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So, despite having a long weekend, ii only made slow progress these past few days. Ah well, still a very nice long weekend.


So, i finished up some of the main weapons








The magnetisation has also payed off pretty well. I absolutely love the look of the thermal cannon, and it's probably going to be my default display weapon, but i had some fun with the battle cannon, especially with trying to make it a little stubbier than the one on my first knight. Also, it's not in these photos, but i fixed the ugly looking seam on the top of the thermal cannon. Just used a little bit of filler.






The chainsword turned out pretty decently as well. I probably rushed the freehand a little much, and i'm temped to redo it to make it a bit more intricate. I'm almost certainly going to give the name plate a third go. 


But i am quite proud of the little fuel/lubricant canisters.




I'm also pretty happy with the shield crest. It took a few goes, and it's still kinda rough. But i'm glad i changed it to give it the split pattern. It allowed me to add the yellow for a little spot colour.




Finally, I've just got to decide what helmet to go with. Neither of them are exactly what i was looking for, but if i let myself get caught on finding and/or converting the perfect thing, i'll be stuck here for a very long time.











So, to finish off the knight I need to:


1. Finish a helmet;

2. paint the shoulderpad freehand, then finish off with weathering;

3. paint the pintle weapons (i did a nice little thing with a pin, so that i can change the stubber/melta/multilaser out, but the guns won't just flop down as they do if you just hold them in without glue); and

4. final detail pass on the base with a bit of weathering and all the leaves.


Well, then i'm going to work on the two gattling guns, the big las cannon thingy and then the fist. Gotta have all those options available. The fist still isn't even assembled, so i've gotta figure out how i'm going to do the pose. But it should be fine.


And i don't really have photos at the moment, but i had a bit of fun making slab shields for the ogryns out of plasticard and some greenstuff molds of the solar auxilia rifles banner thing. They still need some work with some rivets done, which i just do with lot of dots of pva. But maybe i'll get a photo or two soonish.


I'm also trying to think of how to make shock mauls for the ogryns. I'm using the auxilia ones, and i've finally got enough power fists so that they've got hands. But I can't seem to make a decent conversion with the bits i've got. I did something pretty decent for an infinity conversion a bit ago (which, incidentally, is the first model i tried using pdf and sandpaper for the road and sidewalk look). But i don't really have the autocannon bits i need to make another few versions.






anyway, thanks again. i'm nearly running out of steam with this knight, so it'll be knice to get it over the finish line soon.

Edited by lalabox

Another thing I noticed - based on the close-up pictures I'm thinking you're struggling with the granularity of your white paint. Which one are you using? Would you consider changing it to: Schmincke PRIMAcryl Titanium White?
It's simply awesome. Will require some getting used to - it's coming out thick straight from the tube but once you work it out with a bit of water, it will run really, really smooth.

I'm currently just using the standard gw white scar, which is mixed in with fenrisian grey. I start with straight fenrisian, and just keep on adding more white to highlight up.


i kinda struggle with the granularity of most paints, and my layering is pretty rough in general. I just say that it's a "painterly style"


I appreciate the suggestion though. I'll see if any my local hobby shops stock it.

Haha I love the urban scenery, it contrasts really well with the huge war machines. I can easily imagine concerned or surprised citizens looking at the scene in shock or picking up rocks to help defend their home.


You could create random civilians as objective markers for thematic games!

Well, with the sun down, rain forecasts for the next week and office hours that go until dark, here are some pictures of the completed knight (well, completed for one loadout at least)











I'm feeling pretty good about it. There's quite a few bits where i feel like i wish i had done a bit better. There's definitely some freehand where it feels like i was just pushing myself to rush and copy what i'd done on my other knights rather than come up with something new.  And then i didn't do it quite as well.


But still, rather happy with it overall. I'm going to finish painting the separate pilot model i've converted before i get around to naming the knight. They're a pair and you can't have one without the other








I added some pins to the shoulderpads, since they weren't staying on amazingly. I was going to glue them, but then i couldn't manage to get the arms off, and i kinda need to take them off for ease of switching weapons.




So, to finish off, i need to:


1. Paint the las impulsor

2. Paint the 2 chainguns

3. Assemble, pose then paint the power fist

4. finish off the 2 other pintle weapons



I also spent some time messing around with the chardonite ogryns, to turn them into bullgryns. I finally just copied the bullgryn shock maul design, although mine is way less techy and is just gonna be a big old metal club. Making the shields was pretty fun, tho. It's one layer of 1mm thick plasticard, which is then reiforced with some 0.5 mm thick plasticard strips. I also had a go with some basic molding, which was done with some modifx gel, which you just put in boiling water for a few minutes and then press the piece in. I didn't even do anything so fancy as a double sided mold.


Took a few tries, but i'm happy with the shields.










The shields are currently all just blutacked for ease of painting, but i'm hoping to maybe get started on these burly lads soon.


once again, thanks for reading. Hoping to get some knight group photos up soon

  • 2 weeks later...


lockdown is kinda terrible for productivity


I actually did this work last weekend, but i just didn't get round to posting about it. and i didn't quite have the energy to set up my painting table this weekend



but anyway:


Vanguard Róża Zofianska, pilot of Celestine's Gentle Revolution






She's converted from mix of Artel models. I actually started on her a long while ago, but it's good to finally get her finished. I feel pretty good about having matching models with the cockpit interior.


