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=] The 12 Months of Hobby 2022 [=


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Oh, what a frustrating month this has been, hobby-time wise.:ermm: 

Between work (alternating day and night shifts is NOT a good idea if you like to do stuff outside of work and sleep), the rigours of home life and most importantly a complete lack of any idea what to do colour-wise with these boys, it's taken me thirty days to paint a single Chaos Marine. :sweat::laugh:

So he started out a disappointingly poor grey (apothecary white) with yellow trim, which looked bad. Then I tried out Sigvald Burgundy - by The Emperor, what a smooth and sweet purple it is - but it just didn't look right for one of my Chaos lads. So then, given these guys used to be Word Bearers in my fluff, I tried a nearly-WB scheme, but with the twist of bone shoulders and gold trim, to show these guys are their own thing.

I liked the bone and gold so much that I then completely inverted the scheme - Bone armour, gold trim, and Word Bearer red/dark metal for the shoulders. So... four attempted colour schemes later, I had a model I could finally look at and go, "oh yeah, this is what my Chaos dudes should look like".

And so for the month of August, I give you the first ever painted model for the Blades of Atracia, the Big Bads of the Glastheim Rifts and my family's campaigns.:happy:


His base isn't ready - amongst the problems I've had this month, my modelling clay's dried out in the heat, and if I can get it fixed I'm going to do a lot of basing all at once with it. Eldar, Chaos, my loyalist Marines and maybe my Orks if I have enough material. But darn it, it's been enough of a slog that I'm going to have to call it there for now, for my sanity.  Worse still, I've somehow *lost*  my before pic for this guy. I definitely took it, but moved it off my phone to... I don't know where. :laugh: I'll track it down sooner or later.

TMOH August 2.jpg

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1 hour ago, Ace Debonair said:

Oh, what a frustrating month this has been, hobby-time wise.:ermm: 


Dear god how I feel you on this... August has been pure hell for me.

That aside I have the 5 Intercessors done, in the middle of Ventris.




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Declaring my August vow complete with the count-as Death-Cult Assassin:



I also already chose what to paint in September so here it goes:

I, Majkhel of the Blood Angels, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of September pledge to complete 5 Relic Terminators for the glory of the Angel by month's end.

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So on the last day of the month...


I finally got this guy based.  Learnt a valuable lesson with this basing technique, be more selective on parts of sprue used.  I also got these guys done a week or so ago:


As seen in my WIP thread.  And finally...:


The photo has shown a few more bits I need to retouch and still not entirely happy on the Ultramarine symbol on them as it stands.  Was thinking a symbol based off this but now not sure.

Still to continue the Imperium train:

For the month of September I vow:

3x Skorpech Destroyers and 1 Plasmacyte

1x Primaris Captain

3x Aggressors...

Photos to come...

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Okay, it's 10 minutes after midnight, so technically September 1.

I failed the Bug's Life Challenge, a missed a Month of Hobby Challenge, and I really didn't want to let it go again.

I snapped the unpainted pic about 5 hours ago, but did not post it, because I wasn't sure I'd finish... But I just got her done.

FRATERS, if you will still accept a last minute August pledge, I ThePenitentOne vow to finish this Sister of Battle Dominion:

August unpainted Mod.jpg

And because I waited until she was done to post the challenge Pic, here's the completed model as well:


August Painted Mod.jpg

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Should probably pop this here too, my completion for the Dark Angels Past, Present, and Future Challenge,


22 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

Standing within the observation dome of the Vengeance Unsated, a warship of the Guardians of the Covenant, Chapter Master Variel gazed back at Vatarus. The ships fleeing the planet were endless, every Spaceport was launching ships forth as fast as they could. It wasn't fast enough, 99% of Vatarus' population would perish. The majority of the Xenos forces had departed the system, the orks however were always looking for the next fight, and were causing severe casualties amongst the evacuations despite the Imperium's best attempts. Thankfully, the Chaos Faction had uncharacteristically set course for the systems edge with haste, the fight gone from them.

