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I try to play once a month which works out most of the time.

Sometimes I manage more.

ZM I could propably do during the week after work but then again I dont have time for that being in a relationship and wanting to hit the gym 3-4 times a week and sailing once a week.

Had a cool campaign day 4 v 4.

2 fists, 1 custodes, 1 wolves vs 1 iron warriors, 1 word bearers, 1 dark mech and 1 daemons.


Net win for the loyalists during landing (phase 1) I myself lost vs word bearers.

Second phase (counter strike) is a lead for the loyalists currently. I won pretty handily vs a pretty brutal (sieg tyrants. Fire raptor, spartan, arcus and omega) iron warriors, while the wolves lost vs word bearers.


Well be trying to do this bimonthly.

Edited by Marshal Vespasian

I was wondering if anyone could recommend to me either a decent tutorial or way to do a sort of "white marble" effect for Thousand Sons bolters?

Do you have access to an airbrush? The way I do my marble bases for my 8th with one. You'll need white and black primer or paint, and a wet wipe. 




If you want the veins for your marble to be black, you prime it black. Let it dry fully. Then, you take the wet wipe and... well wet it. Wring it out fully, so it's not got any disinfectant or such on it, and streeeetch it out  so you can see the fibers in it, like a cloth. Let that  dry. Once it's dry, you pull it taut over the desired area, and spray the white on. Repeat as much as you'd like, for less or more webbing.


You can hand paint marble, but marble veins are very random, and our human minds cannot "Generate" a believable randomness, we try to inherently make it organized. 


Yesterday I played my first 2 eher matches of zone mortalis. I badly lost both do to some critical errors I made but man I had a blast playing those games.


Now I played 5 games of horus heresy this year. That is already more than last year. How many games do you play per year? :smile.:

I usually try to once every 2 weeks, but about a month sounds right too. At one point in 2018 I was playing a game every week from Jan to about May, but then peetered off to zero for almost the rest of the year. In 2020... well, I went to a Heresy event on the east coast stateside in January, was loads of fun, but since then, not much else.


I try to play once a month which works out most of the time.

Sometimes I manage more.

ZM I could propably do during the week after work but then again I dont have time for that being in a relationship and wanting to hit the gym 3-4 times a week and sailing once a week.

ZM? Yeah, I could probably crack out ZM games more often, hopefully once I finish my terrain I can convince folks to play some ZM. :)


As for personal projects; I'm almost finished with another predator for the 42nd armored. Just needs some touch ups on the head lights, and weathering powders. Then sealant. 



I was wondering if anyone could recommend to me either a decent tutorial or way to do a sort of "white marble" effect for Thousand Sons bolters?

Do you have access to an airbrush? The way I do my marble bases for my 8th with one. You'll need white and black primer or paint, and a wet wipe. 




If you want the veins for your marble to be black, you prime it black. Let it dry fully. Then, you take the wet wipe and... well wet it. Wring it out fully, so it's not got any disinfectant or such on it, and streeeetch it out  so you can see the fibers in it, like a cloth. Let that  dry. Once it's dry, you pull it taut over the desired area, and spray the white on. Repeat as much as you'd like, for less or more webbing.


You can hand paint marble, but marble veins are very random, and our human minds cannot "Generate" a believable randomness, we try to inherently make it organized. 


Yesterday I played my first 2 eher matches of zone mortalis. I badly lost both do to some critical errors I made but man I had a blast playing those games.


Now I played 5 games of horus heresy this year. That is already more than last year. How many games do you play per year? :smile.:

I usually try to once every 2 weeks, but about a month sounds right too. At one point in 2018 I was playing a game every week from Jan to about May, but then peetered off to zero for almost the rest of the year. In 2020... well, I went to a Heresy event on the east coast stateside in January, was loads of fun, but since then, not much else.


I try to play once a month which works out most of the time.

Sometimes I manage more.

ZM I could propably do during the week after work but then again I dont have time for that being in a relationship and wanting to hit the gym 3-4 times a week and sailing once a week.

ZM? Yeah, I could probably crack out ZM games more often, hopefully once I finish my terrain I can convince folks to play some ZM. :smile.:


As for personal projects; I'm almost finished with another predator for the 42nd armored. Just needs some touch ups on the head lights, and weathering powders. Then sealant. 




Unfortunately I do everything by hand. I've watched some tutorials but I can't get the effect that I like. I might switch from a white marble bolter to perhaps just a tan-ish type bolter without the effect.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend to me either a decent tutorial or way to do a sort of "white marble" effect for Thousand Sons bolters?

Not entirely sure if he has white marble, but check out Lil Legends Studio. He does some unreal marble effects.

I've collected quite a number of Thousand Sons but none of my friends who play or my local shops have any 30k players.


I have been there. One of my local shops (independent Nerdstores, not GW) rather banned Forgeworld stuff completly due to 2 reasons. 

First people fakeing rules to win matches and the second reason is, the store owner cant sell the stuff on his shelves, so there is alot of FW shaming going on.


The second store tried to start a Heresy group just before the pandemic and we are still some players buying, sometimes even building and painting stuff.


Finding people for the heresy could be complicated at this time with the new 40k edidtion.

He does it by brush as well as by airbrush


Itll be a ton of work for some bolters



Yeah I might just go with White and Gold bolters after hunting around YT for a bit.



I was wondering if anyone could recommend to me either a decent tutorial or way to do a sort of "white marble" effect for Thousand Sons bolters?

