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Found 23 results

  1. Guess who's back?! Hello brothers and sisters! It's been a while but I'm back in the swing of things. This time with some kill team projects! Kill Team is absolutely fantastic for a hobby butterfly like me. Small teams with lots of conversion possibilities! I'm currently working on a Tau and Eldar kill team and already finished some Necrons. There are more ideas in the works, can't go without a Space Marine kill team and maybe some..... heretics?! No blog without pictures of course, so first off, the completed Necrons: The flayed ones were custom made with Warriors, green stuff and Skeleton warrior swords. The highlights on the black armour are much more subdued in real life though. On the working table Eldar and Tau: Stay tuned for more updates and let me know what you think!
  2. Hello all! It's been a while since I was last active on this forum and I notice you've since invited xenos and all sorts of other denizens of the galaxy to poke their foot in the door! Here are some pics of my latest project, a Squat 'count-as' Space Marine force. I've not made huge amounts of progress on painting them, but I'm really loving the models so far: Scout snipers: Tactical squad: Techmarine with Thunderfire / Quad Cannon: Sternguard: Captain: I've got a few other bits to build including a unit of Centurions inspired by this excellent conversion, a Land Speeder (Gunhauler), a rhino (Goliath) and a termite. Watch this space for updates, would love to hear your thoughts, feedback and suggestions for the army!
  3. https://youtu.be/e6ERhROAKhc An00bis's Tau Empire vs my "Imperium" list comprising of deathwatch and count as ultramarines. 2000pts, tau empire had one battalion detachment, imperium was a battalion and flight wing I believe. - cover slaves
  4. Reskin