"Such a shame. This was not what I expected to find here, I don't know what I expected, but not this", Chapter Master Variel spoke as he heard the subtle hum of the Master of the Arsenal's armour approach behind him.

"Aye, Brother, a shame indeed", responded Fariel, the Master of the Arsenal of the Guardians of the Covenant, "What will you do now?"

The Astartes were interrupted by a chime from Fariel's comm-link, nodding he responded, "Raise the the shields, divert as much power as we can to the port side emitters".

"We should have warned them" Variel offered.

"It would not have saved them" countered Fariel.

The demise of the Heralds of Devastation's former flagship, the Inviolate Rage, was at hand, courtesy of the fleeing Chaos forces. As the warships primary, secondary, and warp drives overloaded, an explosion of magnitude neither of the marines had personally witnessed spread across the surface of Vatarus, engulfing the entire primary continent. It was an extinction level event and would've finished Vatarus by itself, even if the Life Eater warheads had not been detonated by the Xenos scum.

Even at this distance a massive shockwave rocked the vessel. The smaller craft stood no chance, many outright exploding in spectacular fireballs, others survived the blast, only to fall from the sky, and uncontrollably plummet back to the planet, their systems wiped out by a massive electro-magnetic pulse.

His voice shaking with barely controlled rage, Chapter Master Variel turned to face Fariel, " The Chapter.....my Chapter must evolve. I face the Rubicon, then vengeance, we will hunt them, to the end of hell if necessary".






I have run out of time to paint the chapter badge on the shoulder and banner, so I will have it here.  There WAS time to spare...


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August Summary


gallery_48988_15094_31.png gallery_48988_15094_2120.png gallery_48988_15094_5231.png gallery_48988_15094_3889.png gallery_48988_15094_2519.png gallery_48988_15094_4929.png

completed B artificer B sml_gallery_48988_15094_16121.png last minute B seriously B

gallery_48988_15094_1349.png gallery_48988_15094_13707.png sml_gallery_48988_15094_7593.png gallery_48988_15094_13896.png sml_gallery_48988_15094_16967.png


Ace Debonair (Last Minute)

andes (Artificer, Seriously)

Boc (Speed Daemon)

Brother Argent (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Brother Captain Arkley (formerly WGE) (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Cleon (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Dwango (Artificer, Last Minute)

Grotsmasha (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously, Stubborn)

guardian31 (Artificer)

Jolemai (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Lord Ikk Artificer, Seriously)

Majkhel (Artificer, Last Minute)

Rogue (Artificer, Seriously)

ThePenitentOne (Last Minute, Speed Daemon)

Trokair (Stubborn)

war009 (Artificer)






Not to diminsh anyone's submissions this month, but for a change, this month's Favourite model was an easy descision, well done to andes for claiming my pick for Favourite model for August.


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The following award badges are up for grabs this month,

gallery_48988_15094_4206.png gallery_48988_15094_4287.png gallery_48988_15094_4149.png gallery_48988_15094_1602.png gallery_48988_15094_1243.png gallery_48988_15094_7031.png gallery_48988_15094_4025.png


There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,



There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .



Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic



List of Participants


Ace Debonair - 1 CSM (Artificer)

andes - BSF Dahyak Grekh, 20 Scenery/Terrain, 1+ KT Kroot (Artificer)

Aeternus -  

Anticontrarian -  

Arkhanist -  1+ KT Orks

Arkothosius - 

Boc - 1 SoH Land Raider (Artificer, Seriously)

Brother Argent - 3 Skorpeth Destroyers, 1 Plasmacyte, 1 Primaris Captain, 3 Aggressors (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Brother Carpenter - 

Brother Captain Arkley (WGE) - 5 Infiltrators (Stubborn), Cypher, 5 Intercessors1, Sons of Medusa Terminator (Artificer, Seriously)

