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3 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

That's a sizeable number of minis waiting there :thumbsup:

I’ve overdone it this year for sure. 5 armies on the assembly bench has smashed the sprue backlog but certainly left me with a lot now to paint. 

Crikey, 5 full armies sat there whispering "paint me, paint me" ... that feels like quite the project for next year! Hopefully it doesn't become daunting, and you can work through it easily :smile: 

24 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Crikey, 5 full armies sat there whispering "paint me, paint me" ... that feels like quite the project for next year! Hopefully it doesn't become daunting, and you can work through it easily :smile: 

 My biggest hobby problem is I just love collecting and assmebling models, thus reach often exceeds grasp. I’m definitely making good progress with things though and I think next year will be similarly packed with sprue smashing. Ill be posting a year roundup in about a week with achievements and ambitions. 

23 hours ago, jimbo1701 said:

My biggest hobby problem is I just love collecting and assmebling models, thus reach often exceeds grasp.

I think that's a problem many of us have :wink: :blush: 

On 12/23/2023 at 2:37 AM, Firedrake Cordova said:

I think that's a problem many of us have :wink: :blush: 


There need to be like a super agree reaction for this....


Those Sons of Orar are looking great, Jimbo. They are one of those chapters that if done right look utterly amazing.  And your have definitely done them right.

20 hours ago, Brother Argent said:


There need to be like a super agree reaction for this....


Those Sons of Orar are looking great, Jimbo. They are one of those chapters that if done right look utterly amazing.  And your have definitely done them right.

Cheers BA. I’ve seen much better sons of orar  on Instagram than mine but I think I’ve got numbers on my side. 3 years out of the 5 years project now so over the halfway mark. 

Seasons greetings all. 


It’s that time of year when I round up my hobby progress from the previous year. For me I find the best way to balance busy work and family schedules with making hobby progress is to set monthly goals and try to stick to them as best as possible. Of course not everything was achieved or achieved fully, plus I snuck in a few things not on the schedule so it all balances out in the grand scheme. I’m going to break this up into 4 posts, one each day for the next 4 days. 


First and foremost are my sons of orar, a monthly pledge that I’ve maintained for 3 years now with the ultimate aim being for a 5 years project broadly encompassing the generic primaris marine range. This year saw me add a storm speeder, repulsor, some characters, reivers, plasma inceptors and desolation squad in the first half of the year, then the entire marine half of the leviathan box in the second half of the year. Suffice to say the army has grown to such an extent now that I’ve had to order more decals! 


Other imperial projects were sisters, Templars, guard and building the leviathan models for my sons of orar. The sisters project was an utter fail as I didn’t put paint to model once. I think this project suffers from me loving the finished paint jobs but hating painting them. Obviously the sons of orar assembly was a success as I managed to also paint them all. 


I managed to get 95% of the guard stuff including a yarrick conversion done in what was effectively less of an update to my guard and more of an entirely new army (I sold the old one) of Cadians. Templars were a success story as I managed to nicely paint two centerpiece models and work through almost the entire backlog save for a couple of characters to get the entire army tabletop worthy! 





























On 1/25/2023 at 5:52 PM, jimbo1701 said:

Bit of progress. Getting there with the big man and lt is done. Hoping to have storm speeder and helbrecht done before end of the month. Got a spraying backlog to do for my beastsnaggas too. 

next month I will be contrast painting more death guard and painting a few more sons of orar characters with some ad hoc painting and assembly in there. 





Hellbrecht looks good in black. I did my oop metal one in the same colour setting. Fits bt fluff better imho

Love your sons of orar. Striking colours and very well weathered so they don't become too classic comical (3ed orcs eg) looking.

Edited by Brother Carpenter

Slight addition to the above post as I couldn’t upload any more photos to it. 

leviathan set and the entire sons army as it stands after 3 years.  











Edited by jimbo1701
Added photos including cadians

Wow :wub: thats a lot of well painted models… years in the making !!! So so many nice models to look at !, your sons of Orar standard bearer - the white background with the slight crease makes it look like a holy light beam is shining down on him in the background 

awesome effort !!! And as mentioned they don’t look cartoony with the cool weathering effects you’ve done !! 

Cheers, M 

6 hours ago, Terminatorinhell said:

I love these sons of Orar... We're you doing these back in like 2009ish? I remember someone here doing them and I was wowed by it too. 

not guilty but I did paint the captain on the first page a few years back, probably after 2009 though I’d imagine. 

Edited by jimbo1701
Google says he was released in 2013

Moving on to Chaos projects in 2023. These were to paint the next batch of death guard, assemble both a word bearers and black legion army (!) and spray / base the chaos knights from end of last year. 


Successes first - I managed to achieve both the black legion and word bearers projects meaning my csm pile of shame is now minimal. The other two were partial fails as I had hoped to get the chaos knights based also (but did achieve the spray painting side) and wave 3/5 of death guard painted. Death guard I ended up painting about 1/3 of the wave and partly painting the rest, so I will absorb the other items in to the next couple of years projects. 


Miscellaneous items were few and far between but notables included painting an inquisitor and a darkoath model (my only aos model painted) I assembled random things here and there and did a test model for my ultramarine project next year also. (These can be seen in the post above) plus one of the Gellarpox infected. 





Xenos armies that got attention the past year were Ulthwé, votann, orks and necrons. The crons (not pictured) were a fairly straightforward project to assemble and spray a few errant units such as some flayed ones, a lord and heavy destroyers. At present the whole army is at the ‘based and basecoated’ stage now and ready to paint. Orks were pretty straightforward also and simple involved building and spraying some scenery and the beast snagga kits. 


My aeldari plastic backlog is now a single box after project Ulthwé, which turned out to be a much larger project than originally envisioned. The theme was black guardians and it was a mixture of older and newer kits with several fw pieces in there and some refurbishment work. Very pleased to have that one under the belt. 


Lastly for xenos, I finally started a votann army by building the army and Xmas sets plus a couple of limited edition characters. It’s taken me a while to warm to the votann aesthetic (much preferring necromunda squats) and I’m still yet to choose a colour scheme but for now I’m content to get them sprayed and based - as of this post they are as they are seen but hopefully over the next few days I’ll get them sprayed and based. 






  • 3 weeks later...

Lots of projects overlapping at the moment so in one of those weird limbos where lots happening but not much to show for it. In any case here’s a peek at what’s on the desk at the mo. 





thats a lot of models. goodness me. I love the sons of orar though, really nice work on them, I've always had a soft spot for the cooler ultramarines (in my eyes)

  • 3 weeks later...

Some small updates. Sons of orar progress (hoping these units will be done in a weeks time) and a side project for a Templars chaplain I built from the bits box. 



Progress! Painted most of my quarter 1 sons of orar stuff in preparation for a game. Was a big effort but glad with the results. 





Edited by jimbo1701

How have I not checked in here yet?! Amazing work, that red is gorgeous, can I ask for a link if you've shared the recipe somewhere? It's so smooth on that storm speeder. Always a pleasure to see a non-standard chapter, you do Orar proud! 

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