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Initial 1st April 2022 reveal, new lore & articles discussion


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The change in uniform style did confuse me at first, I did lament the lack of padded flak vests but as another Frater said above the Munda Squats who keep the old aesthetic are Imperial Squats, these look like they have been doing deep space salvaging for generations. Maybe these were off on deep space voyages wayyy before the Nids ate the homeworlds, maybe even before the Imperium started dealing with the Squats. 


Would explain them boarding an imperial ship, to them the Imperium wasnt even a thing, they have just come home to find some scrap floating in what used to be their garden. Im curious to see how these fit into the old lore for Squats. 


I also said if GW brings Squats back Ill actually buy the codex and an army, even if I dont like any changes I have to honour my vow like a good beardling. Looks like I may get some good heads for my Space Wolves as well. :tu: 

Edited by Slave to Darkness
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Am I imagining things or do the runes on his right shoulder look a bit like they say 'TAU'?


They look like runes. Middle is straight-up the Rune Haglaz (meaning "hail", as in the precipitation), specifically the variant hægil (or hægl) from the Futhorc (Anglo-Saxon runes), but reversed.


The first one looks like it could be either a modified(Algiz) or (Tiwaz).


In warhammer fantasy the Dwarves did have their runic alphabet in one of their army books (and maybe a WD), could be worth seeing if the Squat runes mean anything in 'GW' runes. 

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So it's true then.


Squats and men of iron.


As a whole freaking faction.....

Dwarves and Iron Golems. Geedubs going back to the roots!


I just hope this faction operates as a window into DAOT humanity. I want to see some weird highly advanced robots

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If it’s a serious announcement it won’t be announced today; if it’s announced today it won’t be a serious announcement.

This prediction aged poorly.


I guess now I can say that squats literally came back before the Guard got a fresh range! Hehehe.


They also look siiick, manages to escape any fantasy vibes their gear looks v genestealer cults to me. Nice job GW dank. But please help out some of the old armies as well as making lots of new exciting ones :)

Edited by MechaMan
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The faction name is awful... Sounds like something from Infinity or Malifaux, not 40k


Also, I'm very surprised at how completely different the design language is between these and the FW Squats for Necromunda. Aside from being short and having a beard, they're nothing alike.


In 'ye olden times', Squats formed Leagues. A collection of Strongholds for mutual support and defense. 


I would guess that the faction name will have something to do with the  League(s) to have survived the Tyranid invasion. With separate Stronghold factions within the League.

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The faction name is awful... Sounds like something from Infinity or Malifaux, not 40k


Also, I'm very surprised at how completely different the design language is between these and the FW Squats for Necromunda. Aside from being short and having a beard, they're nothing alike.


In 'ye olden times', Squats formed Leagues. A collection of Strongholds for mutual support and defense. 


I would guess that the faction name will have something to do with the  League(s) to have survived the Tyranid invasion. With separate Stronghold factions within the League.



I'm definitely expecting something along the lines of,


"Although the Squat Kin homeworlds were destroyed, the majority of their kind had long ago taken to the stars in enormous NOT-CRAFTWORLDS and therefore avoided annihilation at Xenos hands."

Edited by Lord Marshal
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The faction name is awful... Sounds like something from Infinity or Malifaux, not 40k


Also, I'm very surprised at how completely different the design language is between these and the FW Squats for Necromunda. Aside from being short and having a beard, they're nothing alike.


In 'ye olden times', Squats formed Leagues. A collection of Strongholds for mutual support and defense. 


I would guess that the faction name will have something to do with the  League(s) to have survived the Tyranid invasion. With separate Stronghold factions within the League.



I'm definitely expecting something along the lines of,


"Although the Squat Kin homeworlds were destroyed, the majority of their kind had long ago taken to the stars in enormous NOT-CRAFTWORLDS and therefore avoided annihilation at Xenos hands."


If they stay true to the nordic roots it could be some form of space longboat built by Flokii Anglegrinderson for a voyage to distant lands... 

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Bit weird they announced the reveal on a low traffic day outside of a big preview


Would love to see these guys in a different colour scheme. Kind of like the bladeguard robes for me, I think theyd work better with darker void suits under the carapace armour with perhaps a non white colour on the carapace armour

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The boots look a bit thin but I do like him rather a lot. I'm intrigued to see what else comes from this range and if there's anything I can pilfer for my GSC!

