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State of the Union (Heresy)

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Well they apparently swapped the Warcry and Heresy releases, which is why the former appeared like a week or two after it got previewed. Im not sure if that was before of after what knocked back the various codex releases over Christmas, or whether it was even affected but id still expect to see it before Q3 really, especially with a new Codex Space marines rumoured  for the years big release slot which would likely include the Spartan and more contemptor arms if they are now in plastic.

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I'd rather get new, official rules from the Heresy team that maybe aren't A+ every time than months of radio silence. Been there, done that!

I'd prefer models to rules but it's a very fair point. And I have been enjoying what they've been doing.

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I am very grateful for these Exemplary Battles scenarios, it was nice to get something (along with the Dispatches) somewhat regularly considering 30K is the system I'm most interested in and I feel (though appreciate this may simply be my bias given my interests) that it's a bigger market than some of the Specialist Games that seemed to receiving loads of support.


I work nights so will as lots of UK folks I'm sure be asleep during the LVO announcements, I'm hoping it's something big (and my wallet is ready, my pay renumeration was better than expected!) but I don't think it will be a box.


To be honest though I'll quite happily take anything as long as it looks cool, even if it's "just" filling out missing Praetors/Leviathans.

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I'm not mathematician, but if they plan on doing at least one Exemplary Battle/Unit for each of the 18 Legions....


...and they are released ~1 per month...


....and they combine some Legions to save space and time (like DA + DG in the latest one), thus doing 2-for-1....


...and they've done 6 total Legions so far....


then we've got about 6 months of Exemplary Battle releases to go, putting us around June/July. 

GW likes to do BIG releases around that time, in June/July.






GW would never do anything for free when they could have a revenue-generating option instead. Thus, Exemplary Battles in my estimation are the free bread to keep us waiting for the steak. 


I'd guess the summer is when we'll see anything. 

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I'm a fan of the free content too. I haven't read any of the fluff behind any of them yet, but here's hoping they're not too shoe-horned in.  Same goes for my own lads down the road.


With already having Justaerin, I'm wondering what they'll do for SoH/Lunas. 

  • Imagine up some other WS5, multi-wound termies?
  • Make reavers reasonably cheaper?
  • Some other version of reavers that are reavers-not-reavers but are cheaper?
  • Destroyers with banestrike pistols? (I'm joking here, but god I hope that's not the extent of the "work")
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Luperci are the obvious choice for the XVI's next big unit, and would pair really nicely with some mid/late-heresy era rules/lore for the legion as they descend further into darkness. Not sure if they'd be willing to do a placeholder entry using converted Gal Vorbak models during a free content update but that'd make me a happy chap. Another easy option could be a Vengeful Spirit Terminator Reserve style unit (see e.g. Conquest).


Anyway, let's hope this preview delivers something juicy (even if it isn't the boxed set)!


edit: Ka'bandha!



Edited by Marshal Loss
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Hoped for more, expected less so I guess GW got it just right!?


Ka Bandha looks great and will probably make my collection. Not too keen on the whip in between his legs (that seems like an accident waiting to happen) but as it's resin, I should be able to do what I like with it, I guess.

Never pictured a tail.... not given Daemon anatomy much thought before though.

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I find it encouraging that in these uncertain and difficult times, we can rely on the bastion of consistency that is GW. Their ability to announce things for the HH system that are both really cool but also no one expects or has a pressing desire for is incredible.


Very cool model, and seeing this stuff coming out of the blue is, to me at least, an encouraging sign. But also agree that I think most of us were hoping for something at least partly linked to Heresy 2.0/the next edition.

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Excellent ... of course Ka'Bandha is announced when I just got all the models necessary for my Creeping Scourge and started working on 'em. :rolleyes:



I think the model looks dynamic enough and the pose is great, but I've never been a fan of the now 'traditional' khornate armour bits GW / FW needs to slap on every Khorne daemon.

Makes them all so bulky, and I'd prefer a sleeker more dynamic / speedy look on Khorne models.

So, yeah, glad I got all the pestilence goodness ready for assembly :biggrin.: :nuke:


Also, I couldn't care less about 'Heresy 2.0'

Loving the 'free' content, and am absolutely happy with the current set of rules and books.

Give us an update for Emperor's Children and maybe one or two other legions that haven't aged that well, and we're good to go.

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I certainly wasn't expecting that.


Whilst it doesn't do anything for me I do think it's an awesome sculpt and I hope the Daemon players do too.


I'm more interested in the change of the Heresy logo, that's intriguing. However with no hints on timeline I guess I should get back to the stuff I've already got and hope it doesn't get invalidated (which, without those potato cam pics wouldn't have been a concern haha).



