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State of the Union (Heresy)

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Now that feels like a super redundant list :D Unique guns for everyone!


Generally good stuff from what we know though, glad they are using higher strengths rather than the awful S:D bodge, well, hopefully anyhow because the destroyer rule is still there...

Apparently Destroyer wounds/pens do d3 wounds/HP. Pinch of salt as that's from the 4chan leaks from a couple weeks ago, alongside the leaked rules page images, so not verified quite yet.

With that combined with S over 10 only mattering for Instant Death, I'm interested in seeing it in action. Good riddance to that table, in my mind!

Edited by Darkwrath121
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Regarding the armoured ceramite discussion, maybe the (reinforced) bit has something to do with it, as in it is already included in the profile for this kind of vehicle?

Alternatively, it might be like the ¿old? reinforced armour upgrade (haven't checked any rulebook for a good while now, is it still a thing?) that changed "crew stunned" to "crew shaken" or viceversa, never remember which is which.

Edited by Elzender
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Some salty leaks from 4chan and postimages.


Removed as worried about board rules - but kept links.

I’m very sceptical about these. Palatine Blades and Reavers both having 2 wounds seems like a very strange move and not one I’m too keen on, even being a SoH player myself.

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The price is extremely high. And that's before conversion rates.



I don't think it is. £100 Spartan, £40 contemptor, 4x £35 tactical marines, 2 x £40 terminators 2 x £20 characters is a £400 box. I don't know how GW typically discount their box set games, but assuming this is the limited run opening box set (e.g, Indomitus, rather than Command Edition) then it's probably fair.

Another box at £120 will probably drop without the spartan, contemptor, 20 marines and 5 terminators and the rule book will be replaced by a small softback. 


Not that I want to encourage GW sending out £200+ box sets, if those contents are accurate then I think it's fair. 

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Some salty leaks from 4chan and postimages.


Removed as worried about board rules - but kept links.

I can, at the very least, independently confirm the AL, Alpharius, IW, Perty, and Horus stuff in those leaks.



Some salty leaks from 4chan and postimages.


Removed as worried about board rules - but kept links.


Edited by Slips
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Looks super strange and scary.
Imagine killing this reavers in CC with 20 man tac blob. You hit them on 5+, wound them on 5+, then they have 2 3+ save wounds.
Same thing with palatines, they can kill 20 guys blob as 5 guys barebones. ap 1 attacks, 2+ on 2 wounds.
And plasma is basically useless, ap2 half of the time, only doing 1 wound. Melta looks like nobrainer best antielite special weapon.

And i dont see usual units in troops abilities, like no justaerins and vets in troops for Horus. Looks like they may force us into tax basic troops and elite untis being only in their respective slots. bummer
(yep, centurion concerns, ofc this things doesnt matter when marines just die to pie plates and tanks)

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Looks super strange and scary.

Imagine killing this reavers in CC with 20 man tac blob. You hit them on 5+, wound them on 5+, then they have 2 3+ save wounds.

Same thing with palatines, they can kill 20 guys blob as 5 guys barebones. ap 1 attacks, 2+ on 2 wounds.

And plasma is basically useless, ap2 half of the time, only doing 1 wound. Melta looks like nobrainer best antielite special weapon.


And i dont see usual units in troops abilities, like no justaerins and vets in troops for Horus. Looks like they may force us into tax basic troops and elite untis being only in their respective slots. bummer

(yep, centurion concerns, ofc this things doesnt matter when marines just die to pie plates and tanks)

Well, let's hope they either make tacs super cheap or buff them, because already they are dead weight...can barely kill anything before they drop dead.

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The price is extremely high. And that's before conversion rates.


I don't think it is. £100 Spartan, £40 contemptor, 4x £35 tactical marines, 2 x £40 terminators 2 x £20 characters is a £400 box. I don't know how GW typically discount their box set games, but assuming this is the limited run opening box set (e.g, Indomitus, rather than Command Edition) then it's probably fair.

Another box at £120 will probably drop without the spartan, contemptor, 20 marines and 5 terminators and the rule book will be replaced by a small softback.


Not that I want to encourage GW sending out £200+ box sets, if those contents are accurate then I think it's fair.

I'm not saying it's unfair for the contents. I'm saying the price is high. In CAD, after tax, this box is ~$550. That's a lot of money to ask for a buy-in.


Traditionally, they've used these edition starter-boxes as loss-leaders and have hovered around 240 CAD; indomitus components added up to almost 800 CAD, saving about 70%. It's also a limited box, so that hefty discount is very temporary.


But we know the heresy box doesn't have that value. According to you, the components add up to £400/800 CAD, but is rumoured to be priced at £240/480 CAD. It's actually asking double for the same amount of model value.


Again, its a very high price to ask for a buy-in, and out of line with time-limited launch sets.

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I don't disagree, Skimask, but I also think the market is a bit different here.

Indomitus, or the AoS equivalent had two factions, so potentially only half the contents were wanted by the buyer with the rest being used to trade/ebay and so on.

Here, the full value of the box is available to a single player giving them a 1480 point army at current points barebones.

Once the new points are introduced I'm sure you could make a viable 1500-1750 point army out of that £240, as opposed to ~ 800-1000 points of 9th edition space marines in Indomitus. 


I think that makes a difference to GW. It's like a Strike Force in a box.

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Well, we'll have to judge the can by its contents ... I.E. the full set of rules, but the more of these leaks I see, the more I think I wanna keep playing OG edition Heresy.


Two-wound-per-modell Vet units across the board seem ... unnecessary and excessive.


Some elements also look a lot like current 40k army list incarnations ... like having seperate rules entries for 'Legion Praetor', 'Cataphractii Praetor' and 'Tartaros Praetor'. Instead of having just one 'Legion Praetor' with wargear options.


I'll wait until I have the entire set of both rulebook / armybook in front of me, but at the moment certain elements just feel iffy.

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I don't disagree, Skimask, but I also think the market is a bit different here.

Indomitus, or the AoS equivalent had two factions, so potentially only half the contents were wanted by the buyer with the rest being used to trade/ebay and so on.

Here, the full value of the box is available to a single player giving them a 1480 point army at current points barebones.

Once the new points are introduced I'm sure you could make a viable 1500-1750 point army out of that £240, as opposed to ~ 800-1000 points of 9th edition space marines in Indomitus. 


I think that makes a difference to GW. It's like a Strike Force in a box.


Certainly it's a different market; Heresy players are used to being gouged for their setting. But that's not really a reason. And unfortunately, the rest aren't really either. I'm not going to try and excuse "the buyer might only want half the content", because this company charges us for wasted plastic all the time in multi-build kits. The contents are getting analyzed as a complete package because they charge us for that complete package.


As for "you can put it all toward the same army":

-Indomitus builds 1030 points worth of wysiwyg marines; 2000 points is the cut off for 40k.

-According to you, the heresy box builds ~1600 points of marines; 3500 points is the cut off for 30k.


You get about the same amount of points relative to each game. Except of course that the heresy box is the entire contents, while indomitus is only half.  So that's comparing $480 CAD to $120 CAD.


This just reinforces my thoughts that $480 is a huge ask for a buy-in. They want you to pay twice the amount as other launch sets to have the same equivalent amount of points as them. The only other game that tried it was Titanicus, and the grandmaster set was received extremely poorly. 

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