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So, while Alpharius is on hiatus, I started another marine army to have something different to paint while remaining on spacemarines.

I like most of the primaris line, but there is something in the design of the firstborn marines that is lost in the new sculpts, that old technology feel, armours that are both futuristic and ancients at the same time that I really love.

I could have simply added some firstborns to my Alpha legion but I find the difference in rules between them and primaris ridiculous, with the release of the new chaos marines codex my mind got working on what I could do with it.

In the end I found that for me the new chaos marines are the best way to play an old school style marine army.

To further blur the line I decided to went with Dark Angels with their Heresy era color scheme (can't really stand the Green/cream one).

So here they are, the first five of my take on the First Legion.
Once again the minis are from Fummelfinger on Cults3d that I printed at home with some GW bis added to the mix.IMG_20220730_234356_606.thumb.jpg.182438d271b15169e3d96114207cd6d0.jpgIMG_20220731_160247_231.thumb.jpg.c613014ddec445ce4ddf9e6138e8f2ed.jpg


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