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*Distant bells toll*

7 Days left, Denizens of the Warp!

As with the Aeldari side, I've re-tallied all the points up and it is reflected on the Original Post in the thread.

As of this post, the Chaos side is currently sitting at:

Total Vows: 799PL and Vow Completion: 314PL


Aeldari are in the lead, however, a certain Marshall will pip this for the Chaos side if they finish their Vow :thumbsup:

I have my vow completed, I just need to take pictures, will have them up this week. Bought a cheap any Suzanne and a cheap pop photo box thing from Amazon, hopefully they will look decent, well as decent as my painting allows.

Better late than never, I've finally finished the Chosen Faith Takers:


At least I could finish my vow in time so there's that :tongue.: I had wanted to get more done but so it goes, it's been great getting back into my CSM again as the new codex looms closer. I think I'll be waiting for the codex in my hands before doing any more, plus I should be finishing my outstanding projects first :laugh.::sweat:

Let's get some more completions in before the deadline :tu:

Here are the photos of my completed Vow! 

271 Power Level, 5441 Points (According to Battle Scribe!)


HQ Units

20220514 125045

20220514 125030

20220514 125100

20220514 125113

20220514 125125


20220514 124819

20220514 124433

20220514 124142

20220514 124103

Fast Attack

20220514 125705

20220514 125609

20220514 125514

20220514 130002


Heavy Support

20220514 125828

20220514 125813

20220514 125757


20220514 120545

20220514 120834

20220514 121303

20220514 121354

20220514 121823

20220514 121907

20220514 122310

20220514 122421

20220514 122749

20220514 122913

20220514 123217

20220514 123256

20220514 123642

20220514 123733



I ran out of tufts, and will Tuft up the bases that are un-tufted at some point in the future, but I am calling my Vow fulfilled! 


Overall, I really enjoyed this challenge. I finished a lot of units, some of which I had bought back in 2017 with the launch of 8e when I rejoined the hobby, and never even built, or those that were built, not painted. 


Contrast Paints + AK Streaking Grime were my main tools for this, I think my army looks speed painted, but overall, I am very happy with the outcome. I was hoping to add a bit to it before the end of the challenge, once I had this finished, but real life has been limiting my painting time a good bit. I have about 80ish hours, all said and done, sunk into painting this force, and I am pretty happy with the outcome. 


At some point in the future I may go and touch up some things, and add more weathering to some of the stuff, and of course, I will add my tufts to the bases missing them soon, but overall, I think its a good looking nurgly force!


Edited by Marshall Mittens

It's always nice seeing vows come in as the event draws to a close, but few can match this scale! Excellent work Mittens the colours and attention shows the effort you've put in - the check pattern and bases in particular - a very well deserved completion well done indeed :thumbsup:
Still time for some more vows to come in as we start approaching the 11th hour, remember the fate of those who fail the gods :wink:

The event will run from today (16th February) until 16th May 5PM GMT.

Finished my last vow, just in time.

Still debating with myself if I should add snow to the base and more gore.

But basically, I call him done.

I give you Bilbo the Butcher!

(so called because he is smaller than everybody else in my warband)



i am a bit behind on schedule because i haven't choosen a colour scheme for the csm part of the army yet, but i should be finishing on time.
At the moment i'm finishing my cultists and wardogs

Here we go, our old pal Kranon the Relentless from Dark Vengeance all done.



Gotta love Kranon and gotta love your dedication to this event, you've completed Vows for both sides and I tip my hat to you. Great work! :thumbsup:


Better late than never, I've finally finished the Chosen Faith Takers:




At least I could finish my vow in time so there's that :tongue.: I had wanted to get more done but so it goes, it's been great getting back into my CSM again as the new codex looms closer. I think I'll be waiting for the codex in my hands before doing any more, plus I should be finishing my outstanding projects first :laugh.::sweat:


Let's get some more completions in before the deadline :thumbsup:


Lovely Chosen Faith Takers, WF. Shadows are indeed getting long but there's always time! :biggrin.:



Here are the photos of my completed Vow! 

271 Power Level, 5441 Points (According to Battle Scribe!)



:jawdrop: Oh man, these are lovely too! Absolutely amazing work, Marshall! The grimness+checkerboard really makes me think of Blanch style art 


I almost forgot.


Until I didn't.




Lovely work TPS!


Finished my last vow, just in time.

Still debating with myself if I should add snow to the base and more gore.

But basically, I call him done.

I give you Bilbo the Butcher!

(so called because he is smaller than everybody else in my warband)



There's something to be said for the old Chaos Sculpts, they may be smaller but they pack a lot of character in. Great work Valkia!


There's 18 Hours left in the event, Brothers and it's an absolute nail biter. Eldar and Chaos are incredibly close on PL. It's still all to play for! :happy.:


I have managed to crunch this guy into a tabletop standard; another brick in the road to becoming half-way decent at painting. Thanks to @trawlingcleaner for hosting, events like these are the only time I really consider getting my brushes wet. Crazy how easy it is to get distracted.

Finally got around to putting the finishing touches on these guys!




I have managed to crunch this guy into a tabletop standard; another brick in the road to becoming half-way decent at painting. Thanks to @trawlingcleaner for hosting, events like these are the only time I really consider getting my brushes wet. Crazy how easy it is to get distracted.



I have my vow now complete as well:



Well done all three of you for getting your Vows in. The only late Vow are ones that are submitted after the event has finished :biggrin.:


6 Hours left Frater! Nows the time to get to get Vows in! :thumbsup: 

First off, thank you to the Chaos Mods for allowing me to bounce some ideas off of and also graciously allowing me to run this event. More importantly, thank you to everyone who participated, whether you completed a Vow or not, you all added to the Event.


The end result of the event was incredibly close, far closer than I had thought it would be (there was a 4 point difference up until a few hours ago :sweat: )! The end results were:


Chaos: 638 Power Level


Aeldari: 670 Power Level


Congratulations to Aeldari, but also a massive well done to Chaos. You guys really plowed through your Vows and pumped out a lot of great work :smile.:

Final Vow completions are:


Plaguecaster - 11PL

WrathoftheLion - 17PL

Iron Inspirit - 51PL

WarriorFish  - 27PL

sitnam - 10PL

Valkia the Bloody - 47PL

Plague_ Lord - 12PL

Dr_Ruminahui -15PL

gaurdian31 - 13PL

Vesalius - 32PL

Metzombie - 38PL

Brother Kraskor - 44PL

Tallarn Commander - 14PL

Teetengee - 7PL

Muskie - 1PL

TPS - 22PL

tinpact - 21PL

Silas7 - 5PL

Marshall Mittens - 271PL



So, awards, if you completed a Vow with a faction you may use the below in your signatures or About Me page:


CSM Part

DG Part

TS Part

LatD Part

Daemon Part

There are additional awards for those who completed the most for each subfaction
The most completed for the Heretic Astartes was Iron Inspirit with 51PL:


The most completed for the Death Guard was Marshall Mittens with 271PL:


The most completed for the Thousand Sons was Brother Kraskor with 44PL:


The most painted for the Lost and the Damned was TPS with 22PL


The most completed for the Daemons is WarriorFish with 6PL





Really amazing effort, Brothers and a big thank you for participating! I'll definitely be running more events in the future! (although likely to be Aeldari) :happy.:

Edited by TrawlingCleaner

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