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Hey all, I’m relatively new to this hobby - I been painting up this army last year and only just had enough points to play a couple of games before Christmas. I have enough models now to get well over 2000pts but they need building and painting and include 30 conscripts, a Valkyrie, a chimera, an assassin and a few more shock troops.


Anyway, my plan for this thread is to picture each of my units and call-out the kit bashes.


first couple of images to get this started, 1500pts of Cadian vs Blood Angels (BA we’re very strong and I could not hold them back).


2AC4E5BB 55C6 4CC1 9939 C3288B99C2E0

and a forge world Praetor (which was not very competitive for the points value - one or two manticores seem to be a better option and cheaper in points too).


E45F3521 AFE2 443B B391 53798635687D


F149904D 5516 427B B05B 5064F51CEFD4


2CB33993 D222 4885 86EF D9E664D60F19


Edited by TCC
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Good to see your WIP topic get started, looks like you're already in deep - just how a Guard player should be :lol:;) The colour scheme is really coming together in that battle shot, they're going to pop when you're fielding a fully painted army (and of course the dice gods look kindly upon it which doesn't hurt...) :tu: Keep us updated! :D

Great work! 

New to the hobby and already on the FW train nice work :thumbsup::yes:


Can't wait to see more!


We also just started our first hobby event in a while, a good way to get some pins for your signature :wink:

thanks, I’m on that challenge now too.

  • 2 weeks later...

Feels like an eternity ago I did my Manticore, but I do remember it being good fun so it's not a surprise to hear it picked up some paint brushes while you weren't looking :laugh.:

ha, just ordered another one, hopefully that one can build and paint itself as have have 30 white shields to build and paint ASAP so I can start playing my new list.

Worked on lots of different models this weekend in short sprints - built and based 20 whiteshields and added lots of base coat to various other models.


E622367B 63C1 48BE ACB7 13D0EB03E8D0

843F820F E5D3 4EE3 9776 6999064FAC59

And some of the painted army.


8813C5D5 D1F8 47EB B9CE B36BC4A866E3

Edited by TCC

Seems like you're in your routine nicely, your production is reaching forge world levels :laugh.: This pleases the commissariat greatly keep the pictures coming!

Today I managed to build and base ten more whiteshields and in the afternoon the additional Manticore reinforcement arrived from GW, it’s surprising how quickly tanks build. So I will base coat them all tomorrow.


This Sprint of a build rate is not sustainable, resources have run dry, but the regiment is now able muster a solid 2000pts army to take back to the fight (hopefully next week if I find a player).

Battle Report

Cadian Vs Blood Angels 2000pts
Mission Priority Targets - deployment zones are triangular in opposite corners
The lists will be added lower down.

0D48F47A 509D 43F4 80F4 D510EACB9662

The Cadian’s deployed with the manticore’s at the rear left corner hidden by cover, a squad was placed in the opposing corner to stop any strategic reserves. The gun line of three Russ’s (Pask and two TC’s) were in the middle ground with cover but also good line of sight. Infantry took the objectives marked on the left and right and formed a line in front of the tanks. Snipers and the plasma team stayed high on a building, the sentinels and Valkyrie pushed up to the deployment line on the right.

3D99CAE8 DE5E 4A79 BB23 FC6EF7344C4D


Turn 1
Guard got to go first, the sentinels pushed up the right towards to objective marker, the Valkyrie flew over their heads stopping on the objective marker and dropping the veteran squad and platoon commander onto the objective.
The infantry on the left all advanced forward followed by the chimera, Pask half moved to get closer with the demolisher cannon and plasma’s.
The two TC both fired the Gatekeeper and Hammer of Sunderance (with tank ace’s weapon experts) into the redemptor dreadnought, the -3 flat 3 damage finished him of. Their Heavy bolters took out most of the two incursor squads, the sentinels, Valkyrie and troops fired on the blade guard taking a couple of wounds. Pask took out most of the intercessors, the manticores both dropped onto the Vanguard veterans dealing some wounds. 
Blood Angles
The remaining redemptor dreadnought moved from cover, the second vanguard veterans jumped over the building to attack the Valkyrie, the first vanguard veterans jumped onto the landing pad, the atv move forward closer to target Pask, the blade guards moved forward, the librarian moved to attack the veterans on the objective, the captain on bike moved to attack the sentinels. The shooting was ineffective, the dreadnought bounced of the TC doing only a few wounds, the ATV missed Pask with the melta, a few guard were taken out with the pistols. The charges came, the Valkyrie took half damage by the vanguard veterans, the librarian took out half the veterans on the objective but the remaining held the point strong with obsec. The captain on the bike took out two sentinels.

