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Psychic Awakening 2 rumours


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So we have 15 pages in the new book that is not to bad.  It does not look like new models but Litanies of the Devout sounds very thematic.  Even down to us getting a name generator is fun.


A good amount of work and support went into this from the Dev team.  Note new models are likely approved from upper management and really GW has been fairly light on 40k model support as of late in general.  They are spending a lot of time on AOS / Warcry and even necromonda plus Sisters just got translated into plastic.


This holds to my theory that this is about getting people interested in BT again for a future focused release to reboot BT as a majorly supported chapter.  

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I compared our pages with the Iron Hands Supplement.

The only differences are:


- we have just one page of stratagems and no page with special issue wargear - maybe we still take that from the Imperial fists.

(2 pages less but because of our Heroes 3 pages more)

but the IH Supp has no extra page for point values... so I think this will be just a small part of the whole page - so the rest will be Stratagems (which are exactly one page before)

15 pages and it seems they are using the same studio models from Gathering Storm.

Gonna wait to see some Primaris painted, unless the studio does not actually have any.


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I honestly do wonder if they have a BT Primaris studio army sometimes! Definitely flying the flag for old marines there.


I tell you what, if we come out of this, rules wise, with our own stuff, and the option of still taking some IF stuff. We are going to have a lot of fun.

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Well I’m pretty pleased too.


Ok I’m not as long in the tooth as some other brothers here and only started once templars were rolled into the codex,

but I think this is a good result.


We are pretty much front (ignore the witch on the ‘front’) and centre here. As said above, we’re leading the imperium in PA2!

15 pages is three times what the heretics get, but don’t forget we also get the 10 pages of rules that come before that!

Two litanies on a chaplain is going to have excellent potential.


Our units are all still there and maintain our character.

I was hoping for a primaris upgrade sprue, but on reflection the current one is better and with more options.


And I was also hoping for a primaris emperors champion, but I guess now I have to make my own Unique champion who’ll befit my personal crusade. Having just finished tweaking the primaris chaplain model I’m looking forward to that!


Bring on the Zeal! (Where’s Honda!?)

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I am also excited. BT seem to take centre stage for PA2 which is great news!


How many stratagems are found on a page, generally? I’m a little worried that we won’t have too many.


I imagine we’ll find the 3 of Vigilus, which leaves... 5? Additional stratagems.


How many were rumoured/leaked?

Charge out of a LRC after movement

-1 to hit in CC


Anything else?


I’m looking forward to this. The only bummer is that it’s 50$ for 15 pages...

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Damn, that assault squad with BT upgrade looks great. Almost makes me think about buying assault marines.

Aside from that, it's good to see BT as a core of loyalist forces, it's been a long time since we had something like that.



Edited by Deadman Wade
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Well this thread finally turned around. That's refreshing! I'm really excited for this, as a BT and Word Bearers player. I just have one question though. I already have Codex Space Marines 1.0 from a year or two back when 8th ed. started. Can I just get PA:2 to be current? Do I need to buy c:sm 2 and codex:chaos space marines to play Black Templars and Word Bearers?
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