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Siege of Terra - Saturnine by Dan Abnett


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i can see that




emperor has a team to help with the primarch project; some members of that team have misgivings and turn against it. their genders are unimportant

Of course he had a team, thats been part of this the entire time. You don't see the parallels here?

as i said “i can see that”. but in another way, it’s no more so than the “adb hearts wafu” meme or that every IA article is “primarch baby lands, primarch grows, primarch becomes worshipped, primarch meets emperor, primarch gets a legion, primarch turns to chaos/stays loyal”


we can choose a reductive view or a nuanced one. both are correct

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hmm, well for my pov, i remember people complaining that all the early heresy books were about lone loyal astartes rebelling against their traitorous primarchs.



which, yeah...they were. but that's kinda what was happening during the early years of the heresy. alot.



the primarchs stories are essentially 17 of the same trope in that way too, i guess

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Just asking again...what exactly are the WS and BA up to all this time?


Seems the Khan leads a counterattack against the DG, but was Shiban involved


What about Raldoron and the boys in red?Other than spectating, do they run any counterattacks of their own?


Also, spoiler from another source, looks like Eidolon is causing some trouble


Dorn battles the elite of the Children of the Emperor. He kills sixteen of them. But they do damage to him. Eidolon splits Dorn's bib with his screams and wounds him three times with his sword. According to Dorn, Eidolon possesses the power of primarch. Dorn's shield is cut. Finally, one of the Fulgrim champions pulls the shield from the hands of the primarch. Suddenly, the head of one of the champions flies off his shoulders. Sigismund breaks into battle. Dorn and Sigismund back to back continue to fight against the Children of the Emperor.

They kill the Champions of the Children of the Emperor one by one.

Eidolon pierces Sigismund's shoulder with a sword. Taking advantage of this, Sigismund pulls the sword from the hands of the traitor and throws Eidolon from the wall with a height of 1100 meters.

Dorn kills nine more.

Maximus Thein kills one champion who tried to sneak up on Dorn. Auxilia and fighter teams are being pulled.

The Emperor’s children retreat, leaving eighteen thousand of their slain.

Dorn kneels next to the dying Imperial fist. He asks if they won.

Dorn replies that they won that day.

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SoS were mainly fighting Daemons in the Webway. Their null fields are the bane of Daemons and psykers. SoS have recently been portrayed as able to slice and dice a few SM, but nowhere on the level of someone like Ra. As you say, they support


...and their null fields are not nearly as effective against the likes of Khârn. They are primarily anti-Daemon/psyker specialists.


Still, Krole disposes of several WE before biting the dust. That is impressive within reason IMO.

Actually enough of them in Plague War that Plague Marines literally start feeling death cancer in their proximity (not as bad as the Null nuke that the Emp never got somehow, but still). The WEs should be pretty damned screwed without what is presumably stopping their injuries and nails from killing them (chaos blessings are still psykana per literally every source).


And she is powerful enough to cripple

so are we going to now say that Malc isnt a high barrier now?


The result is the result and there is no changing it, but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth and makes me dislike more what was already among my least liked characters.


Ra was a monster on a completely different level but he was fighting a foe that severely outclassed him and that book you are citing actively has Daemons fleeing from Sisters and having to rely on ambush tactics to stand a chance.

She doesn’t cripple Malc, she just removes the glamour that he wears.
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Jesus christ....one night later and 3+ new pages? oO


Just skipped through the post but the context abut her and what she did...nah, still not sold. Rest I'm ok with but I'm with Scribe in this one.


Nonetheless will I read that book. Still feels weird though.

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On Krole:


There are so many instances of big-balls heroics at the point of death in this book - not to mention the wider series - that I really enjoyed Krole's true payoff. Not stood atop a mountain of bodies, but with the tender realisation of what it means to be noticed, valued and simply acknowledged by other human souls.


The fall of Eternity Wall is one of the bleakest hours of the Siege in terms of both what it demands of Dorn and the sheer physical horror of the WE, but I'll be damned if I didn't come away from it all with a fuzzy feeling in my belly.

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Something as simple as the snippet of Sigismund throwing Eidolon off a wall done in just a few sentences really does it for me. A character with a huge arc across multiple authors and books, special rules, and even a model. Tossed off a wall. Gives it an almost classical epic vibe.
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Jesus christ....one night later and 3+ new pages? oO


Just skipped through the post but the context abut her and what she did...nah, still not sold. Rest I'm ok with but I'm with Scribe in this one.


Nonetheless will I read that book. Still feels weird though.

revelations are always divisive when they come out


it’s always interesting to see how accepted they do or don’t become down the line

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OK, I am really behind Eidolon lore. I just know that by the start of Path of Heaven, the guy's sonic attacks are able to shred super-heavies and you need a bunch of libbies to diminish their destructive effects. So if there's any non-psychic/sorcerous marine who can pose a threat to a primarch at the Siege, it's him.



Major potential spoiler:

Questionable sources, but apparently Loken slays Aximand and Tormageddon in this book and he also either kills or is killed by Tybalt Marr. I think it's probably the former.

Edited by b1soul
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With regards to Eidolon;


People should remember that from the very earliest lore concerning him, Imperial scholars were never able to confirm whether he survived the Siege of Terra. So an ambiguous fate here is very much in line with older Index Astartes era lore.


I was mildly irritated to see it occur; not because the scene was poorly written or because he's dead (he obviously isn't), but because I really wanted to see Chris Wraight's Eidolon again. Path of Heaven's Eidolon was the most incredible turnaround of a character in BL fiction, imo. Seems unlikely we'll get that now.


Nearly finished the book, will post more detailed thoughts later

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Loved the book but found the treatment of Krole to be the pretty unacceptable and incredibly lackluster. Honestly the worst point of the book for me.

How so? Mind putting your thoughts in spoilers? :smile.:




I found this deeply disappointing. Not even a good show or anything. Feels very fridged. ax8rWA1.jpg



Seems ok to me, but those World Eater names are verging on parody and don't fit at all with the more serious previous takes on the Legion.


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