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Army is a praetor (axe guy with kor’sarro khan bits) with the lightning claw terminators in a Spartan, moritat with assault squad, inductii with a rhino, tactical squad with a rhino, jet bikes with volkite, jet bikes with melta, 2 contemptor dreads, and a Cerberus.

Edited by arnesh88
1 hour ago, Corswain said:

Looking very nice sarabando. Looks like a lot of kits going in to make it though....

I used the mk3 body, i had all the berzerker bits left over from using the bodies to make night lords, and then a mk6 backpack that was spare. 

New brother ancient dropped!

So story time. I got this dreadnought from the Astartes box in October. I didn't have time to really get around to the box until right before the holidays. I built this lad's torso and legs over the course of a day, and realize - I can't do the arms. I was missing three sprues from the box. All the gun arms, and missile system weren't present. So I emailed support, and got a brand new full kit. So, he's built up. 

My original problem stands though, I will now elect to build a second deredo - and once again, won't have the arms for it! What do. 

Anyway, take a look at this one. The base is going to be the main attraction until I throw some primer and paints on this fellow. I couldn't help but add some Curzes' tarot onto there, some severed extremities, patches of flayed skin, and skulls. 





3 hours ago, Hungry Nostraman Lizard said:

New brother ancient dropped!

So story time. I got this dreadnought from the Astartes box in October. I didn't have time to really get around to the box until right before the holidays. I built this lad's torso and legs over the course of a day, and realize - I can't do the arms. I was missing three sprues from the box. All the gun arms, and missile system weren't present. So I emailed support, and got a brand new full kit. So, he's built up. 

My original problem stands though, I will now elect to build a second deredo - and once again, won't have the arms for it! What do. 

Anyway, take a look at this one. The base is going to be the main attraction until I throw some primer and paints on this fellow. I couldn't help but add some Curzes' tarot onto there, some severed extremities, patches of flayed skin, and skulls. 






See if someone can 3d print you some?

Edited by TheArtilleryman
6 hours ago, Hungry Nostraman Lizard said:

My original problem stands though, I will now elect to build a second deredo - and once again, won't have the arms for it! What do. 


The full kit comes with 2 weapon options, so give one the autocannons, the other the hellfire, then order the FW boreas air missile for the top?

1 hour ago, Xenith said:

I'm looking at adding some speeders to my heresy force - I have a could of the plastic ones - does anyone have any reccomendations for guides on how to convert them to the heresy aesthetic that I can plunder?

You could take the pintle upgrade parts and replace the torsos/arms with that. Then replace the gun at the bottom with something else, possibly also from spare pintle upgrades. That's what I did with a couple of speeders for my Word Bearers, except with MK IV bits and the old resin pintle upgrades. I think I used the multimelta that came with the kit, though. I ended up cutting up some arms for the pilot and managed to get MK IV arms driving the speeder.


Here's a picture I found that's WIP of them:


Edited by WrathOfTheLion
3 hours ago, Xenith said:

I'm looking at adding some speeders to my heresy force - I have a couple of the plastic ones - does anyone have any recommendations for guides on how to convert them to the heresy aesthetic that I can plunder?

Now I once asked a similar question - maybe even in this thread - when I saw some beautiful converted Landspeeders, and I got sent a full tutorial. They were black, so was it possibly @Cadmus Tyro or @Pearson73 for their Iron Hands?  Anyway, the tutorial was a lot more involved than I realised, hence I was scared to start mine! You could also look at @Vykes's blog, he had some for his Sons of Horus and often put tutorials there.

I only found an image so far: 

Note how he changed the rear spoiler to a single fin to be closer to some of the old art. It also seems to be common to clean up the front and get rid of the central pillar, but these lovely ones by @sarabando don't go that far:


Edited by LameBeard
4 hours ago, Xenith said:

I'm looking at adding some speeders to my heresy force - I have a could of the plastic ones - does anyone have any reccomendations for guides on how to convert them to the heresy aesthetic that I can plunder?

It’s pretty straightforward, here’s how I did mine, tutorial spread over a few posts: 



4 hours ago, Xenith said:

I'm looking at adding some speeders to my heresy force - I have a could of the plastic ones - does anyone have any reccomendations for guides on how to convert them to the heresy aesthetic that I can plunder?




i kept mine pretty standard just added heresy crew and contemptor style missiles for mine. 

I did a bunch for my Alphas and white scars and all you really need to do is swap out the crews helmets and pads. The rest is minor or covered. These days you also have different pintle weapons but both types were in use so season to taste? :D

Love those @Loquille!


@sarabando That World Eater is excellent!


@Xenith As others have said, simply swapping the weapon systems, bodies and helmets makes a big difference. The new vehicle upgrade sprue with pintle gunner should be handy there! Here's how mine turned out:




Working on the last of my Iron Warriors, barring pods and rhinos. First 5 of a 10 man strong Havoc Team. WIP, but all that's really left is the pouches and webbing, some tints to the grenades - and then the basing. 






17 hours ago, Hungry Nostraman Lizard said:

Working on the last of my Iron Warriors, barring pods and rhinos. First 5 of a 10 man strong Havoc Team. WIP, but all that's really left is the pouches and webbing, some tints to the grenades - and then the basing. 






These are a thing of dark beauty, and that’s coming from an Imperial Fist player!


Whats your recipe for the armour? That steel is looking wonderfully weathered.

5 hours ago, General Zodd said:

These are a thing of dark beauty, and that’s coming from an Imperial Fist player!


Whats your recipe for the armour? That steel is looking wonderfully weathered.

Hehehe. Cheers!

Prime black. Choice of copper/bronze zenithal - I've used brass scorpion and balthazar gold from Citadel. Iron Warriors zenithal over that. Drybrush all over with a very bright steel silver, I used necron compound. All over wash of brown, aggrax works fine. Stipple on lead belcha using foam, all over the model. After that, it's your choice of spot colors, I used black/yellow. 

For the grime, the secret is watered-down Darkoath flesh contrast paint. No, REALLY water it down, layer it up. Emphasize streaks and rivets with another tiny bit of aggrax/your choice of brown wash.

9 hours ago, Hungry Nostraman Lizard said:

Hehehe. Cheers!

Prime black. Choice of copper/bronze zenithal - I've used brass scorpion and balthazar gold from Citadel. Iron Warriors zenithal over that. Drybrush all over with a very bright steel silver, I used necron compound. All over wash of brown, aggrax works fine. Stipple on lead belcha using foam, all over the model. After that, it's your choice of spot colors, I used black/yellow. 

For the grime, the secret is watered-down Darkoath flesh contrast paint. No, REALLY water it down, layer it up. Emphasize streaks and rivets with another tiny bit of aggrax/your choice of brown wash.

Oh, so you highlight up to silver quite traditionally, then stipple on the Leadbelcher to add visual interest, clever clever. Gives your wash more texture to key to, as well I guess. I like that, thanks!

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