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Kill-Team New Edition Box

Lord Marshal

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Don't forget what they did for the 2018 kill team.

They really stretched it, faction focus articles for like 2 weeks.

Considering the preorder is the only thing promised for august, it's a huge window.

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From today's article:


"If you want to see how the Firefight phase will play out in greater detail, stay tuned to Warhammer Community for our upcoming Learn to Play videos, and be on the lookout for more Kill Team articles as we steadily approach the new edition’s pre-orders in just a few weeks’ time."


Just a few weeks so I'm betting release for first week September. That sucks

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Well, I was wrong about CP being unnecesary anymore with action points. GW loves to overcomplicate things.

New article:

"Seize the Initiative and Launch Crucial Strategic Ploys in Kill Team’s Dramatic Turning Points"


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Turns, or Turning Points as they’re now known


Facepalm... Just about anyone who has played a game in the history of games knows what a turn is. I'm really hyped about Kill Team for sure, moreso than 40k even, but this sort of thing just seems like nonsense to me. 


Am I overlooking an obvious reason?




A friend suggests that turn implies "I go you go" so they wanted to differentiate that.

Edited by Juggernut
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That makes some sense as a way to separate groups of phases made of secuential alternate activations...


...but 99.99% of players are still going to call it "turn" instead of "turning point" :sweat:

I think you’re lowballing that percentage… I bet even the games developers call it a turn

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I suspect they're trying to be "flavorful".



As for when things go up for pre-order... With another new unit revealed, I suspect the battletomes have at least 1 more week of previews before they get their pre-order announcement (I suspect the last unit revealed will be a Kruleboyz cavalry of some kind), so if I had to place a bet, I'd guess next Sunday's pre-order announcement will be Kill Team. Still could go either way (Or have them both come out at the same time), but Kill Team feels closer to being finished previewing, if that makes sense.

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Turns, or Turning Points as they’re now known


Facepalm... Just about anyone who has played a game in the history of games knows what a turn is. I'm really hyped about Kill Team for sure, moreso than 40k even, but this sort of thing just seems like nonsense to me. 


Am I overlooking an obvious reason?




A friend suggests that turn implies "I go you go" so they wanted to differentiate that.



Somebody from high up the totem pole probably told them, "Every game calls a turn a turn. We need something unique so people only associate the game's rules with GAMES WORKSHOP. Going forward they will be called Turning Points. Get it done." He then leaves to go stick his head in the cocaine bucket for the rest of the day, whilst the writers collectively roll their eyes but pen it anyway.

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I think there could be narrative mission content that makes the turning point phrase more appropriate.


Like I think that when one turn ends end the next begins, that may actually be a turning point in the action; it's where initiative can flip, certain environmental effects may be keyed to turning points, etc.


They said preorder in a few weeks... so that's August 21.

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It makes sense as a description of the abstraction.


An actual conflict doesn't consist of each team shooting exactly four times. They shoot a lot, but only four of those shots are game-significant. Each "turn" is actually just a brief snapshot of the overall action. Calling those game-significant snapshots "turning points" is fine. 

Edited by Shinespider
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It can be any term as far as I’m concerned, but the need to coin something unique when a (seemingly) perfect conventional term is already in use seems silly.


Of course, really not an important detail, but seems kinda like a stereotypical modern GW move. Ork, orruk, etc.

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In case noone caught it, (or in case I've missed it elsewhere) the latest War Com article on Octarius confirms this box is up for pre-order this month at some point.

From their warcom article


"You can find out more about War Zone Octarius in the recent Warhammer Preview Online, and keep your eyes peeled for when the new Kill Team arrives for pre-order later this month."

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As I suggested before it's likely to be end of month because of the padding using faction focus articles:


"In the meantime, we’ll be looking closer at the factions found in the Kill Team: Octarius boxed set, so join us again soon for more skirmish combat goodness."

Edited by SirJyo
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Yeah, it's a bit frustrating that after several weeks of bigging-up this release as coming in August, it's looking like it's going to be the end of August *sigh*


At this rate I think it's looking like pre-order on the 21st, in stores on the 28th.

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Yeah, it's a bit frustrating that after several weeks of bigging-up this release as coming in August, it's looking like it's going to be the end of August *sigh*


At this rate I think it's looking like pre-order on the 21st, in stores on the 28th.

I'll never forget "Orktober" in 2018. They said "pre order in October" they were right but the gubbins didn't drop until first week of Nobvember.


History always repeats. I've no issue being patient but I really wanted it done before school started up again. Getting anything done once we get back is going to be a mare and I wanted KT to introduce it to students.

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I've no issue being patient but I really wanted it done before school started up again. Getting anything done once we get back is going to be a mare and I wanted KT to introduce it to students.

Absolutely, I'm helping to start a gaming group for young people (under 18) at the beginning of September, and I've been painting a couple of Kill Teams to run demo games at it. It'd be helpful to have some time to at least get familiar with the rules before then..!

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