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Psychic Awakening 2 rumours


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The more I think about it, the more I find that I'm really happy that we're in PA2 instead of in the IF supplement like the Crimson Fists. I'm never going to play another marine army, especially not CF or IF. And if I am, it's going to be something really different like space wolves, dark angels, or Blood angels. So getting the IF supplement just for our rules would be a lot of wasted pages. But I do play chaos so having variety and having both my armies in a single book is awesome! If only they had come out with BT, word Bearers, and drukhari all in one book haha Edited by +Chaplain Matthias+
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I'd like to say I for one am excited for whatever PA2 has to offer us, I'm hoping for some neat Warlord traits and hopefully litanies instead of Psychic powers. Also some kind of fight twice strat would be awesome! (Marines dont have that already do they? I cant recall stratagem for some reason)

thats wrong. We have it already. But I hope that we get another one just for troop units that is chaper (1 or 2 CP) .



Sure we aren’t getting models but we already have the best upgrade kit in the game and the best single model (EC) so I can wait for a while.


My dudes, we are basically getting a new codex on a par with first founding chapters. It’s not the moon on a string but it’s a hell of a lot more than we have had for a long time.

For the former... the upgrade kit used to be good, it's not much good these days considering much of it doesn't really work well with Primaris. I certainly don't need any more regular upgrade kits, except maybe for shoulder pads if I did indeed get BT Primaris (which I currently don't plan to). EC model, really not the best single model either, but that's of course subjective.


For the latter, getting shoehorned into a silly campaign book is a far cry from a "new codex on par with first founding chapters."



While this may be correct in terms of fluff we are dealing with a campaign book here, not a tiny supplement book. Not including data sheets the Imperial Fist supplement has 7 pages of rules, and that includes needing an extra page because they have relics and special issue wargear. So 6-7 pages of rules is what the supplements have, and now GW is claiming that PA2 will have this level of support for several factions. This is laughably easy to do. Yes it means we likely won't see more than a couple of pages of individual fluff on the Templars if that. I understand people wanting to wait but save your judgement until the book is actually out.


in terms of rules. YES - rumors sounds okay ( the stratagems very strong - the bonus rule in assault doctrine mehhh)...


I'd like to say I for one am excited for whatever PA2 has to offer us, I'm hoping for some neat Warlord traits and hopefully litanies instead of Psychic powers. Also some kind of fight twice strat would be awesome! (Marines dont have that already do they? I cant recall stratagem for some reason)


Yes, it's called Honor the Chapter


our chapter is bigger then others... we should use it twice each phase^^

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I am very excited for the potential carnage our rules could bring to the table. if they do the Emperor's Champion justice, he should be at least as good as the updated UM chapter champion, and that character is extremely solid. Not to mention that an updated Grimaldus getting 2 Litanies or some such would be excellent.


It is always possible they won't update the datasheets and our rules will be sub par, but honestly? I doubt it. Thus far every single chapter that has been released has had good combos and felt loyal to their theme. It's difficult to imagine they wont' do that for the rest of 40K going forward.

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What I find odd is that the Salamander dice that were leaked some time ago were never actually released... leads me to believe that it was:

a) fake

b) yet to be released


If it’s b) it might indicate that they will release at a later date, perhaps even with Templar dice

I have to agree that we will get things down the road....I think they promised big things too quickly and the uproar of not everybody being on level with the wait times on supplements and such put a strain on the actual production/releases what have you...and everything has been out of the actual loop and a lot has seem to been over looked and rushed....which is why I feel we will get a supplement later down the road for ourselves or other things....but it just takes time and patience
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BT won't get new models, plain and simple. No other chapters have new models, only some Lt/Cap characters that are ugly as sin, and I've seen better kitbashed/converted models than what C:SM got. We won't get anything until GW finishes basic primaris line, that is stupidly bloated and insufficient at the same time - they have tons of units that fill the same role but no heavy assault infantry or fast-moving high-damage units like bikers. GW only recently made rules for first ok-ish primaris transport (don't remember if there was a release for it) for Pete's sake. What, you think that GW will stop releasing basic units and will make something for BT, who still has better upgrade box than any C:SM chapters? Or you need to have named primaris BT character so bad? I really don't get it.

So we won't get anything at least until next edition of C:SM.

BTW, rule-wise non-C:SM chapters are in much worse state than BT and it will likely stay that way for years.

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"BT won't get new models, plain and simple. No other chapters have new models, only some Lt/Cap characters that are ugly as sin"


Stopped reading right here.

You are contradicting yourself. Dont let your hate for primaris blind you.


Some of us want new stuff. And the line moved to primaris. The lesser of 2 evils is to get new stuff, or get forgotten.

Edited by Sete
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This is all just based on personal opinion, some people like a model others think its bad, there's no right or wrong answer. The fact of the matter is the whole primaris release is going to take time, I doubt BT were that high up the list in the first place and first founding chapters are obviously going to be updated before second founding.


If you look at GW's record over the last few years, all the new factions and updating old factions, a brand new SOB line... Calgar and mephiston getting new models before others makes total sense.

Black templars will get their due.

Edited by Nandor The Relentless
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Alright we're done here. Until new info is released this thread will remain closed. Any new threads that are opened with regards PA without contacting me or another BT mod will be purged. If a new leak happens contact one of us and we will reopen this thread for discussion. 


I get that people are frustrated with the lack of official info from GW, but if you can't play nice with others than corrective action is going to take place. I've had enough of the way this forum as a whole has behaved recently. It's disgraceful and unbecoming a Templar. In short, KNOCK IT OFF. 



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2 weeks pre order.



As an added bonus, while stocks last, every pre-order of the hardback or Collector’s Edition of Psychic Awakening: Faith & Fury will come with a set of stylish datacards for High Marshal Helbrecht, Chaplain Grimaldus, Cenobyte Servitors, a Crusader Squad and a Chaos Sorcerer!"


Stylish datacards... we are living the dream...

Edited by Sete
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Wait, so no actual datacards - as in the ones that are useful for stratagems, tactical objectives etc. Just some quick reference cards?

Yes, apparently.

I think I'll wait till 9th edition to make a purchase.

Strong rumours that next edition drops next summer.

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