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Kill Team - Nachmund - Box and CSM Revealed


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My guess is Rangers vs. Chaos box + dex to preorder early to mid Feb. Corsair KT box to preorder early to mid March.


I could be off by a month, but any more than that and it messes with the season. A season is six months, and both of these boxes are marked as Nachmund products. As it stands, box boxes should have dropped day 1 of season if it's only six months.

Indeed, add to that GW promised a new Kill Team box/setting every quarter, they'll be pushing that releasing Nachmund in March; any later than that and they'll have blown their own plans out of the water.
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My guess is Rangers vs. Chaos box + dex to preorder early to mid Feb. Corsair KT box to preorder early to mid March.


I could be off by a month, but any more than that and it messes with the season. A season is six months, and both of these boxes are marked as Nachmund products. As it stands, box boxes should have dropped day 1 of season if it's only six months.

Indeed, add to that GW promised a new Kill Team box/setting every quarter, they'll be pushing that releasing Nachmund in March; any later than that and they'll have blown their own plans out of the water.


Yeah. That would be my guess too.

Of course, there might still be logistical problems (pandemic-related and otherwise) that might impact their release schedule, but I'd assume they want this out sooner rather than later.

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Love him though I am quite sad to see the jump packs that were a staple of the forge world range look to not be making a return, hopefully if they prove popular they'll expand the range and give us back some of the stuff that we used to have like the jump packs, and maybe even an upgrade sprue to give us the wasp war walker.


Though there's still the rumoured elite version which might still have jump packs

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The Corsair looks great, but it really frustrates me GW just showing a single model from the set and calling that the Kill Team reveal.


They told us the plan was to have a new KT setting out every quarter, so to hit that Nachmund needs to be up for preorder in 8 weeks time at the very latest. They revealed Octarius 6 weeks before it released, and Chalnath 7 weeks before, so it's not like it can't be done while still being within their usual timescales, I just don't understand why they didn't reveal the entire contents when the LVO preview is supposedly such a big deal for them.

Edited by Halandaar
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I’m confused. Is the voidscarred a character or squad leader? Looks like a character but there’s no mention of him as a new hq for corsairs in the eldar book thus far. I’ve read the corsairs are guardian upgrades but there are no guardian parts used in this model. Do we think he will be part of a box like the one the admech dominus came in ie hq and squad?
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I’m confused. Is the voidscarred a character or squad leader? Looks like a character but there’s no mention of him as a new hq for corsairs in the eldar book thus far. I’ve read the corsairs are guardian upgrades but there are no guardian parts used in this model. Do we think he will be part of a box like the one the admech dominus came in ie hq and squad?

The Voidscarred is the Squadleader for Corsairs, it'll more than likely be in the upcoming KillTeam Vs box (Like the GuardvsOrks or SistersvsTau). It's definitely a seperate kit to the Guardians

Corsairs are a Troops choice in the upcoming Eldar Codex

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I’m confused. Is the voidscarred a character or squad leader? Looks like a character but there’s no mention of him as a new hq for corsairs in the eldar book thus far. I’ve read the corsairs are guardian upgrades but there are no guardian parts used in this model. Do we think he will be part of a box like the one the admech dominus came in ie hq and squad?


He's the squadleader for the Corsair unit; a completely new kit in a Kill Team expansion box (like the Novitiate Sisters from Kill Team: Chalnath)

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"The enormous new range of craftworld Aeldari has been revealed in full"


They said there's still one more reveal for the Eldar Monday, so I'm guessing with these two statements it means we'll see the full Kill-Team on Monday.


Maybe, but it could equally just be the Codex cover, with the full KT:Nachmund reveal coming later on.

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My joy for this announcement is so powerful it travels time. It reaches back 27 years to when I was 12 and painted my first eldar models and thought the eldar pirates were cooler than guardians, and it travels all the way to the future when I am excited to have a fully painted modern team on the board. Edited by Ripper.McGuirl
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So I am tempted to do a small 2 ft x 2 ft zone mortalis board with these new corsair (eldar pirates), feebooterz (ork pirates), and red corsair (chaos pirates). Am I missing anything? Also nice model, want to see more.

Rogue Trader armsmen? Perhaps team up all the pirates against the cowboys of 40k (Seraphim, Kelermorph, Hexmark Destroyer, etc)

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So I am tempted to do a small 2 ft x 2 ft zone mortalis board with these new corsair (eldar pirates), feebooterz (ork pirates), and red corsair (chaos pirates). Am I missing anything? Also nice model, want to see more.

A Rogue Trader and retinue as the closest equivalent to an Imperial-aligned pirate?


no, they're the wealthy merchant ship the Pirates are pirating, thieves can't just go stealing from each other you know, they need a source of booty.

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I don't think corsairs will ever be like they once were. They've even renamed the squad leader, felarch to voidscarred.

Thats apparently not the squad leader/felarch... Voidscarred is I guess the Elite/KT version of corsairs unit ( wich has Felarch and void dreamer and ranger ) and void reavers the regular troop version.


Funny thing for me Im hyper enthused by that one model as it seems an indication corsairs will be exactly what they "once were"/I thought they would be when I bought my 2nd edition codex... before the FW semi- guardian corsairs were made.

I feels as if I just saw a miniature update I have been waiting for almost 30 years for, havent been this exited of a reveal since the triumvirate of ynnead ( wich also had that vibe for me ) ... exodite dragonknights next ! :)

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I think I need to try and get into Kill Team and see if ppl play it local. The potential is high.

Do it, it's a genuine great game that more 40k players need to taste. It's perfect for small hobby projects without need to make a full army. The investment in time, space and minis is also much more manageable than full 40k.

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I dont love it, I dont hate it, decent mini though, cant wait to see more. :smile.:

But… but… it’s so cool, so many fun details, I love the fact the cape has a feather bit at the top (can see it on the rear shot of the mini)


Oh yeah the details are great, Im just not sold on the pose, but again I have seen one image from one mini, I DO like it, I just dont love it like I do some of the other Eldar stuff. I may pick some up though as I do like the concept of the Corsairs themselves. Gives me Rogue Trader Eldar vibes. :smile.: Deffo gonna paint them up with yellow helmets with black tiger stripes like the ones in the 1st ed rulebook. 




Just saw the teaser video... Wow. I take back what I said... :wub:

Edited by Slave to Darkness
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I think I need to try and get into Kill Team and see if ppl play it local. The potential is high.

Do it, it's a genuine great game that more 40k players need to taste. It's perfect for small hobby projects without need to make a full army. The investment in time, space and minis is also much more manageable than full 40k.

Agreed! It's my favorite game currently published by GW!

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