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Bombast 1 is done. Almost six weeks ago. 


Great kit, fun to paint.


I ended up taking an unplanned break from 40k after finishing the Bombast, for more than a month, but I picked up the paintbrushes again last week and have made some progress on the Deathwatcher.



Finished off the body, for now at least, and painted the left shoulder pad and hammer head. I decided to go for a less typical red for the I just to break up the silver a little.

Hammer haft and right arm are up next.


  • 7 months later...



I've not done too much since the last time I posted here, but I've finished off this guy. Not-great photos for now - I'll take some better ones after I've gotten my new lamp in.


I have also been getting more models ready to paint:


The second half of Intercessor Squad Ardias is ready to become blue. Won't get too much done until I've gotten my new wet palette in, and I also have some replacement paints on the way, but I can start with the blue whenever. 

I also have the first Lieutenant, as well as an infantry squad and mortar squad for the Cadians, that just need a little gap filling and other finishing touches. However with the new WoW expansion and Space Marine 2 coming very soon, I don't expect to get huge amounts done for the next couple of weeks. 

The weathering/dust on the Bombast is great! How did you achieve it?


I really like the Thunder Hammer on that Iron Hand. Is that a Firstborn TH with a Primaris marine?

Many thanks for the likes and responses. 



The weathering/dust on the Bombast is great! How did you achieve it?


I really like the Thunder Hammer on that Iron Hand. Is that a Firstborn TH with a Primaris marine?

The Thunder Hammer is from the Deathwatch Veterans box, on an Assault Intercessor body.


The weathering is the same as the Astartes. After everything else is done, I brush on some weathering powders, Vallejo Brown Iron Oxide, Burnt Sienna, and Dark Red Ochre, with a dry brush (not drybrush), wipe down the exposed surfaces with some cheap makeup sponges, apply some pigment fixer over it (Scale 75's), let that dry, and then go over it again with more of the same powders and wiping just before spraying on the varnish. I also let some powder fall into the texture paint on the base. I mostly try to get it on lower-down parts, and those that are directly in contact with the ground - wheels, boots, ammo boxes in the sand, just like it's the feet and shins on the marines.

Muzzles get some Carbon Black powder, and the cannon also has some S75 OilWorks Grease oil effect paint in some parts, and the paintjob has chipping effects included like the marines.


Here's some slightly better lit pics of the Iron Hand. 


I'm still working on a themed magnetized holder for their heads, but I have plenty of other models to get through before I get to the next Deathwatcher.



The Intercessors have had their first thin coat of blue, but not much interesting has happened beyond that. I've been too busy with SM2 since it came out, but I'll go pick up that wet palette and paint more tomorrow.


Is the brown primer for the hairspray method of chipping? Very interesting bit of process; it stuck out to me viewing your WIPs.

Edited by SvenIronhand

I have not been entirely idle.


Almost time for blacklining and edge highlighting now.



Is the brown primer for the hairspray method of chipping? Very interesting bit of process; it stuck out to me viewing your WIPs.

Entirely coincidental, it's just a red-brown primer that comes out a bit dark, especially in pictures. The chips are entirely sponged and painted on, I think the hairspray method would be messy and tricky to get right on this scale. I might give it a go again when I get around to a vehicle.


Neat segue into something else. I've decided to give every squad a transport, so I'll be buying a Repulsor soon. Bit big for a squad transport (I grew up with Rhinos), but it's the only fully Primaris vehicle that can carry the whole squad. 

  • 4 weeks later...

Edge highlights well underway, second thin coat in progress.



I haven't done more than that because I've been busy with some other marines,



and also this thing that I got in the mail on Tuesday:



I'll have that primed soon and then I'll go back to the Intercessors for now.

  • 1 month later...

Got carried away with the Repulsor, so the base and underside are done for now. 



The base just needs finishing touches and the trim. Underside is ready for the grav plates to go on, I just want to paint up along the sides first, those things cover a lot. But the thing is on hold for now, I want to finish the bodies of the squad at least before I go back to it. At this point, it's likely I'll finish it alongside the next model, a Lieutenant, because of the late start I had with it.




But at least these guys have gotten some attention. Working on the flexi-armor now, still a bit to go before I move on to the bolter arms. 


And just to show off my ever increasing collection of grey plastic and resin, a few Sergeants. I think I've posted some before, but the Infernus one, from the Hachette magazine, is new. He's got a head from one of those FW HH sets that's just heads (still need to get the other one - they're brilliant). 



I've been painting regularly lately, so there'll probably be more to show soon. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks for the views and likes. 


I had been planning on making an update a week ago, on the 2nd, but a bout of illness got in the way, and put a damper on my painting for the last week. 

Not because I had a huge amount of painted models to show off, but because it's a special day in my hobby. 20 years ago on the 2nd of December, my 11th birthday, I got what I wished for. That included the wonderful 4th edition Codex: Space Marines, brand new at the time, and more. And that is how I started collecting Warhammer 40,000, and Ultramarines in particular. 



I did get the fresh brushes I had ordered in the mail that day, nice little present for myself, and put them to use over this weekend. 


Not huge amounts to show, but now I just need to finish the purity seals and the steel parts, and then paint the golds, and then clean it all off, and then I can do the transfers and move on to the bolt rifles with their arms. Feels like I'm making progress. 

  • 2 months later...

I've gotten stuck in a bit of a rut with the Intercessors, so now it's time for something not that different.

I signed up for the Knives in the Shadows Kill Team painting challenge on a bit of a whim at the start of the year, to try to see if I can actually knock out an entire squad in a few months. For this I will be doing a squad of ten Infiltrators, in 10th Company colours, with all the Infiltrator specialists. This way it can do double duty as a regular 40k squad (if you ignore the extra wargear) for my army as well as being a legal Kill Team unit. 


For the challenge, I have the rest of the month to build the squad, and then three to paint. After this, I will go back to the Intercessor squad and their transport. 

I blu-tac'd this together yesterday after I got the models (Phobos Strike Team, Vanguard Task Force) in the mail. 




I'm using five multi-part Infiltrator bodies, and five monopose models (including all three duplicated bodies) from the Task Force to avoid duplicate poses, plus a few things from my bitz box. This also leaves me with parts to build another full squad like this in the future. 


Next update soon? When there's a bit more to show. 

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