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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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I may be wrong but every AoS book has been pretty much showed, right? They are just waiting to be released, same with Orks, besides this roadmap mentions "codexes" not "battle tomes" which are AoS term. So I do think this Friday will be full on WH40k, maybe tomorrow they will show a new AoS miniature but regardless of what happens I do firmly believe that on Friday we will at least see the cover of our supplement, we might not see everything but they will certainly build something up from the initial teaser.

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Just to check, what time (UK) are we expecting this reveal? and is it that we are expecting one based on previous stuff or have they stated it somewhere. At work currently and just enough time to dip in and out to ask. cheers. 

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Just to check, what time (UK) are we expecting this reveal? and is it that we are expecting one based on previous stuff or have they stated it somewhere. At work currently and just enough time to dip in and out to ask. cheers. 

Certainly not before 1pm BST. Last week the Blood bowl model was at 13:30, the week before, Hexfire was shown at 1300, but the AoS dragons dropped around 1700-1730.

Edited by Brother Adelard
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Hi all,


It's been a long time since I was on the website, finally got access to my old account!


Black Templars were my first full 40k army way back with the 3rd ed Armageddon codex - I'm unbelievably hyped based on the few rumours we have had so far though, especially if the army is going to be really focused on being nearly all Primaris!

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Sorry, giant vulture.

I don't think that was the new model reveal was it? I thought it was just for the new orc book for AoS? The article I mean. 


Ahh nope, looks like I was wrong. 

Edited by Trignama
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I like him. I like him much more than the model he replaced, taking the tabard up past the waist makes it look less like a loin cloth.

No Aquila: This is a nice nod to Grimaldus' famous statement about not wearing it.

It's also not too ostentatious, which I like, as it makes him look more penitent.

This is a great sign of things to come.

Edited by Brother Adelard
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I like him. I like him much more than the model he replaced, taking the tabard up past the waist makes it look less like a loin cloth.


No Aquila: This is a nice nod to Grimaldus' famous statement about not wearing it.


It's also not too ostentatious, which I like, as it makes him look more penitent.


This is a great sign of things to come.



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hmmm... I like his model, I like his pose but I dont love it. I would prefer the old shoulder pads. More knightly themed -> like the Mark 3 versions. That is a really missing part.

I think thats the only problem I have with this model. Everything else is very nice.

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Interesting details: Backpack knobs are old style, while it he's clearly using markX backpack with the round reactor.


Helmet has old style 'ear' details.

Gauntlets looks fantastic. Sword is fantastic. Chained sword. 


Leather straps on the greaves?


His "tabard" is apron style, just like the old models :tongue.: goes under the top chest plate like on blade guard (eh, its growing on me. He'll look fantastic next to my blade boyos)


Overall, I'm in love :wub:

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I love this model. There are so many wee details that make it great. I especially love that the helmet is not Mk X (no armour lip over the ear pieces). It's obviously been taken from a firstborn's suit and incorporated into the new armour.

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