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Psychic Awakening 2 rumours


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I dont need BT OP, i just need them decent enough.

And i hope there are some cool strats for Primaris only crusades.

I still think they are hiding something on the book.

Helbrect and Grimaldus arent part of this, why they keep showing them in the army pics?


Or maybe im reading too much into it, and these are the only models they have :D :D :D

Edited by Sete
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A swordmaster generates and additional Hit on 6es. Does that mean he'll generate two wounds on 6es now?


Actually no. While initially yes, after some turds started using this as a justification for infinite loops of hits when combining several 6 hit strats, GW threw up their hands and said that any abilities that grant extra hits on 6+ count all extra hits as nebulous. IE, you get 1 auto wound and 1 hit you have to roll for normally.

That's so lame. Leave it to the WAAC players to ruin it for the rest of us.
swordmaster and Grimaldus still stack right?....with the 6s exploding and also generating the hits as well Edited by Crimson cowboy
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A swordmaster generates and additional Hit on 6es. Does that mean he'll generate two wounds on 6es now?


Actually no. While initially yes, after some turds started using this as a justification for infinite loops of hits when combining several 6 hit strats, GW threw up their hands and said that any abilities that grant extra hits on 6+ count all extra hits as nebulous. IE, you get 1 auto wound and 1 hit you have to roll for normally.

That's so lame. Leave it to the WAAC players to ruin it for the rest of us.
swordmaster and Grimaldus still stack right?....with the 6s exploding and also generating the hits as well



Yes, so if you roll a 6 inside his aura with the Master Swordsman trait, you get 2 hits instead of 1 and then you make another attack which if it rolls a 6 causes another 2 hits instead of 1

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The first Space Marine Warhammer Community article in a while where none of the pictures use Primaris.


Usually I'm struggling to find the Tactical Squad lurking in the back...


That Assault Squad look like a new studio unit, too. 


I notice they've flipped on the Templars hating Psykers again, too. For a while it was ''The Black Templars don't hate Psykers, they just cant remember how to put on a Librarians hood.''


Both of these things please me.

dont give to much hope into this sentence. In the new lore we hate Psykers too - but not all Psyker.

This is from the proclaimed OP chapter:



Do they look incredibly OP from the article?


Have faith, brothers....

yes- they have done

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Prediction? A stratagem that advances us to Assault Doctrine. Probably at the cost of 3CP, but if allowed first turn...talk about some Alpha Strike capabilities with these combos.

That will not happen. In the rumors is said we get a relic that does so.


If there is a stratagem - I think it will be just for one unit(and just one CP like the Smurfs one)

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dont give to much hope into this sentence. In the new lore we hate Psykers too - but not all Psyker.


Even more to the point we hate witches with a passion, but we don't consider for instance, astropaths and navigators as witches who are thus spared our wrath. It's a brand of hypocricy that can I fully get behind (our chapter wouldn't function otherwise). But we've been down this path before.

Edited by Reinhard
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I dont need BT OP, i just need them decent enough.

And i hope there are some cool strats for Primaris only crusades.

I still think they are hiding something on the book.

Helbrect and Grimaldus arent part of this, why they keep showing them in the army pics?


Or maybe im reading too much into it, and these are the only models they have :D :D :D

Looking at the pics we have seen so far the only units they have painted are:


- characters and Cenos

- assault squad

- TDA assault squad

- Sternguard SBs

- Finecast SB Squad

- one or two Crusader squads

- standard dreadnought

- Predator

- 2 LRCs and one LR

- one Rhino (?)


Which isn't a huge selection of units considering the size of the SM range.

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Incursors are also fun as their unmodified 6's will also generate an additional attack. The more I think about it the more I see a "competitive" BT army being a front-wave of Incursors, Infiltrators, and Invictors and a second-wave of LRCs with Crusader Squads and Assault Terminators. Give the opponent a lot to think about regarding target priority.


LRC squads are 450+ points a pop, there is no substantial first wave below 2k and above 2k landraiders can't take the amount of firepower on the table.



dont give to much hope into this sentence. In the new lore we hate Psykers too - but not all Psyker.

Even the 4th ed codex gave a Grey Knights exemption, BT have never hated all psykers.

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Looking at the pics we have seen so far the only units they have painted are:


- characters and Cenos

- assault squad

- TDA assault squad

- Sternguard SBs

- Finecast SB Squad

- one or two Crusader squads

- standard dreadnought

- Predator

- 2 LRCs and one LR

- one Rhino (?)


Which isn't a huge selection of units considering the size of the SM range.


It's almost like the Black Templar studio army at Warhammer World has not been updated that much in the last 10 years.

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Prediction? A stratagem that advances us to Assault Doctrine. Probably at the cost of 3CP, but if allowed first turn...talk about some Alpha Strike capabilities with these combos.

Turn 1 assaults without Drop Pods aren't that common. However, a stratagem that changes tactical doctrine to assault would be great, even though melee is like 1/3 of our damage output.


I want some BT rule/stratagem excuse to use primaris models in the army. Tiny marines are so ugly and small in comparison.


With that said, wish they just updated original marine models, but we are where we are.

Space Marines have style, Primaris don't. And BT upgrade sprue gives us best-looking marines ever.