Cleon - 5 Skitarii, 5 Grey knight strikes, 5 Rubrics, 1 Tzaangor Shaman, 10 Mk3 HH EC (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

consriptboris - 

Custom Hero - 

Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - 

Danny Cyanide - 

Doobles88 - 

Dwango - 1 Sabre Battletank, 1 Scimitar Jetbike (Stubborn), 19 Despoilers, 8 Volkite Support Legionaires, 5 Interemptors, 5 Cenobite Terminators, Marduk Sedras (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Etheneus -  

Focslain - 

Gribbles - 

Grotsmasha - Morven Vahl, 10 Battle Sisters, 1 Castigator Battle Tank, 1 TMNT Votann, 1 Armiger "Venom", Umbral-6 (Artificer, Seriously, Stubborn)

guardian31 - 1 Warp Smith, 1 Kastelan Robot (Artificer, Seriously)

Halandaar - 

Heraclite - 

Jackalwolf -

Jaipii - 

Jolemai - 1 Scorpius Whirlwind, 1 Company Champion (Artificer, Seriously)

Lamebeard - 

Lord Ikka - 2 Armigers, 5 Immortals, 4 mining guild rebels, 5 Imperial Assassins, 1 Daemonhost (Artificer, Seriously)

Llygos_Tyrant - 

Majkhel - 5 Cataphractii Terminators (Artificer)

Magat the Cursed - 

Miek - 

Rogue - 6 GSC Neophytes (Artificer, Seriously)

Shard of Magnus - 

sibomots - 

Skywrath -  

Slaves to Darkness -

Slyen -  

Tawnis - 

toaae -  

the_balloon_dog - 

TheBlackPumpkin - 

ThePenitentOne - 

TPS - 

Trokair - 1 Inquisitor (Artificer, Last Minute)

Valkia the Bloody - 1 KT Interrogator,1 KT Grenadier, 2 KT Hounds, Ironhand Straken, 4 Servo-Skulls, 3 KT Inquisition (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

war009 -

Wolf Guard Einar - (See Brother Captain Arkley)

Youngwolf7 - 



What If?

Arkhanist - GSC Hybrids => Chapter Armsmen - Datasheet / Model

Custom Hero - The Living Saint => Deathwatch - Datasheet / Model

Danny Cyanide - Plasma Inceptors => Orks - Datasheet / Model

Grotsmasha - Assault Intercessors => Tau Blade Warrior Battlesuits - Datasheet / Model

Lord Ikka - Inquisition Black Sentinals - Datasheet / Model

ThePenitentOne - Primogenitor Kill Teams - Datasheet / Model

TPS - Tyranid Harpy => Chaos Knights - Datasheet / Model

Trokair - Bladeguard Veterans => Tau - Datasheet / Model

Valkia the Bloody - Hex Mark Destroyer => Chaos - Datasheet / Model

war009 - Space Marine Scouts => Grey Knight Squires - Datasheet / Model


Plogging Along Pledges for 2022

Brother Argent - 2 Ryza Pattern Sprues, Thermic Plasma Conduits, 2 Thermic Plasma Regulators, 2 Haemotrope Reactors, Alchomite Stack, Imperial Objectives, Galvannic Servo Haulers and Crane, Galvannc Magnavent, 3 Ruined Buildings, 1 Fuel Pipe, Thermo Exchanger Shrine, Aegis Defence Line

Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - 5 Necron Immortals, 10 converted Flayed Ones, 4 Assault Marines (Dawn Blades), 4 Assault Intercessors (Dawn Blades), 1 Company Veteran (Dawn Blades), 1 Tactical Marine (Dawn Blades), 7 Scouts (Dawn Blades), 1 Assault Intercessor (Omega Cohort), 1 Assault Intercessor (Thunder Coyotes), 5 Armour Through the Ages (Celestial Axes, DIY legion project)

Dwango - 20 HH Dark Angels Legionaires (JUL), 1+ 30K Dark Angels

Focslain - WH40k Collection: Imperium

Grotsmasha - Indomitus Necrons

Halandaar - 1 Spiritseer, 1 Warlock, Illic Nightspear (JAN), 1 Farseer Skyrunner, 1 Bonesinger, 5 Wraithblades (FEB), Jain Zar, 5 Howling Banshees, 1 War Walker, (MAR), 2 Support Platforms, Wraithlord (MAY)

