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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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Give me our holy hand grenade back. Or did that already happen. I'm VERY behind on rules. My last game in person was some Kill Team in December of 2019. Haven't looked at the core book or anything else since, however I have been painting 


I am also glad I can finally speak of something that has held my faith through 2020. On that very same December after said game of Kill Team I had the pleasure of meeting Jonathan Hartman, who I met by chance at the FLGS I had been frequenting since my other mainstay had closed due to greedy landlords (RIP Aero Hobbies). After complementing me on my Templars he said that I would be "very happy with what's coming", showed me some photos of him and Maxime Corbeil playing a game with Jes Goodwin, and then said that he'd been through the design studio and that, I, as a Templar player, had MUCH to look forward to. I didn't think that getting assault marines was what he meant, and so I have kept vigil and now my faith is finally rewarded.

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Brothers. Our faith has been rewarded. This model is glorious. Rules change. Rules don’t really matter. Models are forever. What a beautiful primaries reimagining of the old Emperor’s Champion. Is it perfect? No. But how could it be. The old model was the single best marine ever produced. The pose. The stance. The fist. Iconic. Literally any model would be not as good as that. We really need to remember this. You can’t improve on perfection.


What you can do is pay homage to your past whilst moving into the future and they did that in spades. This is a new iconic pose. A new iconic champion.


His hand curling in rage as he strides forward shining the emperor’s light from the black sword held high. His footfalls the herald of doom for the unclean. He wears the armor of faith, imbued with the power of the Emperor. He wears no Aquila, he needs no sign of the Emperor for he is the sign of the Emperor. The Emperor’s wrath made flesh has descended to purge the universe of the mutant, the xenos, the witch, the heretic. Nothing can stand before the righteous zeal embodied here. Rejoice for the eternal crusade is at hand!

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Trust in the Emperor at the hour of battle.

Trust to Him to intercede and protect his warriors true
as they deal death on alien soil.

Turn their seas to red with the blood of the slain.

Crush their hopes, their dreams.

And turn their songs into cries of lamentation.



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I thought it said Lunch Box at first.


The only thing I dislike is the laurel wreath.  The fact that it is raised up off the top of his head makes it look like a set of horns instead of laurel wreath.


As for rules....I'm hoping something along the lines of ignores invuln saves on any turn in which their super doctrine is active possibly only against characters if that is to be his schtick.

Edited by 9x19 Parabellum
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It's a 10, it's a bloody 10. Anyone who says otherwise is a heretic. All the lore-nudges that people have mentioned are 1 reason. The perfect balance of zealous iconography and large, exposed panels. The first-born aesthetic with the primaris modernisation and scale. And the single best part of the entire model is the sword. They took a huge gamble to rotate it but it makes so much sense, visually and logically. If you are holding your sword up as an emblem of glory, why wouldn't you turn it sideways to intimidate your foes and encourage your army. It's like he is holding up a holy crucifix but at the same time showing off the blade he is about to use to slice off the enemy captain's head.


And the rock... I am so sick of rocks, but in this case it doesn't take anything away from the glorious model which speaks volumes of how good the model is.


When I first saw it I thought "hmmmm...", Second time I thought "mmmm"... Then the third time I thought "mmmhmm" at this point I'm just sitting here nodding my head, listening to O Fortuna and humming mhmhmhmhmhmh

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I forgot to mention the best thing about the sword.


I love the old model but if you look at the sword it has a 2 handed hilt and yet the blade is only that of a short sword. On the new sword the proportions are much better and more realistic. The sword blade is a bit longer and the hilt is suitable for 1 and a half hands. This type of sword has many names but perhaps the one most would recognise is a 'bastard sword'. The purpose of this is that it has the benefits of a short sword, being able to wield it one-handedly and for quick, nimble movements. Or, you can grasp it with both hands for a heroic strike, delivering a devastating blow to the enemy that shears through heavy armor.


Now for me, this is perfect for the EC. In ordinary combat he swings it around fighting off a dozen lesser foes, then when he catches sight of an enemy hero or monster, he charges forward and swings it with the might of both arms, dealing a mortal wound to an enemy much larger than him.


It would be absolutely amazing if his attack profile reflected this. If he had a multi-swing profile and a heroic swing profile that would just be too perfect for this sword design.

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I forgot to mention the best thing about the sword.


I love the old model but if you look at the sword it has a 2 handed hilt and yet the blade is only that of a short sword. On the new sword the proportions are much better and more realistic. The sword blade is a bit longer and the hilt is suitable for 1 and a half hands. This type of sword has many names but perhaps the one most would recognise is a 'bastard sword'. The purpose of this is that it has the benefits of a short sword, being able to wield it one-handedly and for quick, nimble movements. Or, you can grasp it with both hands for a heroic strike, delivering a devastating blow to the enemy that shears through heavy armor.


Now for me, this is perfect for the EC. In ordinary combat he swings it around fighting off a dozen lesser foes, then when he catches sight of an enemy hero or monster, he charges forward and swings it with the might of both arms, dealing a mortal wound to an enemy much larger than him.


It would be absolutely amazing if his attack profile reflected this. If he had a multi-swing profile and a heroic swing profile that would just be too perfect for this sword design.

Thank you for pointing that out, I was wondering why I liked the sword much better, the proper proportions compared to the marine's size.


Also: You're a bit off regarding the sword and how it's used. A hand-and-a-half/"bastard" sword would have the second hand gripping on the pommel as well as the hilt. The new Champion's Black Sword is actually a proper Longsword, as the handle is two-hand lengths and the pommel is below the second hand, the image of the Champion about to slam the Necrons is pretty clear with that:



Note how the edge of the pommel is clearly below his right hand.


(also yes: A Longsword is actually held with two hands on the hilt, not what D&D+all fantasy games based on it tells you about it being a one-handed weapon)

Edited by Gederas
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