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Primaris Shrike

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Ishagu says alot of things ;) .... I actually agree with 80%. I hope he's right for modelling purposes, but for this one model I'm taking the helmet off .... and cutting that wall down to the ground (yuk). It's the only thing on the model I don't like. Assuming the rules and points are competitively priced compared to other Chapter Masters.

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Ishagu over in the N&R Shrike thread is saying that Shrike supposedly comes with a helmeted option.

I'm just relaying what the FLG guys said. Reece said that he doesn't much like the head but he's happy because he comes with a helmet option.


He also went on to say that the supplement makes them very trixy. Think Astartes mixed with GSC in play-style.

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Valrak shared a spoiler, located here


Just an update, my source (the guy who sent me the pics of the Imperial Fist Boxset last Christmas) has said his shop now has both the Raven Guard Supplement and the Iron Hand supplement in the stock room, both with their character models (Shrike and Iron Father). His guess is the 21st for Pre-orders as another AoS product is coming before it.


Hype train, woohoo

Edited by Shadow Captain Vyper
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  • 2 weeks later...

So quick look at the international sites that already have our orders up looks like Shrike doesn't have a separate helmet and the one that's hanging from his belt is already attached


Hopefully it's not too difficult to snip it off

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Looks like it should be more than doable. It will probably need some very minor work like adding somehing beneat to act as a neck, and still unclear if some part of the lower back of the helm, where it it meant to fit to his belt, is missing or not. But the fact that it is it's own little bit, and not already sculpted directly on to a larger piece of his body has reduced the potential work load massively.


Interesting to note that the helm is also an Mk. X beaky, as it has the slanted 'ears'. Potentially a nice piece for a Primaris Captain conversion...

Edited by Reinhard
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I'm actually going to build him exactly how he's pictured.


The more I look at the pose he is in on top of the wall, the more I like it. GW did a really good job of conveying a sense of motion to the model.


The way he's standing on top of the wall gives the impression that he just jumped on top of the wall for a second to scan for his next target.

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The more I look at the pose he is in on top of the wall, the more I like it. GW did a really good job of conveying a sense of motion to the model.



Ah, how we interpret art. I look at him and feel like he's incredibly static and waiting to take a las cannon to the dome.


I plan on building mine off the wall, closer to the ground. I would love to make it look like he's running forward about to slice a head off but I think that might be far too much converting for my current level of skill.

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Now it's confirmed there is no helmet option I'm of two minds

I'm slowly coming to accept the hair do so if looks like I can't easily convert it I'll keep it as is

Although they won't stop me from getting a 2nd to attempt in future ;)

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Now it's confirmed there is no helmet option I'm of two minds

I'm slowly coming to accept the hair do so if looks like I can't easily convert it I'll keep it as is

Although they won't stop me from getting a 2nd to attempt in future :wink:

It looks like it'd be easy enough to convert:



The hardest part will likely be safely cutting Shrike's helmet off his belt.

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A jeweler's saw will make removing the head very easy... kinda like how the Raven's Talons will be removing opposing HQ heads. A little greenstuff to make the soft armor for the neck and maybe a slight working of it up to the back of the helmet and I think it'll be fine. It seems like the area that's attached to the pouches is low enough on the head that it won't cause too much trouble, or stand out too much if you're not that great with sculpting (like me). If the cut is clean enough you might not even have to do any work on the pouches and let paint cover it up.


I'm staring at the arms and wondering if it's worth the work I perceive to change is pose a little more drastically.

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Now it's confirmed there is no helmet option I'm of two minds

I'm slowly coming to accept the hair do so if looks like I can't easily convert it I'll keep it as is

Although they won't stop me from getting a 2nd to attempt in future ;)

I'm absolutely going to buy a 2nd after I get my first built/painted, and that one I've got a wild conversion idea for :)

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So... is there any reason RAW we can't run Primaris Shrike and mini-me Shrike? Two chapter master auras bouncing around the field...


Looked up the Character WC download:



This document contains several datasheets for Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, Salamanders, Black Templars, Salamanders and Raven Guard units that do not appear in the 2019 edition of Codex: Space Marines. If your collection includes any of these units, use the datasheets and points values found here for those units until their datasheets appear again and are superseded in a new publication.



Edited by thewarriorhunter
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Dude *blink* *blink * That’s .... just dirty. I’m shocked .... and proud .... and while not sad it isn’t legal, Shrike having a Firstborn buddy would be sweet, lol. Keep thinking outside the box my man ;)
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Dude *blink* *blink * That’s .... just dirty. I’m shocked .... and proud ....



You mean I'm finally starting to understand and 'get it'?


That makes me all warm and fuzzy inside because I'm trying to be a tougher (but still fun) opponent at the table.

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You know you 'get it' when you think of something competitive/broken/aggressive and then start having fluff bunny thoughts afterwards to justify the pain train that just left the station.


This is a war that rages inside me what feels like daily, and also let's me know why I still love this game as much as I do.

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So... is there any reason RAW we can't run Primaris Shrike and mini-me Shrike? Two chapter master auras bouncing around the field...


Looked up the Character WC download:



This document contains several datasheets for Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, Salamanders, Black Templars, Salamanders and Raven Guard units that do not appear in the 2019 edition of Codex: Space Marines. If your collection includes any of these units, use the datasheets and points values found here for those units until their datasheets appear again and are superseded in a new publication.


Unfortunately, Kayvaan Shrike's datasheet has the exact same name, which means it replaces the old version.


There's nothing that says you can't run the historical version in a game set in an earlier era, but can't run them at the same time.


The fact that both are Chapter Masters kills the idea alone, since you can't have more than 1 per Chapter keyword.


You could, however, run both Shrike and Issodon if you were so inclined.

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Dude *blink* *blink * That’s .... just dirty. I’m shocked .... and proud ....




You mean I'm finally starting to understand and 'get it'?


That makes me all warm and fuzzy inside because I'm trying to be a tougher (but still fun) opponent at the table.

All right that’s the second warm and fuzzy comment I got this morning. Gonna go pump some weights or something and stop posting late at night ya goons ;)

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