Jolemai - 1 Daemonette Champion (proxy) (MAR), 3 Daemonettes (proxy) (APR), 3 Daemonettes (proxy) (MAY), 3 Daemonettes (proxy) (JUN), 2 Heralds of Slaanesh (proxy) (SEP), 1 Zarakynel (proxy)

Lord Ikka - 15 Necron Warriors, 3 Skorpekh Destroyers, 1 Plasmacyte, 1 Necron Overlord, 3 Scarab bases, 5 Flayed Ones, 1 Triarch Stalker, 1 Heavy Lohkust Destroyer, 1 Canoptek Doomstalker, 3 Canoptek Wraiths, 10 Immortals, 5 Triarch Praetorians, 5 Lychguard, Grohh'Yod the Bleak-Host (Nightbringer counts-as), 9 Assault Intercessors, 3 Aggressors, 1 Phobos Librarian, 1 Impulsor, 2 Victrix Guard, 16 Black Sentinels of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica (Palanite Enforcers/Subjugators), Luther-pattern Ambot (JUN)

Llygos_Tyrant - 1,000pts Firstborn Ultramarines, 1,000pts Iron Warriors, 1,500pts Necrons

Magat the Cursed - 1,000pts Necrons

Shard of Magnus - Horus the Warmaster, Maloghurst, 1 Praetor, 1 Contemptor Dreadnought, 9 Outriders, 6 Jetbikes, and 2 Sicarans

Slyen - 1/2 Battle Company

toaae - 6 Adepta Sororitas (JAN), 6 Adepta Sororitas, 2 Mortifiers, 1 Exorcist, 9 Repentia, 1 Repentia Superior, 5 Seraphim (or Zephyrim, I don't know yet), 1 Morvenn Vahl

TPS - 1 Reaver Titan (JUN)

Trokair - 1+ Aeronautica Imerpialis

war009 - Ordo Malleus Inquisitor (JAN), 1 Servo-skull, 1 Priest, 3 Alcolytes (JUL), 2 Alcolytes


Participants on the Randomizer List

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I, Dwango, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of September pledge to complete 19 Despoilers, 8 volkite support, 5 interemptors, 5 cenobites and Marduk Sedras for the heresy era Dark Angels by month's end.






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Those are some nice jetbikes, Dwango - the glow from the plasma and the various red stripes add just enough colour. 

As for me, I'm continuing with my neophytes. These six will give me enough bodies to field three units of 10, all armed with either shotguns (one unit) or autoguns (two units), for when I just want cheap cannon-fodder to bodyguard or hold home objectives.


I, Rogue, pledge to complete six neophytes by month's end.

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On 8/1/2022 at 12:20 AM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Wolf Guard Einar , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of August pledge to complete 5 Intercessors (III Company) and Captain Uriel Ventris by month's end.



I am modifying in the hopes of the new KT box.

So I am dropping the Infiltrators this month.


Well August was just a bad month for me, between both mental and physical health issues and that horrible heatwave it just never seemed a great time.

Infiltrators where dropped it took nearly a month to finish the 5 Intercessors, Now I know I am not in competition with anyone... The Hobby is a marathon not a sprint, but it was probably my worse month in a VERY long time.

That being said I feel I am back to normal production.


My Vow is officially complete.

Intercessors (Stalker Bolt Rifles) Squad VI of the IVth Company


And of course the Man the Myth the Legend.

Uriel Ventris - Captain of the IV Company - Defender of Ultramar.



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@Brother Captain ArkleyI am loving the smooth colours and extra details with the transfers on those guys.  And those highlights are so super crisp.  Keep up the good work mate.


On my own note, here is a horrible before photo for my first part of my September vow:


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On 8/31/2022 at 8:15 AM, andes said:

In the month of September I, andes, vow to paint Dahyak Grekh

Unfortunately, my Sunday afternoon 40k game got canceled so spent the time finishing off Grekh. Mumblemumble... lemons... lemonade... Vow complete.



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