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Psychic Awakening 2 rumours


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If the list is correct, the only option i see for BT to have a model/sprue is if the start collecting Primaris SM box has a random HQ and sprue.

It is priced at 95, same price as the SW start collecting box, and its coming up same day as the Faith and Fury book.


We are still counting BT as a "generic" Space Marine Chapter right? So the box would be named correctly and not BT start collecting box.

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In the other hand, if indeed it was to have a chapter specific primaris HQ and Sprue, it would make sense to have a box similar to the SW one.


HQ, Intercessors and Agressors, that are the focus of the Sprue bling.


That would excuse our own tab on the GW site, because so far i havent seen any reason whatsoever for us to be separated from IF and CF. Also could serve to check interest on BT.


I know im grasping at straws here, but im just trying to make sense of everything.

Things dont add up.

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Normally, I'd agree with you, but this book will still sell, there's like 5 chaos factions, just as starved for content sharing it. You don't gauge the interest of a single faction by having it share the spot with half a dozen others.


As much as I would love to stand on that as well, I have it on good standing that GW is watching two things very closely with the Psychic Awakening releases.  First, the sales of the books.  Second, how often those factions are making it into competitive play.  More than ever, GW has been taking an interest in the competitive environment of the game and if these factions books do not sell and/or have a decent showing at events around the world...poof.

If that's th ecase, why did GW make such whelming rules for Eldar? Jain Zar is pretty much unchanged, Dark Eldar rules a mixed bag (kabalites getting melee traits for example) and so on. I'm sincerely wondering what's the plan there. Do their designers really believe these factions would be on par with, say, Raven Guard or White Scars or Genestealer Cults?

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Unlikely though. Know no fear is pretty much the start collecting primaris, isn't it ?

Do those usually have two sides to it? Know no fear has DG as well as some Primaris stuff. All from DI.


What I'm wondering is if there's something new in the supposed actual "Start collecting" box that the spreadsheet 'leak' suggested would be coming. I don't think it'll have something BT related, on account of the name (It'd be called something like the Imperial fists supremacy force box, instead). Maybe something new and generic, open to everyone, ie truly generic, like said DI figures above? Maybe not.

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Well the price is the same as the SW one with their Primaris LT and sprue.


The timing of it with the faith and fury book, makes me believe it will not be Vanguard.


Could also be just a generic box, but that for me is not good news for our model range future, nor I can make it to make sense on my brain.


This is whats included on the SW start collecting primaris:


1x Primaris Battle Leader (supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base)

- 1x Primaris Aggressors (3 miniatures, each supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base)

- 1x Primaris Intercessors (10 miniatures, each supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base)

- 2x Space Wolves Primaris Upgrades (a selection of optional shoulder pads and accoutrements with which to decorate your Primaris Aggressors and Primaris Intercessors)


Change it to:


1x Primaris Castelan (supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base)

- 1x Primaris Aggressors (3 miniatures, each supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base)

- 1x Primaris Intercessors (10 miniatures, each supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base)

- 2x Black Templars Primaris Upgrades (a selection of optional shoulder pads and accoutrements with which to decorate your Primaris Aggressors and Primaris Intercessors)


And dare to dream.


If they release Vanguard or any other chapter on the start collecting set on the same day BT gets its rules, its not a cool move. They have a name for it in bird people culture. I would find it insulting in fact, as a costumer heavily invested on BT.

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I'd say on account of the name, I don't expect it. SW one is called "Start collecting Primaris Space wolves", which matches what's on the front of their codex. There's no subfactions for Space wolves, so all space wolf players can use everything in that box (that lieutenant specifically, is what I'm getting at). I'd expect that similiarily "Start collecting primaris space marines", which matches the SM cover, to only have things that are open for all factions within that codex, ie to be truly generic. It won't have a lieutenant or an upgrade sprue directed at us, while being labeled as it is. 


There's never been a start collecting ultramarines, or imperial fist (rather that was called the IF supremacy box)


Given that you pointed out how it matches the SW in price point and name, I'm expecting them to chuck the wake the dead lieutenant or other in there. Possibly won't even account for the missing chapter sprue.


This is just my assumptions based on that still in question spreadsheet leak.

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One can argue that at the moment Primaris BT is more generic than primaris UM.


I understand where you are coming from, and you are right on your assumption.