Not entirely sure if he has white marble, but check out Lil Legends Studio. He does some unreal marble effects.



I'll take a look but I think I saw one of those tutorials.



I've collected quite a number of Thousand Sons but none of my friends who play or my local shops have any 30k players.


I have been there. One of my local shops (independent Nerdstores, not GW) rather banned Forgeworld stuff completly due to 2 reasons. 

First people fakeing rules to win matches and the second reason is, the store owner cant sell the stuff on his shelves, so there is alot of FW shaming going on.


The second store tried to start a Heresy group just before the pandemic and we are still some players buying, sometimes even building and painting stuff.


Finding people for the heresy could be complicated at this time with the new 40k edidtion.


An official GW store recently opened up near me and the guy who runs it said he had a few guys asking about HH stuff. We were all suppose to meet up and see what we could get going but unfortunately the pandemic hit and now here we are. Not sure what GWs plans are for "reopening" when it comes to actual game play, right now you can just kinda go buy and leave.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend to me either a decent tutorial or way to do a sort of "white marble" effect for Thousand Sons bolters?


I used this WHTV video to get my marble for my AT force, you can see examples in the links in my sig. Most parts are bigger but some approach bolter size. 


Finished this predator. There's a few more images in my thread! Very pleased with the pigments, thought I initially went overboard, but I didn't. (At least, I think so? What are your thoughts?)


Looks pretty cool.

I like how the havoc launcher looks a bit ramshackle and tacked on.

Pigmebts are on point for a heavily weathered look.


In other news: my (very late but such is life in times of corona) birthday present from my sister arrived: rogal Dorn and a phalanx warders upgrade kit. This will enable me to put together 15 warders which is a pretty tough unit to put in a spartan I think.

And I am super looking forward to painting the primarch.

Edited by Marshal Vespasian

Looks pretty cool.

I like how the havoc launcher looks a bit ramshackle and tacked on.

Pigmebts are on point for a heavily weathered look.


In other news: my (very late but such is life in times of corona) birthday present from my sister arrived: rogal Dorn and a phalanx warders upgrade kit. This will enable me to put together 15 warders which is a pretty tough unit to put in a spartan I think.

And I am super looking forward to painting the primarch.

Had to face those b:censored: tards and a primus medicae in a spartan. I had no choice but to send 5 paired clawed tartaros at them to tie them up for at least a turn. Yikes, they're tough... Hope you enjoy using them :P

Working on a plasma gun equipped tactical support squad. I'm getting much faster at freehanding those checkered squares for the 1st now...

I shouldn't be doing some checkers on all of them, but I find that breaking up the black armor with those looks pretty great, so I can't help myself but to do it.

Having all these irregularly placed reds and whites to break up the black armor is just too appealing.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion

Got 10 heavy support marines, 5 lascannons, 5 missile launchers and 5 heavy bolters on the table currently.

I managed to airvrush all the blacls and yellows today except for the Rocket launcher guys since Backpacks and launchers are glued on.


Funny to realize this but 60 infantery models and 9 tanks in and I am still tweakink my yellow recipe. Todays experiment was a half success

Edited by Marshal Vespasian

I finished my plasma gun tactical support squad today. I tried to make them more like terran legionnaires, with the angels of death iconography for some of them instead of the traditional Dark Angels wings. I took a bit of inspiration from the art images from just before the 6th road to thramas article. They had some interesting art with a red shoulderpad and the gold iconography, which I adapted to this sergeant.

Please excuse my lighting, I do not have a good setup for taking pictures.


Edited by WrathOfTheLion




Finished this predator. There's a few more images in my thread! Very pleased with the pigments, thought I initially went overboard, but I didn't. (At least, I think so? What are your thoughts?)





Love it, happy to see others using weathering. 

After a whole week just recording, scripting, and editing videos like mad to get some more vids ready for my youtube channel before I go back to work, I finally got some time for the hobby. I've been working on this Death Guard Arquitor Bombard for the last three days, a couple of hours every morning. Because of the infernal heat wave here in Germany, by hobby cave becomes unbearably hot after 10 already. Not fun!


Current WIP: 


50202721378_4fcc872144_k.jpgIMG_20200808_090043 by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/185990286@N07/]/url], on Flickr

Finished painting half of a tactical squad today for my Word Bearers legion. I'll probably look at assembling a tactical support squad or two next. I'm trying out some AK interactive weathering stuff I just got recently on them as well.

I need to finish magnetizing my sabre tanks so that I can prime and basecoat them.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion

I'm Kind of smashing through my heavy support squad. Need to Highlight the glued on black parts tomorrow and then its washtime.

That arquitor looks great already.

Any pics of your HSS?


Thanks, but...did you notice I put the tank backwards for the pic? Hahah! Old habits die hard!

Only a very bad WIP. I'll snap some after work this afternoon. If I am super quick I'll be able to do enamels and decals today. That would be pretty great.


I bought a blue black enamel wash from mig to try out on my metals. The way its currebtly going I'll only be using oils for streaks soon.


The question I have to answer now is: who next? Rogal dorn? Or do I build a terminator praetor + bodyguard next?

If I do dorn... Golden or yellow? I am very much torn on this.


P.s. yes I do have parts for 15 phalanx warders, no I dont want to paint a 15 strong squad right now.


Also: I have been eyeing up Sons of Horus and emperors children as a potential second legion. OtoH I still want a bunch of heavy material for my fists

Edited by Marshal Vespasian

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