She also rounds out all my pilots





I also took a few photos of the group of knights






I feel pretty good about the contrast in poses and postures, despite both knights being based off the same model.






at times i guess it feels like i haven't been making heaps of progress, but at the same time, I've managed to go from just the one knight and two incomplete armigers to 2 knights, 2 armigers and my 32-odd auxilia

I'm still working on the other weapons, although none of them are ready to show yet. It's the las impulsor and the two miniguns. I'm getting a little tired of working on the knight atm and i'd be keen to get started on the ogryns for a little change. Unfortunately, I've also run out of white undercoat and haven't been able to go into the city to get some more since lockdown. But oh well. Hopefully we'll be out of it soon.

no real update, but i finally received my oder from Taro Modelmaker and dang these are some nice bits


probably going to be a while before i actually complete the armigers they're intended for, and i should have gotten a right handed gauntlet for my knight so i could make the knight that has a gauntlet and chainsword, but still. Great bits.

Hey, lovely work on the knights and miss Róża! Interesting name choice btw.
I agree that you have managed to create quite stark a contrast with both big knights - they have totally different character feels based on their stances.

Those big models with tons of detail can be quite taxing to paint. Especially when you factor in the additional heraldry work you did. Its no wonder you feel exhausted.
Chardonite ogryns are fantastic models. You should have some fun tackling them. Good job! :smile.:

Edited by Majkhel

thank you very much, i really appreciate the comments. Róża's name came about from just trying to google polish names. despite my own last name and the cousins i've met, i'm not super in touch with the polish side of my family in the same way as i am with the french side, so i may have just added accents in entirely the wrong place.


been slowly working away at things since there's not much else to do in lockdown


i finally started putting together the armiger with the Taro bits, and I quite like it.










it's still a bit held together with blutack and i'm still deciding on whether i want the gun to be hanging to the side there, or if i should repose it so that the armiger is shooting. I'm pretty happy with the legs and shield, tho


the balsa block is eventually going to be another flower planter, because i have to use up these flowers somehow. Might build a little bench into it or something as well.


and i really love the taro bits. nice and easy to work with. I'm also working on a second armiger that has a volkite gun (from a contemptor dreadnaught bit. the gun is actually now out of production, so i'm glad a grabbed it a year ago or however long it was). Just gotta figure what kind of melee weapon i want on that lad. not a huge fan of the basic chainsaw, but i did see a rather good conversion that just extended the chainsaws out on pistons. I'm not sure if i'll hunt down all the same pieces to make another harpoon gun.




i've also nearly finished the ogryns. But nearly finished isn't quite finished, so no photos yet. I did finish up the quad laser artillery thing that i manged to get off ebay. considering how much i paid for it, it's probably a recast, but still, a fun little model.








I've still got to base it, but overall it was a bit of fun. No idea what i'd use it as, what with my whole thing where the auxilia are just supposed to count as scions, but i also can't see myself playing too many games, so who knows anyway.


speaking of ebay, someone finally started selling individual auxilia models again, so i'm going to be able to complete a few little projects that I wanted to, including a standard bearer and some of the last special weapons folks. it'll be good when they arrive in the mail.


i haven't really progressed on the other weapons. i'm still a little bit exhausted with it and i'm not as interested in finishing the las-impulsor or the chainguns. they're very close to being finished, but i just haven't really got round to it.


there's not a whole lot else i'm allowed to do on weekends.

Very nice build on that Armiger. I really like the pose where it looks like it's leaning with the shield against the oncoming of fire. I think the gun-arm is well place for this pose. The shooting pose might a bit too cliche, while as it is now it has more of a story behind it for me.

And really nice to happen upon somebody with some Polish roots :D If you're ever looking for more flower-related polish names I would be happy to support.

Thank you very much. I've now comitted to making 2 more armigers which means 2 more pilots, so ill have to make up some more names eventually. I am glad that Róża's name is also flower themed. Fits with all the different knight names so far.


With the posing, i was trying to make it look more like the armiger is leaning forward and bracing, so i think the side pose will probably work a little better


And as for the shield and autocannon (and arm and head) i got them from https://www.taromodelmaker.com/


He's uk based, but shipping to australia was nice and quick

  • 4 weeks later...

i painted some ogres over the past few weeks









i actually glued the leaves on after this, but it was dark so i didn't get much of a photo.


Still, they were a of fun. Kinda difficult to get into all the bits, but I don't know how you might try to paint in sub-assemblies



also tried my hand at some freehand that's at least a small step up from my efforts with 2 colour stencil patterns






still gotta figure out how to paint the other side, but i'm not too disappointed with it overall

  • 3 weeks later...

been working on my other armiger a bit.


i don't think the shield is quite right, the colours need something, some sort of spot colour or something. But I can probably work on it a bit more





You have the spot colour - it's yellow. The problem is it's placed on the peripheral side of the field and this creates this feel of awkwardness. 
I would remove the yellow stripes or change them to red or violet. Then the yellow flames will be your focal point.

  • 1 year later...

Ok, so it took a while, but yeah

Also I'm now dating someone who's helping me with photography bc she has a ring light and taught me the black background, low exposure method for taking better photos that she uses for her miniatures. I'm still learning a bit, and I've gotta play around with exposure and lighting, but it's kinda fun.

It's also been nice to have someone to paint with. Also I'm finally playing games and turns out knights are rather good in 10th. I mean, the friend group has mostly been running infantry, so no one has too much to counter them with yet, so I'm mostly stomping, but it's been nice to get back into it. Haven't really played much since I was a teenager.

This is also the first time I experimented with using streaking grime and mud and the fun times with putting down layers and then washing them off with turps. It's made for some neat effects. 

I actually got this armiger done back around the beginning of the year, and I've got three more done as well. 1 is completed (I'll post later), one I just need to finish the base (it involves resin and water effects) and one has the base colours on, but still needs to be painted.





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