Why do they keep doing this They? This? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 They? This? As I understand it, they = GW, this = hyping things to the point that the actual event cannot live up to fan speculation built on that hype and social media posts. SickSix 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pandion40 Posted October 5, 2019 Share Posted October 5, 2019 I’m happy with this new information personally. The formation of the great rift, the Indomitas Crusade, the spread of the Primaris and Imperium Nihilus have all hardly been touched upon, this is a very important period of time for the current setting and we don’t have a great deal of info about it. It’ll be great to find out how all the various factions have been impacted and changed by the rift as the little we have is very imperium focused. They did also say there will still be some ongoing narratives but it seems their main focus will be to fill out the recent changes to the setting, I’m one of those people who think the imperium and other factions really need more primarch level characters so it’s not just Guilliman pulling out a miraculous win against his more powerful Deamonic brothers all the time but I think going back and firming up the base of 8th editions lore first will be much better for the game overall. Think of it this way, right now the new lore is a framework only, if they fill it out into a proper foundation the whole of 40k will be better for it, assuming they do a decent job. Plus they can do subtle retcons, for example if the Sanguinor was to be powered up to a Primarch level model and rules only the Blood Angels would notice. Also many Primarchs could return and not announce their return to the galaxy, later in the PA the lion could return and decide he wants to gather his legion which never really disbanded properly and deal with the gathering fallen army before announcing himself. There could be an entire campaign set in an out of the way corner of the galaxy with a returned lion and the rest of the imperium none the wiser. Felix Antipodes 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted October 5, 2019 Share Posted October 5, 2019 Yeah the only problem is that GW didn't get the order right. Most people already moved past this big event in their mind and were now expecting something new. If PA is really about fleshing out the Indomitus Crusade etc. then it's what we should have gotten together with Gathering Storm and before Vigilus and especially before all the novels like Dark Imperium and Devastation of Baal and such. Bryan Blaire, and Doctor Perils 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pandion40 Posted October 5, 2019 Share Posted October 5, 2019 Yeah the only problem is that GW didn't get the order right. Most people already moved past this big event in their mind and were now expecting something new. If PA is really about fleshing out the Indomitus Crusade etc. then it's what we should have gotten together with Gathering Storm and before Vigilus and especially before all the novels like Dark Imperium and Devastation of Baal and such. I agree, 8th should’ve launched with this stuff starting soon after, novels campaign books the works, but they did virtually nothing for years then started moving the story forward slowly so I can understand people’s frustration at going back to fill in gaps, Hell I share that frustration but I think it is the right thing to do. I’d like them to acknowledge they made a mistake though, admit they rushed out the 8th edition lore changes without having the necessary depth and volume of lore ready to go and properly support such a massive change. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sete Posted October 5, 2019 Share Posted October 5, 2019 (edited) So PA is during the Indomitus Crusade? What a :cussing mess GW. What a :cussing mess. Then why dont release this :cuss first? Well if BT gets a model then we saw it 2 years ago then: Edited October 5, 2019 by Sete Panzer and 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Rohr Posted October 5, 2019 Share Posted October 5, 2019 (edited) The Indomitus Crusade was Guilliman re-establishing control over parts of the Imperium Sanctus in disarray from the Great Rift opening up and ended at the Beginning of the Plague Wars. The Era Indomitus is the continued stories and narratives surrounding the Indomitus Fleets during and after the Crusade ends. The Psychic Awakening stretches through the Indomitus Crusade to its end and into the Era Indomitus as the Indomitus Fleets still move outward reconquering and reinforcing areas of the Imperium still fighting. The event is simultaneous and the Psychic Awakening stories will be peppered all the way through. The Indomitus Crusade arc really only followed the Imperials. Psychic Awakening will detail what was occurring for the other races as the Indomitus Crusade occurred and what they’ve been doing in the Era Indomitus. In the Preview they said 40k will not be Episodic like AoS with a progressing meta-narrative it will be fleshed out in chunks and remain a static setting. Edited October 5, 2019 by Marshal Rohr gideon stargreave, pandion40 and Felix Antipodes 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted October 5, 2019 Share Posted October 5, 2019 Well if BT gets a model then we saw it 2 years ago then: Potentially the BA one as well: and Doctor Perils 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Triszin Posted October 5, 2019 Share Posted October 5, 2019 at this rate, this is probably a named character that doubles as an ancient for