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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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Laeroth literally has a copy of our book. We'll not pry any information out of him knowing that, but lets settle the "is it a warzone, is it a White dwarf?" once and for all

This can't be true.

The thing I'm most curious about (and worried about) is whether a non-Primaris EC equivalent will still be available to ride in a Rhino or Land Raider. My guess is that, unfortunately, it won't be an eligible option since, as far as I'm aware, other Primarised unique characters completely replaced their previous iterations. On the other hand, all these characters were named characters and the EC, while being unique, isn't. Still, I'm not sure GW will take such a nuanced approach.

I think it's a certainty that the old EC is going to Legends, like all the models replaced by Primaris.  First Born Chaplain on a bike is there now.

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Running Implausible Nature for over 10 years has its perks.. To clarify, GW did NOT consult me or ask my opinion on the latest book. They have in the past, but I cannot elaborate due to NDA. I do have the rules that are soon to be released though. However, I am not going to leak them or answer questions on anything close to touching the rules like unit composition,, wargear, etc...as I have not been authorized by my contact to do so. Edited by Marshal Laeroth
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That's fair Laeroth - a man with Adamantium Will indeed.


I'm really interested in finding out how the new Crusader Squads work as Primaris and whether they have now been made into a better choice to take - they really fit the background, but on the tabletop there are currently better options.


I'm also really interested in what's been done with Sword Brethren - elites are a crowded spot for space marines and Bladeguard and Vanguard already work so well - so what will the Sword Brethren bring to the mix?


If it turns out this whole codex is the first fully Primaris one then I will be happy as I'm not remotely fussed on firstborn these days.

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so what will the Sword Brethren bring to the mix?

Combi weapons, apparently.

I'm guessing that they'll wield these in addition to power weapons and chainswords. I'd be very perplexed if that was not the case.

That's what I was thinking/hoping

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I also still have those bad boys to paint and use :3


OH! I have the STLs for these, I was on 3Dartguys patreon for a bit. Mind sharing what kind of printer / filament / micron size you used?


No clue mate, sorry. I don't print, had a buddy print them for me. They were this pastel orange color and no stepping at all, if that helps any.
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The only way I could see Primaris Sword brethren as something you would want to take over BGV is if they were Gravis Armor with Storm Shields and melee weapons to choose from and have some sort of furious charge / shock assault + ability

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Even if its just another unit with power weapons then we would have more options to circumvent rule of 3 and just bring a truck load of units that will wreck in close combat. Thats a plus to me.


I like the idea of Gravis unit with combi weapons and a sword, thats a niche that isnt filled in loyalist armies, a versatile shooty unit that can hit well in close combat. Whatever it is I will get the models.

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What if they have jump packs? Or special rules? Or fit in an LRC? Or look amazing?

We already have units that literally fill all of these criteria and do the job well, the question is what will the Sword Brethren bring that make them stand out? Regardless of whether or not they are useful in game I am going to get them, I just hope I'm going to actually want to use them.

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I don't care about the sword brethren filling a unique gameplay niche, I just care about having a fluffy army. I want Sword Brethren to be veterans with an emphasis on close-combat with a wide range of versatile weapon options, which is how marine veterans should be, in my mind. But for Sword Brethren specifically, seeing as they aren't divided into sternguard and vanguard, I think their weapons should reflect a more all-rounder approach. Edited by Mmmmm Napalm
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eh, just an idea since I'm bored on the :cusster...


Sword Brethren (1 cp / 2cp / 3 cp) - Epic Deed Stratagem.


Before the battle, you may select one unit that has the <BLACK TEMPLAR> and <INFANTRY> keywords, and spend CP according to the chart below to upgrade that unit to have the <SWORD BRETHREN> key word.


Models with <SWORD BRETHREN> gain the following ability:

-During the close combat phase, all models armed with a power sword, master crafted power sword, relic blade, or chainsword deliver one mortal wound to any enemy models that have struck them in melee after rolling an unmodified 6 for their armor save (or invulnerable save). 

-This ability may be combined with the VICIOUS RIPOSTE stratagem to increase the chance of delivering a mortal wound to an unmodified 5 or 6.


This stratagem costs 1 CP if the unit to receive it is power level 5 or less, 2 CP if the unit is power level 6-10, and 3 CP if the unit is power level 11+

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What if they have jump packs? Or special rules? Or fit in an LRC? Or look amazing?

We already have units that literally fill all of these criteria and do the job well, the question is what will the Sword Brethren bring that make them stand out? Regardless of whether or not they are useful in game I am going to get them, I just hope I'm going to actually want to use them.


Absolutely nothing is my guess; the Wolf Guard of the Black Templars as it were.

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