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Hello there! Welcome to the revival thread of my Blood Angels painting WIP/showcase. I used to have a thread here on B&C that got lost in the warp (lost during the B&C crash many years ago) and I didn't bother reviving it until now. 


First off...bit of a background. I've been a Blood Angels painter/collector going on 10+ years now with my first models purchased back in early 2010. I've always been fascinated with GW models ever since stumbling into a GW shop in my early teens (think the first one was in West Edmonton Mall) though could never really afford the models at an early age. Fast forward to about 10 years later when I graduated from University and got my first adult job, I treated myself to a box of Space Marine sniper scouts and paint set which has lead to this crazy addictive hobby. Over the years I've dabbled in many other armies and even model ranges but have always come back to the Blood Angels as I love the colour red and the entire model range of the army is in my opinion one of the best looking and versatile (from a bits perspective) in all of GW's lineup. 


Some quick points about my army:

- I estimate I have over 20k points of painted models as of early 2020

- Painted model count is 360+

- I paint all my models using an airbrush first followed by manual brushwork afterwards

- My latest red recipe is basecoat/prime with Vallejo Surface Primer Black, airbrush GW Mephiston Red, airbrush GW Evil Sunz Scarlet



Reference Picture from an army photo done in Q4 2016 (approx. 15k 7th ed points)

15KFullArmy 1

15k army


Models since the last army shot:

BA 1

2016 12 18 15.24.00









AssaultSquad 1

Dreadnought Metal Furioso 2

Land Speeder Tempest 2

BA Lib Axe And Plasma Pistol 1

BA Lib Staff And Bolt Pistol 1

BA Lib Staff And Cerub 2

BA Term Lib Staff 1

Chaplain Dark Vengenance 1

Captain with Power Sword And Grav Gun 1



Reaver Titan:











And some non-army models:

2016 12 18 15.24.00


Edited by eggroll
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  On 6/17/2020 at 7:49 PM, Mr Yellow said:

You're a man (egg roll?) after my own heart with that collection.


Also nice to see a non primaris blog - I just don't like the background.




Haha yes a man. Thanks! I do have primaris in my backlog but haven't gotten around to painting them just yet. For the background, are you referring to the background in the photos or the background of the army?


  On 6/17/2020 at 7:50 PM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

You already have a fine army. Will your WIP focus on Primaris Marines?

Thanks Bjorn! Yes, my WIP will get to the Primaris eventually but I'm still slowly working through my normal marines at the moment.



Some more catchup photos:

Land Raider variants...

LR Command

Land Raider Achilles

Achilles Alpha Pattern Land Raider

Land Raider Terminus Ultra

Storm Eagle:

SE 16

SE 22

Storm Eagle 9

Storm Eagle 12

Storm Eagle 16

Storm Eagle 17


Wow, they look awesome!


I really like your colour tone (right word?); it's somehow both clear and distinct whilst also being slightly gloomy/grimy and, to my eye at least, cinematic.


I am both inspired to get on painting my marines and jealous that you have such a cool collection.

  On 6/17/2020 at 8:39 PM, Mr Yellow said:

I meant the background to primaris marines.

Ah gotcha. Yeah they're there for more a business reason than anything...GW needs to make new models to sell so the background is to support that. Don't blame them and it does bring their model line forward with the advances in manufacturing so that's always nice to see from a collecting/hobbying perspective. 


  On 6/17/2020 at 9:27 PM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

Good job on the Land Raiders and Storm Eagles.

Thanks Bjorn!


  On 6/18/2020 at 12:17 PM, Graceless said:

Wow, they look awesome!


I really like your colour tone (right word?); it's somehow both clear and distinct whilst also being slightly gloomy/grimy and, to my eye at least, cinematic.


I am both inspired to get on painting my marines and jealous that you have such a cool collection.

Thanks Graceless. I did try to give my own colour tone spin on the Blood Angels to make them a bit darker than the standard GW paintjobs. It's been a labour of love that's spanned 10+ years now to collect and paint these :)

  On 6/20/2020 at 7:35 PM, Skidman said:

Impressive collection my man!!! Nothing like an army of beautifully painted miniatures to grace the table top and yours are stunning keep up the great work!! Do you plan to keep adding to your collection? If so what’s next!!




Thanks Skid! It's been probably my only hobby that's survived a decade +. I'll be adding all SM/BA models to the collection which also includes the newer primaris stuff but for now I'm trying to make my way through all the old SM stuff still in my backlog which includes a lot of the older pewter models. 


  On 6/21/2020 at 12:17 AM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

Excellent work on the Chaplains.

Thanks Bjorn!

Fantastic collection! A true work of love.
Those Land Raiders and flyers...:wub:

I have to say your mastery of the airbrush is flawless: great OSL effects, fantastic Power weapons too. Great that you're playing with different colours on those.

Brush additions are a cherry on the top of the cake. Noticed some really nice freehand works too.

Definitely gonna follow this :thumbsup:

  On 6/21/2020 at 7:42 AM, Majkhel said:

Fantastic collection! A true work of love.

Those Land Raiders and flyers...:wub:

I have to say your mastery of the airbrush is flawless: great OSL effects, fantastic Power weapons too. Great that you're playing with different colours on those.

Brush additions are a cherry on the top of the cake. Noticed some really nice freehand works too.

Definitely gonna follow this :thumbsup:

Thanks Majkhel! Appreciate the kind words. One of the reasons I chose to do a whole Blood Angels army is because of their diverse units and colour options available to them. Glad you noticed my effort, especially with the freehands as well. :)


  On 6/21/2020 at 9:00 AM, Sandalphon said:

These are delicious

Thanks Sandalphon!


  On 6/22/2020 at 9:46 PM, Dr_Ruminahui said:

Your 2 chaplains are gorgeous.

Thanks Dr_Ruminahui!



Quick update with some more models I've done up recently. These ones are all scouts with the first being Sgt. Telion which I've painted/stripped and repainted a few times now with the latest version being the last one. One of the many pewter models in my collection:

Sgt Telion


Next up is a 5 man squad of standard scouts all with respirator helms...definitely good for these times!



And finally some really old school scouts all in pewter. These sculpts have held up well over the years and I'm glad to be able to add them to my collection. 


  On 6/23/2020 at 7:47 AM, Xenith said:

Great to see you back. You BA was one of the first armies I bookmarked on DakkaDakka (I think...).

Thanks Xenith! Yes it's good to be back and painting red again. Yes I did start my first plog back on Dakka when I first started the collection and still post there updates as well. 


  On 6/23/2020 at 3:24 PM, Kassill said:

beautiful models you have here!

Thanks Kassil!


  On 6/23/2020 at 5:09 PM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

Good job on the Scouts.

Thanks again Bjorn!


More painted figs...now a bunch of apothecaries/sanguinary priests. The apothecaries are the old metal models and the sang priest is the "newer" BA version:





Sang Priest

  On 6/28/2020 at 2:39 AM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

Good job on the Apothecaries and the Sanguinary Priests.

Thanks again Bjorn!


  On 6/28/2020 at 7:52 AM, Ilgoth said:

Awesome collection there! What will be next?

Thanks llgoth! Got some old metal death company and metal masters of the chapters in the queue next. 

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