wolves Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Rohr Posted October 5, 2019 Share Posted October 5, 2019 I really wish the models looked as awesome as that art Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Triszin Posted October 5, 2019 Share Posted October 5, 2019 so... we now know the timeframe of PA. unfortunately its not moving forward, but a rewind tale of the indomitably era events. Ashes of prospero now falls directly in line with this: * note: the bulk of the wolves were called elsewhere, and Lukas, Njal, Arjac and less than a hundred 40k era marines were present, and rescued 30k era 13th company. devastation of baal after math: My guess blood angels hunt down the tendrils of the hive that attacked them. so my guesstimates: Orks V wolves: Beast ghaz appears and ragnar tries to stop him. Ragnar gets beat bad and undergoes primarisifcation to survive. new model! nids V blood angels: Dante hunts down over hive tyrants and gets injured then primarisifcation! insert: classic character marines get beat up bad and need an upgrade to fight back and survive! * I hope not but I expect it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Shepherd Posted October 5, 2019 Share Posted October 5, 2019 at this rate, this is probably a named character that doubles as an ancient for wolves Primaris units let alone troops with decent cc weapons let alone axes, yes please Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Triszin Posted October 5, 2019 Share Posted October 5, 2019 i think at most it will be a special character. no cqc troops Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted October 6, 2019 Share Posted October 6, 2019 A friend posted this in our warhammer whatsapp group today: Interesting bits from the Psychic Awakening preview stream-They have been working on it for 2 years.-The idea of the psychic awakening has been in the background for ages. Humanity as a whole is evolving into a psyker species.-The Emperor foresaw this and knew that if left uncontrolled humanity will suffer the same fate as the Aeldari. The only difference is that the Aeldari weren't that populace and were concentrated in one part of the galaxy. Their Fall created the Eye of Terror. Humanity is more numerous than the Pre-Fall Aeldari and they are spread across the galaxy. Their Fall will be far greater in scale and magnitude.-The Great Rift caused an increased rate of psyker births-The goal of the project in the coming months is to give all the selected factions rule updates, lore content, and/or models in a condensed manner. It won't be like the other events where two or three factions are involved and the others get nothing.-The whole event is meant to show the effect of the Great Rift birth and the rampant psychic awakening on the various faction. Basically, what were they up to during the Great Rift formation and the Indomintus crusade. Jeeezz, it's not lore progression, it's goddamn filler!-The rule ideas that they didn't think of when writing the earlier codexes, will be featured in this event. It's their chance to inject some pizzazz into these factions.-You won't be able to guess what each faction will get. The studio guys will do different approaches. Be more creative with things.-The majority of the Drukhari and the Asuryani don't want anything to do with the Ynnari. The Ynnari are causing more divisiveness in Aeldari culture rather than more unity.-The Pheonix Lords have cautiously allied with the Ynnari.-The Aeldari, humanity, and the T'au represent three stages of 40K galactic nation evolution. The Aeldari are the future (The Fall), humanity is the present (the journey), and the T'au are in the same spot humanity was before the DAoT (the start). Humanity is walking in the footsteps of the Aeldari while the T'au, in turn, are walking in the footsteps of mankind. The Aeldari know well where this path leads, where humanity and the T'au are heading, so they can try to guide the future.-The Asuryani are not the good guys. They are manipulative and are just out for themselves. But they are civil in the way they do their things.-The events of the Psychic Awakening are all happening at the same time.-The Psychic Awakening will be a big and long-running event that will be the focus of many books and content for a long while-Humanity's psychic evolution began before the birth of the Great Rift. It hastened with the Great Rift. And will continue on until either somebody figures out a way to stop humanity from evolving into psykers, or all humans become psykers and blow up the galaxy.-The Indomintus Crusade (The 100 years that it was active) will be explored ad detailed for a long time. The Horus Hersey and its 7 years was a subject for a lot of content. The 100 years of the Indomintus Crusade will keep GW and the playerbase busy for way longer. REJOICE! The Psychic Awakening is just the start of the exploration of that era.-The way GW handles AoS and 40K storytelling differently. AoS is an episodic setting that has its lore expanded and progressed with each release. AoS follows a linear storyline. 40K storytelling revolves around creating a big backdrop and then sprinkling it with stories and also give the fans the option of using the backdrop to tell their own stories. What they did in 8th ED is just repainting the backdrop. Though there are ongoing narrative arcs, GW is not interested in telling a linear ongoing story in 40K.-Another goal of this event is to show how large the galaxy is., Legionnaire of the VIIth, point_Zer0 and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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