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Primaris Templars & 3D Created Bits

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I’ll have the STLs up individually on Cults3D and Gumroad 30 days after they’re released to Patreon members. Some of the items are currently available on the website and I’ll add more once I can get master prints and molds done. I’ll also be adding more shoulder pad options to shapeways shortly.


I’d like to resume international shipping but Covid Lockdowns and shipping delays have been causing a lot of havoc for deliveries and too many people are forgetting it’s currently a worldwide problem and way too quick to file disputes. If people are a previous/repeat customer I can work out orders through email but I’m not taking on unknown new customers at this time. It hasn’t been a fun choice and it’s stressful but I can’t continue to hemorrhage money with parcels unable to be delivered properly. Once things get back to a more normal state I can resume international orders.


The sword and script detail is a good idea, but given how small and thin it’d need to be I’m not sure how it’d work with printing and casting. I’m going to have to play around with it and experiment. After these initial files I’ll be doing some stuff for bikes and icon detail pieces that can be added to vehicles.

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I ran off a set of test prints which were primed as the green resin does not photograph well. A couple of them are a bit grainy looking due to the parts rolling over while the paint was wet. The actual print material came out quite smooth. Printed on a B9 Creator.





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I began work on a couple of shields. Trying to decide if they're good or if I need a few more embellishments? Thoughts?

The shields look lovely as is. It is easy to overdo it when our primaris are quite embellished already.I will defo be in the market for many of your Templar STLs :thumbsup:



Edit. I will be needing lots of aftermarket mk3 style shoulder pads and sword brother style helmets. Any plans for templar helmets down the line?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Absolutely lovely. My personal preference would be the basic icon version on both types. But that is basically my VanVets (firstborn SB + small shield) and BGV (primaris SB + large shield) sorted. :thumbsup:

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I've had a rough couple of weeks, I ended up in the hospital Thanksgiving weekend due a severe mrsa infection and also ended up needing surgery. I was stuck there for a little over a week and still recovering at home with out patient care which has really delayed my ability to get work done but I was finally able to knock out the remaining files I had planned for the beginning of the month. I'll be putting things on hold for Jan while I'm resting and trying to get over this stuff.

There's the shields previewed above along with some hammers and bike parts that can work with either firstborne or outriders.









I used some of the files on these conversions, a firstborne counts as Black Knight for a Templars themed bike list I use DA Ravenwing rules for. Then I added extra details to an Outrider.



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Lovely work, but more concerned with what you've got going on, frater! MRSA is not fun. Hopefully it's all cleaned out of you soon and you're able to get back into the swing of things.


Beyond my business, but if you're taking lots of antibiotics for it, beware of horrible diarrhea that doesn't seem to go away. Concern is for overgrowth of a bacterial species called C. difficile which can proliferate in the absence of other gut bacteria that the antibiotics take out. Makes for a very not fun time.



An idea for something else to work on: Neophyte helmets that look good? I'm seeing lots of trying to make helms from other kits work (scions, enforcers) but nothing looks quite right. Perhaps something deliberately designed would look better?

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Thanks, it definitely hasn’t been a fun experience. I had no idea how serious it could have been until I was in the ER, potentially fatal or requiring amputation. Thankfully I avoided that but they did have to remove a bunch of tissue and I’ll be on an IV at home for 4-6 weeks and using crutches for 2-3 months. They’re watching things closely, probiotics and yogurt are a big help with keeping the digestive health in check. So far things have been going well, knock on wood. But the exhaustion is pretty severe and I’m sleeping 16-18 hours a day and don’t have enough mental focus to read or watch tv. I’ll get past everything with time but it’s definitely been a rough experience.


Helmets are something I’d like to tackle I just need to come up with a design I like. Whatever I do would be be fully enclosed as I don’t have the sculpting skill to do face just yet. I’m also keen to do a Dread and some tank parts for fixing up firstbornes.

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  • 7 months later...

Finally back in the swing of things and recharged on hobby energy, I've also had a chance to upgrade to a new printer which has been working flawlessly compared to my previous one.

The weapon & shield bits were made on an Elgoo Saturn 4k, so it's an attainable quality on a homebased machine. These are the same files which were all previewed earlier in this thread. Printed bits are available thru my site (in the sig link). There are also blank options without cross icons.  








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They look tremendous! Nice to see them printed at last. I’ll try to make a mental note about the printer as a friend was thinking about getting one.

If you ever need ideas, I’ve been dreaming of two handed weapons for black Templars which include the arms. Epic tier would be gravis arms holding 2hand weapons.

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I didn’t realize the updated forum had dropped the signature line. The site is www.reddogminis.com

I’m currently working on some additional stuff, I’m trying to get some morning star and flails done along with some bike parts that would fit outriders. 

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  • 6 months later...

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