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What with heavy intercessors being a thing, this actually makes me more curious about this piece of artwork again...


heavy intercessors assault versions with eviscerators? Seems way too wish-thinky.


But there's no less than two eviscerators in the artwork... and the dude with the twohanded powersword looks peculiar too now that I see him more clearly too.


For now, I'm just gonna assume this is purely artists liberties

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Hi everybody,


Here’s my first crack at a list using mostly units from Indomnitus...


Primaris Captain

Primaris Lieutenant

Primaris Chaplain



Bladeguard Ancient

3x Bladeguard


5x Assault Intercessor

5x Assault Intercessor

10x Infiltrator


3x Outrider

3x Outrider


Impulsor - Shield Dome

Impulsor - Shield Dome

Impulsor - Shield Dome


I haven’t selected any ranged weapons for the transports yet - this is around 1500 points. Now I need some serious heavy support... I’m liking the new grav tanks and think they gel with this list (want to reach 2000 points). Thoughts and critiques are welcome.

Looking for some feedback.

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Looks like a mix of first-born and primaris, rather inconsistent art of both.

I don't see a single marine i'd identify as a classic marine

Other than the power packs being smooth all around, the front and center marine is using a classic bolt pistol which is not in line with primaris loadouts. 2 marines to the right there's a firstborn helmet using a bolt rifle. Alot of details are intentionally foggy and the portrayal is a bit stylistic.

Perhaps it means nothing and is just the artist taking liberties.

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Looks like a mix of first-born and primaris, rather inconsistent art of both.

I don't see a single marine i'd identify as a classic marine

Other than the power packs being smooth all around, the front and center marine is using a classic bolt pistol which is not in line with primaris loadouts. 2 marines to the right there's a firstborn helmet using a bolt rifle. Alot of details are intentionally foggy and the portrayal is a bit stylistic.

Perhaps it means nothing and is just the artist taking liberties.


Yes, as you point out, all marines have primaris backpacks. The marine in front, I would not claim has a classic pistol, but really the weapon could be drawn better so we're likely just to disagree on what it is. Yes, a marine on the right is using an old helmet. But looks very primaris otherwise. Makes me think its a primaris with an old helmet. 


But I have to reiterate, I don't any marine I'd identify as a classic marine. Single pieces of equipment are another story. Maybe you're right though? I'm also biased since I want the image's choice of weapons to possibly mean something further down the line.

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Is anyone else noticing the comprehensive closing down of the Specialist Detachments? They're also barred from Crusade.


Yeah, you can't use the upgrade Requisition to make someone a part of a SD, so you can't then use the warlord trait REQ to use Master Swordsman as the marshal doesn't have the right keyword. Without the primary strat, the rest is unusable.

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Have we discussed our upcoming tactics in the October dex yet? It was briefly discussed in the news forum.


Reroll charges and advances but both dice not selectively. Still on with the 5+FNP on mortals.

Seems more useful in the new board sizes specially as 1k pts is placed on 44x30

Edited by SirJyo
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Receiving a nerf to the charge re-roll mechanic in exchange for getting a reroll on an advance is an overall downgrade on the tactic because there is bugger all of much worth that can be done at the end of an advance and remember the new board sizes are minimum sizes, most games will still be played on 6 by 4 tables because that is what people have.

It's a mediocre to bottom of the pile tactic for a chapter that does not have much going for them mechanically in the first place. Having the rules for Space Wolves and Blood Angels on the page right next to the Templar one just helps drive that truth home

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Unless we receive some rule to play primaris blacktide (using phobos models as neophytes for example on a primaris crusader squad) the advance roll is a bit worthless in my opinion.


Obviously I have this perspective due to the fact that I prefer mechanized lists.

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I've been glancing over the numbers a bit more now, and honestly, I'm really liking the look of a 15 man crusader squad with a character hopping out of a crusader to go bully someone off of an objective. The only issue is still the cost of the Crusader itself. 285 points is pretty stiff for a bunch of single damage low AP dakka. But I'm going to run it in my next few lists and see. If nothing else it's a bomb that can't as easily get bogged down in melee and ignored, and the obscuring terrain my group scatters across the table really helps units reach that mid point of the board before they start getting blasted.

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I think you guys seriously underestimate the value of re-rolls to advance. We only lose like 9ish% off of our Deepstrike charge in exchange for much greater mobility. This is a big buff to us, not a nerf. Especially when you consider our strats like devout push and emperor's will. 

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Unless we receive some rule to play primaris blacktide (using phobos models as neophytes for example on a primaris crusader squad) the advance roll is a bit worthless in my opinion.


Obviously I have this perspective due to the fact that I prefer mechanized lists.

in no way. our strongest Stratagems are devot push (by far) and emperors will which both are really great with a reroll on advance rolls. All in all I think its a minor buff. Not big but better then before.

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I think you guys seriously underestimate the value of re-rolls to advance. We only lose like 9ish% off of our Deepstrike charge in exchange for much greater mobility. This is a big buff to us, not a nerf. Especially when you consider our strats like devout push and emperor's will. 


Re-rolling advance rolls amounts to an extra .75" each time we advance, on average. It's not a major buff.


Honestly, I don't think either part of the change is a big deal; rerolling both dice isn't that much worse than rerolling either-or-both. But if they were revisiting chapter tactics, I wish they could have given us something less niche than the 5+++ against mortals. At minimum, I hope they rewrite Litany of Faith/Armour of Contempt to stack with our chapter tactic somehow, the way that Father of the Future specifically stacks with the IH tactic.

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