I will also add that SW also have sucessors now :P

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I mean it doesn't change my outlook, I don't expect anything anymore, I'm just growing morbidly curious to as to how they're reasoning behind this.


If we go by path of least resistance while assuming what we know from rumours to be true...

So the reorganisation on the site, everyone with their own supplement was made into a section, including us. I guess that's just because we have some unique products already, we aren't part of the IF supplement, like CF, and they can stick the campaign book under our tab? The dog whistling with our icons in the trailers, just a hint that our rules would be coming? Guess I've just been overvaluing the significance of them.


I still don't think Fulkes' theory is unconvincing, as they'd have to replace the campaign book with something once they stop stocking that. But for the mean time, I'm pretty convinced rules only.

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The separation on the GW site is probably purely coming from a marketing perspective and just making sure that the current BT models aren't lost in the SM range for those looking for them.


Being left out of the IF supplement gives me thought for two things: firstly, that the BT rules update was too large to include and would impinge on IF/CF stuff and so they get PA all to themselves. Or secondly, that the update is miniscule and with no models etc that they didn't want attention lost on IF/CF so you've been banished to PA.


Suitable outcome would be a full update of rules and a primaris upgrade sprue for BT. A bonus would be a new character ala Salamanders and IF. Only dreamers would imagine that you will get a new unit considering even larger and more popular factions such as BA/DA/SW haven't gotten any primaris units other than lieutenants. 

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I'm going to bring one glimmer of hope (road to disappointment I know...) but some people are suggesting this list is a fake. The argument runs as follows : supposedly this list is from an independent retailer (because it's not the internal format of GW documents), but independent retailers obviously do not get "made to order" models.





There won't be 5 chaos factions in the book. There will be two

That's not what the preview video hints at tho...

Yes I know, but I have a source. I've said too much already, I was asked not to discuss it lol

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The separation on the GW site is probably purely coming from a marketing perspective and just making sure that the current BT models aren't lost in the SM range for those looking for them.


Being left out of the IF supplement gives me thought for two things: firstly, that the BT rules update was too large to include and would impinge on IF/CF stuff and so they get PA all to themselves. Or secondly, that the update is miniscule and with no models etc that they didn't want attention lost on IF/CF so you've been banished to PA.


Suitable outcome would be a full update of rules and a primaris upgrade sprue for BT. A bonus would be a new character ala Salamanders and IF. Only dreamers would imagine that you will get a new unit considering even larger and more popular factions such as BA/DA/SW haven't gotten any primaris units other than lieutenants. 

What you say just feels contradictory. The easy way out was always to stick us in the IF book, not give us a section on the site, but instead put us under IF just like Crimson fists.


If our rules are too large to fit in there, fair enough, they banish us to a campaign book. But why would being too miniscule get us there too? I mean I guess I just have an issue with your framing, in both of your scenarios, they just banish us to another book, because they don't want us to detract, the size of t he rules is irrelevant. 


I don't think anyone here expects even what you call a "suitable outcome", at least not now.


My main question now is why GW is doing things this way, it'd have been so much easier to just give us half a page of lore, put in our data sheets, and moved on. Instead they have the black sheep feature front and center for an installment with the narrative campaign? It's just weird.




Yes I know, but I have a source. I've said too much already, I was asked not to discuss it lol



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Just to make it clear, there will be 2 chaos factions? Or will it be 1 chaos faction and 1 imperial?


If BT is at the front of the narrative vs a chaos faction, and yet the rumours say it does not get anything, it does not add up.

Im gonna open my bags of salt on those rumours.

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Just to make it clear, there will be 2 chaos factions? Or will it be 1 chaos faction and 1 imperial?


If BT is at the front of the narrative vs a chaos faction, and yet the rumours say it does not get anything, it does not add up.

Im gonna open my bags of salt on those rumours.


2 of each

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Just to make it clear, there will be 2 chaos factions? Or will it be 1 chaos faction and 1 imperial?


If BT is at the front of the narrative vs a chaos faction, and yet the rumours say it does not get anything, it does not add up.

Im gonna open my bags of salt on those rumours.

2 of each
Well Sisters and BT is a given.

Wonder who are the antagonists then.


Alpha Legion vs Sisters had a few bits of fiction, and a Sorceror for them would make sense I guess.


Probably WB after, contrast of Faith?

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