    Greyknights 1st palce

    From the album: Grey Knights 1000pts

    1000pts 1st place list
  5. Reskin

    greyknights 1st place

    From the album: Grey Knights 1000pts

    1000 pts 1st place list
  6. Hello to everyone that may decide to follow me on this journey. A little background on me to explain where this is going and why I do things how I do them. I'm a slow painter at heart, with the, let's call it standard, approach to painting of applying a basecoat, shading, highlighting and so on it takes me ages to paint a unit. Adding to that the fact that when I apply basecoats on 10+ models in a row with a brush I feel like my soul is being sucked out and you can easily see why the idea of painting a full army is terrifying for me. BUT, I love fully painted armies. In my whole 17 years of hobby i only managed this feat twice, the first time it was a Black templar army (a weird one since it hade 6 land speeders thyphoon in it and it was almost a gunline, that packed some serious punch tho) and the second time an army for warmachine (other zealots with a penchant for flamethrowers). With the free time getting less and less as the years go by I started a journey of efficiency improvement and I'm now trying to paint a new army and finding my own way of speed painting at the same time. I want to point out that I greatly enjoy assembling and painting miniatures, just not basecoating. I decided to build a loyalist Alpha Legion force to start the process with the end goal of having a flexible force, playable as the different space marines chapter supplements and if needed even as chaos later down the line. Here's a teaser of what I've completed so far. Tactical demi-squad Hecaton. A quick couple of notes, I plan to go back and redo the plasma effect and I suck at taking pictures . Tell me what you think and what you like and don't, what I mostly enjoy of forums is the great degree of interaction with other hobbysts.
  7. I decided to start a blog on these forums, hoping to keep up with constant work needed to complete my force in a timely manner. Ever since 2008, the year I discovered Warhammer 40,000 - White Scars were my loved chapter of Space Marines. It is high time to make them happen, and to future proof the force I aim to keep infantry pure Primaris. My personal opinion is that vanilla marines look daft and out of place next to these new guys. Can't look at them in the same way any longer. More so one thematic part of the force is the use of flyers. Never done that with my armylists before, so want to have that here. Already own one Interceptor that is waiting to get on my painting table. To start off the blog, here is a "completed" Reivers unit. Learned loads with this unit, I think the next patch of infantry will be quite a lot faster to complete! Wasted lot of time with the armor given the results and look of them. I chose to paint Reivers first, because in current 2000 points list I don't have them, so they made a perfect practice unit for figuring out the process of painting this scheme. I have used muted colors here. > White is actually grey. (Ulthuan Grey is the brighest highlight) > Red started as brown (From Doombull Brown into Evil Sunz Scarlet) ------------------------------------------------------ I call the "The Brotherhood of Gereg", 15th Company of White Scars. I know by lore they have 10 companies like other codex-compliant marines, but I decided to skip some numbers. I like the sound of 15th! I will be painting squad markings and such, but for now I am unsure if I want to paint some company marks. I am open for ideas! Next on the table - 10x Intercessors. They will be two units of five guys, auto bolt rifles and sergeants bring in the thunder hammer.
  8. *I didn't want to put this in the supply drop thread as I'm really asking advice, but I didn't know where else to put it, so move it away to where it needs to be if needs be!* So, if you drop Mephiston, a Dark Angel Captain, a Salamander Boss and Junior Khan into a warzone most Imperial Citizens would be aghast and delighted in equal measure, before being run over by Bikes, eaten by Wolves and turned into Flagellants. Such is their lot. But I promised to make a 100 power army out of whatever came out of the supply drop, albeit not expecting 4 special characters. So I'm changing the conditions slightly and I will make a 100 power army out of A FACTION of the supply drop, which is where I need your help, if you'll indulge. Truth be told, I don't like special/named characters. But, whilst Mephiston is a Legend, must be 25 years old or so in this hobby , Agatone and Lazarus are brand new. To me, anyway. So I don't want to do Blood Angels, but I could probably use Agatone and Lazarus. Does that make sense? They've never been part of my world so I can just make them generic Captains or Chapter Masters or whatever. Point is the Mephiston model looks like Mephiston and will never not be Mephiston, so I don't want it to not be Mephiston. The only way I want to include Mephiston, therefore, is to build the entire chapter. No. I'm also completely ignoring the White Scar for several reasons - 1) they are painted white which is too difficult to paint for me, 2) why he not on bike?! He's the second iteration of a white scar leader and neither have had bikes! What's all that about? Sammael of the Dark Angels got a jet bike before anyone else (model wise) but the leader of the white scars, based on mongol cavalry no less, can't get a bike?! 3) but the space wolves ride massive wolves and sleighs?! 4) it's mainly the white paint I don't like Space Wolves either. Never have. But there's enough Wolf iconography out there to make the Fenrisian Wolf kit viable in a DIY chapter (Red Wolves maybe, Emperors Wolves, Hounds of Demos et al) Bikes are bikes. Perfect for my non bike mounted white scar leader. I really don't get it. It's their whole appeal. Why not put their leader on a bike? £25!!! I also note that 'count as' is a bit frowned upon in this iteration of 40k. Unless Ive misunderstood (highly possible!) But; for clarity; I can only use Mephiston (e.g) if my army is painted Blood Angels, yes? To play legally or whatever. In my house it's my rules and you can use spoons as dreadnoughts so long as it's fun, but there are actually rules against using named characters in none parent armies now? Lastly but leastly, Flagellants for the Sisters. Not my bag, pls don't make me do it. Thank you for your time X
  9. The Hunt of Vengeance continues in this brutal game between the malevolent Drukhari and the enigmatic White Scars! Thanks to Phil for bringing his White Scars onto the channel, a very cool army!
  10. PRIORITY OMEGA! Knut and Grimlock are back with episode 2 and this time they are tasked with reinforcing a beleaguered force of Imperial Fists & PDF attempting to stop a Daemonic summoning ritual! Will they stop the summoning or will the planet fall into further darkness?
  11. Version 1.0


    The old House Hyperion look just isn't doing it, so I thought I'd give it a bit of an update. Included are as many little stripes and crescent moons as I could fit, including a custom aquila, and more, including some reproduced details from other B&C decal sheets. This is a LARGE file, designed for designed to be printed in FULL colour, on 200x330mm paper. Typically using an ALPS printer, or a laser that supports white content. Printing this on traditional clear decal paper WILL NOT yield a final product close to what you see on your computer screen. If you don't have access to either of the above printer types, or a special inkjet, If possible, I recommend using a reputable custom decal print shop (I used Bedlam Creations) to have this printed. It may cost some decent cash, but you'll be happier with the result. The uploaded version is 150dpi which should be fine for most uses. A 600dpi version can be had by emailing PMing me.
  12. From the album: White Scars by Ilgoth

    First completed unit for my collection. This unit was all about learning the process. Hopefully lot more to come!
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