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Excellent ... of course Ka'Bandha is announced when I just got all the models necessary for my Creeping Scourge and started working on 'em. :rolleyes:



I think the model looks dynamic enough and the pose is great, but I've never been a fan of the now 'traditional' khornate armour bits GW / FW needs to slap on every Khorne daemon.

Makes them all so bulky, and I'd prefer a sleeker more dynamic / speedy look on Khorne models.

So, yeah, glad I got all the pestilence goodness ready for assembly :biggrin.: :nuke:


Also, I couldn't care less about 'Heresy 2.0'

Loving the 'free' content, and am absolutely happy with the current set of rules and books.

Give us an update for Emperor's Children and maybe one or two other legions that haven't aged that well, and we're good to go.


Of all the daemons, the khornate ones should look like they actually lift and don't skip leg day. Its definitely a great model at least. 

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As tangential as it might be, I gotta say the poor MkIV marine on Ka'Bandha's base seems to have more finely sculpted features than the current plastic MkIV. While I do not see GW replacing the "tactical" MkIV plastics as they are not too old, may it be a hint to hold on to hope for plastic MkIV assault marines? Edited by Elzender
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Luperci are the obvious choice for the XVI's next big unit, and would pair really nicely with some mid/late-heresy era rules/lore for the legion as they descend further into darkness. Not sure if they'd be willing to do a placeholder entry using converted Gal Vorbak models during a free content update but that'd make me a happy chap. Another easy option could be a Vengeful Spirit Terminator Reserve style unit (see e.g. Conquest).


Anyway, let's hope this preview delivers something juicy (even if it isn't the boxed set)!


edit: Ka'bandha!



I did consider that! Figured they wouldn't want to do them without a standalone kit though.


The status quo so far seems to be "existing kit" alternate rules. In my head I remembered the Gal Vorbak as having many WB iconography, but I could be wrong!


Good call nonetheless, and thanks for the Khorne goodness.

Edited by Dark Legionnare
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Warhammer Logos

I'm starting to believe the rumours of HH becoming a "core game" more and more.

I know that going off of only the logo change might be a bit foolish, but combined with the now presumably "big Summer release" box, this could be a pretty solid hint.

Logo Analysis

Only the two other core games have this style of logo (big "Warhammer" text with a "subtitle" universe name), while others, like Necromunda AoS Warcry or Kill Team either have fully separate logos, or in the case Warcry or Kill Team, another "subtitle" to create the game name of: "Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warcry/Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team"

The logo with the most similarities to the newly unveiled HH logo is the Age of Sigmar one imo. It has the same enlarged "W" and "R", whose lower halves border the universe name (The Horus Heresy/Age of Sigmar).

That's my theory. Any feedback is appreciated.


Edit: Grammar

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I suspect you may be overthinking it, though I haven't been able to check the exact context, is it for the game or the setting? The two are often conflated but right now it's called "The Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness" officially, much like "The Horus Heresy: Adeptus Titanicus" and potentially other games down the line.


Anecdotally, regards Ruinstorm players, when I did a survey of Heresy players a while back I forgot to include them and nobody brought it up, I got dozens of comments/messages/emails about other armies (mostly loyal/traitor flips) I had badly labeled or missed.


So not to say they don't exist but that might explain why so relatively few were keen for our latest chonky deamon boi :)

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At least he could be used as a regular old Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury so he might see more widespread use that way. Base size might be different though and I know that matters to a lot of people.
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I suspect you may be overthinking it, though I haven't been able to check the exact context, is it for the game or the setting? The two are often conflated but right now it's called "The Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness" officially, much like "The Horus Heresy: Adeptus Titanicus" and potentially other games down the line.


Anecdotally, regards Ruinstorm players, when I did a survey of Heresy players a while back I forgot to include them and nobody brought it up, I got dozens of comments/messages/emails about other armies (mostly loyal/traitor flips) I had badly labeled or missed.


So not to say they don't exist but that might explain why so relatively few were keen for our latest chonky deamon boi :smile.:

I would assume the new logo is for the presumed new edition of the game system, not the setting, as it was used to reveal a miniature.


If the new logo is used on the novels, then my theory will have proven to be incorrect.

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What I am personally curious to know about is how people came to the conclusion that the HH boxed set would be revealed at LVO.


Unless my memory has all but been obliterated, I'm pretty sure we've never gotten any actual big reveals for the HH at the LVO; they've pretty much mostly been at Adepticon and stuff.


So I was never under the impression that we would see anything substantial at all.


2022 Ka'Bandha

2021 didnt have an LVO.

2020 was Qin Xa

2019 nothing for HH

2018 nothing for HH

2017 nothing for HH


So while, sure, it would have been nice for this LVO to be different, from my point of view, the only previous LVO we could have used as a baseline to gauge what we might have gotten was 2020's and that was a singular model which is exactly what we got this year.

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