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okay, seems the way to go for us will be a mix of oldmarines and primaris then, meaning the upgrades of my old force will be cheaper in real life dollars.


competitive-wise, some notes:

Knights of Sigismund math: 10 crusaders dishing out 30 attacks on the charge would normaly produce 20 hits and 10 wounds vs t4. knights of sigismund raises that to 12,5 (5 6s, plus 15 remaining hits for 7.5 wounds). this is a 25% increase. nothing to write home about but not too shabby. vs t5-7, that is 7 wounds vs 10 wounds respectively.


more imortantly, the rule strongly favours independent characters with swords: low-strength(so the autowound comes into play), strong-ap, lots of attacks. i have some unglued swordwielders :smile.: take into account that adding swords to your HQs does not stop you from fielding a nice, balanced army or even a hybrid shooty one. 


shock and awe stratagem: "meh". could be useful for a large crusader squad in a land raider to threaten an enemy shooting force with the ability to charge into multiple units and ignore overwatch. even so, it is unreliable; i could see it working as a diversion though - "my land raider and crusaders are drawing near, they will tie up your squads in cc; focus them, don't focus my shooty units of doom that are the real threat".


all in all i am glad:

-NOBODY, not Whitescars, not tyranids, NOBODY  can build a pure cc list and from the looks of it we are not an exception-that was expected. its a meta thing not a codex/support thing, so please don't whine about that.

-changed rules of emperor's champion has traditionaly meant "more than we think".

-"moderate/ok" doctrine buff. "meh" LRC buff, but at least it is something.

-VERY important warlord trait. it will have unforseen consequences in various matchups.

-new litanies were expected, but tbh i am really glad anyway. i love me chaplains.

Edited by MarshalMittermeier
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The relic sword is dandy, but the only thing from the reveal that I like the look of is that Litany. 4-attack TH/SS Termies are something I like to think about.


If only the Chaplain Litanies mechanic was more functional, like if it activated in the Psychic phase or at the end of the Movement phase like pretty much every other buff power outside of Canticles. It’s possible we’ll get a Stratagem to let a Chaplain use a Litany after getting out of a transport or Deep Striking, but given that GW worked so diligently to make sure Chaplains don’t work I can’t see them giving a Stratagem that would make them work.

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Space Marines have style, Primaris don't. And BT upgrade sprue gives us best-looking marines ever.

Tacticals look pretty bland too until you make em spiffy. Hell, the famous 3rd Ed. cover art featuring BT has loads of marines that are relatively plain, but still look distinctly BT. Check out Maxime Corbeil's Primaris BT on Instagram, he's made some fantastic looking marines.


Also the upgrade kit shows it's age. Even the pauldrons look out of place on any model made since they started using CAD sculpting; they're oddly bulbous because the cross/skull come out so far, and the trim is visibly uneven.

Edited by Mmmmm Napalm
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There's no accounting for taste.


The old upgrade sprue was very meaty. But half if not more of said content is unusuable for the new breed of Templar. A lot of it is incompatible. All of it could do with a refresh, everything can be reproduced to much higher quality today. The old sprue is 'fine' if you don't intend to ever move beyond your old stunted marine collection, but stop telling people who wants to get with the times (or even worse, started with the new kids) to "be fine with the old sprue" when they can't even use most of it. It reeks of arrogance and snobbery not becoming of this place.

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So everyone, who doesn't share the opinion that Primaris are sooooo great and BT need them, has to shut up, while the rest should feel free to cultivate this cosy atmosphere of whining, grim complaining and despair that by now infects every almostevery new thread in this forum?

Aside all aversion for Primaris/Firstborn Astartes this used to be a place with really great army threads, showcasing stunning models, great paint-jobs and thoughtful crusades. It was encouraging to read through them, no rational being could decide to join the eternal crusade, while reading through the newer threads. Yes, GW hast mistreated the BT in the last years, but since Gathering Storm there is at least some 'presence', after a decade of being flange-mounted to the Codex: Space Marines. So could we just wait for the full reveal, before we burst into tears and pity ourselves. 

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BT upgrade sprue certainly makes better looking marines than your average oldmarine, it's one of the reasons I went with BT in the first place over 7 years ago. However, Primaris models also just as certainly (well, subjectively at least) look much better than old tacticals etc (with the exception of things like Aggressors). But BT-blinged Primaris with tabards and whatnot? Now that'd be something to behold. But for now my BT will be just oldmarines.

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So everyone, who doesn't share the opinion that Primaris are sooooo great and BT need them, has to shut up, while the rest should feel free to cultivate this cosy atmosphere of whining, grim complaining and despair that by now infects every almostevery new thread in this forum?

Aside all aversion for Primaris/Firstborn Astartes this used to be a place with really great army threads, showcasing stunning models, great paint-jobs and thoughtful crusades. It was encouraging to read through them, no rational being could decide to join the eternal crusade, while reading through the newer threads. Yes, GW hast mistreated the BT in the last years, but since Gathering Storm there is at least some 'presence', after a decade of being flange-mounted to the Codex: Space Marines. So could we just wait for the full reveal, before we burst into tears and pity ourselves. 


I take it this post was directed at mine, as it was immediately preceeding it? Apologies if that's not the case. My reply:


It cuts both ways. If you take all that meaning from my post above, then is it also fair for me to infer that you're telling everyone who do like Primaris to likewise shut up and be happy with something they mostly can't use?

Edited by Reinhard
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Folks, there's already been one Mod-stop on this thread; 'nuff said.


I'm curious which relics people think may make the jump into PA2 or any speculation on the BT's litanies which may help differentiate them from the C:SM ones. I imagine something to boost the save vs mortal wounds is a straightforward one.

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