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Primaris Shrike

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in the normal marine codex, our army picture is captioned as Iron Hands as well.

Yeah, I noticed that on p96.  Funny thing is the very same pic is in the previous codex p125 but correctly captioned!


Just finished up a Phobos Librarian and am starting on an Invictor.  Once that is done Shrike will be next up and I plan on doing the head swap too - thanks for all the advice to those who have done it already.

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Seeing the different angles I feel like the jump pack is too big... I wonder how much work would be needed to drop the top set of jets/grav bits?



0 work. You can leave the jet pack without the top part and it actually looks good. I had serious doubts before decide to go with the complete version.


See, this is good to know.  The overly busy backpack is the one thing that puts me off the model.


From a distance and in silhouette it looks like a Techpriest saw an illustration of a helicopter, then tried to put rotors on a backpack and couldn't get it to work.


Maybe that's just me.

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Nearly finished my Shrike last night :D


There was a bit more plastic attaching the helmet to the pouch than I expected.

Managed to cut if off and saved the rest of the pouch including the mounting lug

Any damage to the rear of the helmet is fortunately hidden by the armour and backpack

I also gave him a FW MkVI shoulder pad a slightly more ornate pad as well

I will probably do Archons modified barrier to pose Shrike on although later on I might use a resin scenic base when funds allow

I looked into flipping the talons forwards but I couldn't seem to get them to sit properly in that position


Oh and I was too lazy to change my blade out so when I was cutting off the helmet when I finally broke throw it flew across the room and landed right on the edge a floor hearing vent :o

So watch out for flying helmets! ;)

Double edit

Also for the base of the helmet I just trimmed off his regular head base and glued that into position then glued the helmet in top of that

Seemed to work ok?

Edited by duz_
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The only things I changed were the orientation of his foot claws (just flipped them over and they look better in my opinion) and I exchanged his pads. I replaced the left pad with the Sgt pad from the upgrade sprue and the right one with a MkVI pad with a scroll on it.


I'm going to write his name on it and add a transfer of some sort.

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All hail to the first posting a Primaris shrike with his beaky helmet on.

Ask and you shall receive. Sorry for the bad photos. Mini photography (and a cracked lens) are not my strong suit:



Edit: you'll note I did not attach the "bling" hanging from his belt. That is intentional; I will paint that on sprue and put it on afterwards. I also have to do some mould line removal, but I wanted to be the first up with his helmet :-)

Has anyone had a crack at repositioning his pistol arm to an extended position? Think that would look the goods with the head facing this way.

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I feel obliged to direct all you fine fellas to our painting event Corax Command 2019. :smile.:


Join the Ravenspire in celebrating the Raven Guard "Codex" by entering a single HQ choice. At the end of the event we will all vote on the Supreme Commander and his dedication to Corax :wink:



Hear hear!  You have such good models!  Might as well show them off when you paint them ; )

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  • 4 weeks later...

Figured this was the best place to put this. A guy in the ICs FB group has been drawing really awesome 40k artwork for inktober. His latest one is a mashup of Shrike and baseball. Thought it looked great and wanted to throw it here:




Link to original post: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10216180486647349&set=gm.495767471021103&type=3&theater&ifg=1

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