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Where is the rumour that wolves get nothing? Our French friend who has had everything right except for wolves in Jan stated Ragnar is coming. I don’t doubt that at this point

Wasn't the French rumor that a separate case. Iirc this was dakka.

The Ragnar rumors was from the guy who spoiled alot of the marine stuff, Sete translated alot of (he was more concerned about Templars). I think the original posting stopped posting when alot of people started quoting him

Simply put we cat use those stratagems because they might as well be tyranid stratagems, these are stratagems for a different codex. Yes we have some shared keywords however we dont get the stratagem as it's not in our book. Basically we only have stratagems that are in our book. Or that we are given access to by an official GW source.


Likely we will get something similar in PA but until then we actually have a publication that grants us the stratagem it's not for us.

Worth noting that the Blood Angels didn't get the Level 2 character stratagems. In a way, this makes sense in a lot of cases. We already have named characters for a lot of key positions. We also get Sanguinary Priests as a level 2 Apothecary. Techmarines are the only unnamed slot.


I have a hunch that Space Wolves will be the same. I don't see us getting a Chief Iron Priest stratagem. On the flip side, BAs got several stratagems to boost their signature units like Death Company and Sanguinary Guard. With luck, we might get some other good toys too.

I truly wonder how we turn out. We don't really have a Death Company like BA do, which any unit can get a keyword and a buff. We have Wolf Guard but they are the same stat line as GH, their strength comes in their weapon options. Wulfen are Primaris so we won't see "Primaris Wulfen". So I don't know how that will go.


I can guess we get some stratagems for buffing our Wulfen and maybe Wolf Guard? It's a strange place to be right now. We are non-codex marines but we also are not like the other non-codex marines as we take it to the extreme. Even BA/DA attempt to be (or appear to be in the case of DA) codex compliant. We make no such effort. Then we have a diverse strategy between the 13 companies, with nothing being noted about our one or two confirmed successors appearing since Dark Imperium.

I suspect we will be getting wolf spear rules like how BA got flesh tearers. Not positive of course but I wouldn't be surprised.


My dream for the variance between great companies is that the second half of the chapter tactic can be changed by company. Like keep the +1 to hit on charge for all space wolves, but then vary the 6" heroic intervention part to be different from great company to great company to represent the unique methods.

Isn't the Wulfen unit meant to represent both minimarines and the pretty princess marines in a mixed unit? At least I've heard mumblings in this forum of such being mentioned in an interview.


I don't really mind stratagems to boost the Wulfen unit, but having a second unit of the slavering beasts just feels redundant. Giving an unit the ability to generally deny one power or when used against them would be a decent upgrade. Personally, I wouldn't be against an addition of a Wulfen Priest as a character or a Pack Leader upgrade if it meant the resurrection of Cult of Morkai and Deathsworn packs.


As for the Master of the Forge. You can technically make an Iron Priest a MoF as the stratagem's target is a TECHMARINE, but that requires a detachment from the SM book to unlock the stratagem itself. You won't get much out of the stratagem itself other than the keyword as the IP lacks the rule it boosts. The wording on the Warlord traits is <CHAPTER> DREADNOUGHT/VEHICLE so won't affect SPACE WOLVES. Interestingly, the stratagem "Hero of the Chapter" specifies the target is ADEPTUS ASTARTES CHARACTER in one's army. The relics require a Warlord to be from the SM faction and replaces a 'Chapter Relic', but technically doesn't specify that the recipient MASTER OF THE FORGE model needs to be of <CHAPTER>, just of the same army. Since IP can't have power axes, the only relic available would be The Endurant Protector, but since bikers and twolf priests were put to pasture, I don't think 4++ and +1T being worth the risk of getting hit with a rolled newspaper for interpreting of RAW in such manner.


Edit: Oh, right. Need to check the FAQ in case some of these got mended. And yes, yes they were. Can't use SM stratagems on other Astartes models. Boo.

Edited by OgreOnAStick

I still dislike being balanced around stratagems. Half the armies I make are CP starved.

I think thats an 8th edition problem/playing to your strategems is the way to go in general.


Know the feeling though, am giddy at the thought of my list now having 10 (minus 1 for extra relic)

I think he meant primaris in scale not actually primaris units.



but i think if primaris marines started to go wulfen, i don't think you would a new kit to distinguish them. they'd mix in with the other wulfen packs and that's that.

Edited by Wispy

Yes, Wulfen were sized to match the Primaris, and the idea is they represent Wulfen from either the standard Astartes line or the Primaris Astartes line.


That one was from a Jervis interview IIRC.

Wulfen are not Primaris.

If they were, they would have the Primaris keyword.


Yes, Wulfen were sized to match the Primaris, and the idea is they represent Wulfen from either the standard Astartes line or the Primaris Astartes line.

That one was from a Jervis interview IIRC.

As Bryan and a few other have stated. Wulfen were meant to cover first bloods and primaris marines. I have seen many people on FB and in other forums request primaris wulfen. However that is not going to happen. I realize they lack the keyword primaris, however I think that is to cover something in the future and we are not there yet.

I want our TWC to matter again. They need fleet back. I'd love a stratagem to allow them to re-engage a withdrawing unit. We need something like this, and they are the right unit for it.

A strat like that would be cool as would a general counter charge one. As others have said they should get some crushing charge mortal wound mechanic v infantry/bikes/cav. And the reroll charges for named twc characters and beasts should ve extended to all twc

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