AB64DAFD 5F7D 4E50 901E 7793278416C1

83E3E708 DA5E 492C 837D CC2FD78AB841


Turn 2
The veterans on the objective fell back, so did the last sentinel. The Valkyrie moved to the opposite corner. The guard on the left continued to push forwards, one squad stayed back to hold that objective, the chimera followed them up. One other squad advanced onto the centre objective. The TC’s. Both fired at the second dreadnought heavily bracketing it. The veterans were ordered to get back in the fight and charge back onto the objective. Pask continued to wipe out the incursors and take some wounds of the atv. The snipers took two mortal wounds of the vanguard veterans on the landing pad and the manticores followed them up taking a few kills leaving only one marine. The guard veterans charged back onto the objective and took damage leaving only the Sargent.
Blood Angels 
Out of the sky fell the sanguinary guard and the inceptor squad both landing on the sky pad central objective. The blade guard and captain on bike moved up the right flank, the single vanguard marine from the centre objective jumped on to the building with the plasma and sniper teams. The ATV moved forward on the left closer to the objective. The captain on the bike charged to TC, the TC over watched and fired everything, the captain shrugged them all, the tank (after being softened by the dreadnought this turn) was smashed to pieces by the thunder hammer. The vanguard veterans charged and took out one squad close to the captains fight, the bladegaurd took out the last sentinel, the veteran Sargent lost to the librarian and gave up the objective, the inceptors fired then charged the Valkyrie taking it to 1 wound. The atv charge the guard on the objective taking two men out. The single vanguard veteran took out 5 of 6 plasma team. The sanguinary guard failed their charge twice sealing their fate.
Turn 3
The captain on bike was in the ranks threatening the tanks, the manticores both moved forwards with their heavy flammers ready for a charge, the last TC moved back away at half speed, the back line infantry moved in front of the TC ready to block the captain on bikes charge. The chimera moved up and dropped of its squad, the blob of whiteshields continued to move up to the far left hand objective. The TC fired the gatekeeper into the captain on the bike, dealing only a couple of wounds, his three heavy bolters took out the remaining vanguard veteran who was threatening the snipers. The Gaurd and the chimera on the left all fired at the ATV taking only 1 wound, the whiteshields fired over 30 shots into the last two intercessors dealing only 1 wound. The manticore fired at the captain on bike with max 12 shots, it was justice for the loss of the TC in the previous turn and the captain turned to dust. Pask split fired, the plasma destroyed the ATV, the demolisher cannon and the heavy bolter into the face of the sanguinary guard who just landed, this was devastating, it was followed quickly by a manticore shot that wiped out the remaining squad members of the sanguinary. The whiteshields charged the last two intercessors to take the objective. 
The blood angels, left on only one objective, assessed their resources and calmly accepted the loss giving the win to the guard.

CEA61A16 D04F 4856 91ED 9CC7FA1086EA



Congratulations Commander! Your victories inspire our men.

I want to ask what material were those objective markers made of? looks like cardboard or plasticard. local guys ask me to produce something like that for their small tournament.

Edited by Shamansky

With the announcement (rumours?) of the manticores points increases, I have decided to tweak my list to reflect this if it comes, I’m removing the plasma special weapons squad, adding two plasma into the sniper command squad, dropping the heavy bolters on the Valkyrie and bringing along an enginseer. hopefully I will test the new list out tonight.


ADC0ECB8 C3BA 432A B621 D74E4E93FC79


A1B3D654 52A4 4321 BA39 065DAE7241A0


3E45ECBC 1867 40EB 9242 868B50DA3132

Edited by TCC

Battle Report

Cadian Vs Blood Angels 2000pts
Mission Shifting Fronts - deployment zones are long edges of the board
The Cadian’s deployed with the manticore’s at the rear left corner hidden by cover. Infantry took the objective in the DZ and formed a line in front and sides of the Pask ready to move up. A couple of squads where held on either side in cover as reservists. Snipers and the plasma guy stayed high on a building, the sentinels and Valkyrie pushed up to the deployment line in the centre and the two tank commanders hid behind a building on the left.
Turn 1
Guard got to go first (after 4 dice rolls!) the sentinels pushed up front onto the centre objective marker, the Valkyrie flew over to the right of the board.
The infantry on the left all advanced forward followed by the chimera, Pask full moved to get the demolisher cannon and plasma’s into range - this was a risk. The snipers did a couple of mortal wounds on the infantry. The two TC both half moved either side of the building and fired the Gatekeeper and Hammer of Sunderance into troops that where visible. The flat 3 damage finished them easily. Pask took out some of the primaries aggressors and the manticores both dropped onto the onto them also taking out two units. 
Blood Angles
The tactical warsuits stayed in cover and fired at the infantry, the repulsor moved out of cover and engaged a sentinel and Pask, taking of a chunk of wounds and the primaries aggressors followed up taking him down to 3 wounds remaining. Mafiston charge with wings and made into the tank commander on the far right, luckily he only managed to take it down to 5 wounds remaining, the sentinels took a beating from the infantry. 
Turn 2
The Valkyrie hovered and fired at Mephiston, taking some wounds, the snipers did two mortal wounds to a dreadnought and plasma guy also dealt a wound on Maphiston. The TC fell back from Maphiston and a guard squad moved in between the two, the tech priest healed the TC for 2. The other TC fired the Gatekeeper into the face of Maphiston and wiped him. The guard on the left continued to push forwards, one squad stayed back to hold the objective, the chimera pushed and used its heavy flamer. Pask used relentless to fire all weapons on the repulsor, and he obliterated it. The manticores both fired on the  primaries aggressors taking another one out.
Blood Angels 
All the blood angels pushed forwards, they took the back objective, the tactical warsuits took out some infantry and shot the Valkyrie, then charged it taking down to 2 wounds. The primaries aggressors took out Pask who exploded taking out the platoon commander and a few more infantry. The bladegaurd who came out the big tank charged the guard on the objective and wiped them, the other BA characters took out the Chimera.
Turn 3
The infantry on the right moved around the bladegaurd to take the objective, the Valkyrie moved over to the back objective and dropped the troops onto it. The TC’s both fired at the two tactical warsuits and both were taken out. The manticores wiped the some of the characters.
Blood angels
The bladegaurd charged the manticore dealing a few wounds. The primaries aggressors took out the sentinel. 
The blood angels, were left on only the one centre objective, the guard had the remaining 4 in their control, two tank commanders, two manticores, the Valkyrie and remnants of 5 infantry squad’s, the BA commander assessed their resources and calmly accepted the loss giving the win to the guard.
Edited by TCC

Great couple of models (can't go wrong with a swagger stick), was good to see you secure another good win too. Your snipers did better than most, but then that bar is rather low :laugh.:

The first couple of games the snipers did nothing - last two games they have done really well with the mortal wounds on role of 6! One of my favourite units ATM as they cost so little.

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