I posted earlier I think both feet are augmetics, look at the toes and ankles. Me thinks he's been Skitarii'ed. It looked like one of the rumor engines, and I think both feet.

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Bit weird they announced the reveal on a low traffic day outside of a big preview


I think they just wanted to take advantage of the inevitable April Fools Joke hype/questioning.


By the sounds of it we won't be seeing them for a while yet. "Solid few months" in GW-speak is probably more like half a year. Wouldn't be surprised if we don't see them until at least a month or two after the 30k launch.


Actually don't we still have Imperial Knights/Tyranids/Chaos Space Marines to go? 

Edited by Lord Marshal
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Oh wow a whole new faction. Tought it would be like a KT box.

Interesting, but ultimately not for me at least :)

Honestly a killteam box set on space hulk would be a pretty cool way to introduce the fraction. We could speculate what the upgrades would do in 40k based on the kill team rules which would be fun. Plus it let's them make a big deal about their basic troop unit. Edited by Jorin Helm-splitter
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Bit weird they announced the reveal on a low traffic day outside of a big preview

I think they just wanted to take advantage of the inevitable April Fools Joke hype/questioning.


By the sounds of it we won't be seeing them for a while yet. "Solid few months" in GW-speak is probably more like half a year. Wouldn't be surprised if we don't see them until at least a month or two after the 30k launch.


Actually don't we still have Imperial Knights/Tyranids/Chaos Space Marines to go?

Dont forget the guard!

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I like it, it will be interesting to see what more is in store for Squats. Aesthetically the mini looks like a cross between GSC and Tau IMO.


So the rumour/leaks from last year get another one right.

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Bit weird they announced the reveal on a low traffic day outside of a big preview

I think they just wanted to take advantage of the inevitable April Fools Joke hype/questioning.


By the sounds of it we won't be seeing them for a while yet. "Solid few months" in GW-speak is probably more like half a year. Wouldn't be surprised if we don't see them until at least a month or two after the 30k launch.


Actually don't we still have Imperial Knights/Tyranids/Chaos Space Marines to go?

Dont forget the guard!



I bet Guard are behind all of them at this point if the release is supposed to be relatively meaty (Karskin, Rough Riders, new tank, etc).


I'm actually now wondering if World Eaters are going to be the 10th edition launch-antagonist ALA Death Guard. There's only a year or so until then and presumably AoS is going to be seeing it's share of larger releases taking up the release schedule towards the end of 2022/early 2023.

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Bit weird they announced the reveal on a low traffic day outside of a big preview

I think they just wanted to take advantage of the inevitable April Fools Joke hype/questioning.


By the sounds of it we won't be seeing them for a while yet. "Solid few months" in GW-speak is probably more like half a year. Wouldn't be surprised if we don't see them until at least a month or two after the 30k launch.


Actually don't we still have Imperial Knights/Tyranids/Chaos Space Marines to go?

Dont forget the guard!

I bet Guard are behind all of them at this point if the release is supposed to be relatively meaty (Karskin, Rough Riders, new tank, etc).


I'm actually now wondering if World Eaters are going to be the 10th edition launch-antagonist ALA Death Guard. There's only a year or so until then and presumably AoS is going to be seeing it's share of larger releases taking up the release schedule towards the end of 2022/early 2023.

I'm expecting a Q4 for guard but with squats now being revealed, I can see them in the end of Q3.

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My earnest hope is that the bloke pictured, and the basic infantry in general, are on 25mm bases so my AdMech Arkanauts work immediately for counts-as without rebasing. Quick scoping suggests that on 25mm they'd be a head shorter than Krieg Veterans... and comparing to Intercessors I don't know if they'd really be 'smaller' than GW humans. 


The weapon is v. cool too. No clear Imperial referent, but likely lack of solid ammunition is interesting. Faction could be interesting as 'short range but high damage' given the theme/idea that they're used to just cutting their way through hulk decks, but if they're also slow obviously they'll need some kind of long range package...


5" move but universal infantry deepstrike is my suggestion. Also 'Living Ancestors' as uploaded intelligences to basically be 'pure techno dreadnoughts' please. 'Robots' as 'what happened to Men of Iron who integrated to Leagues'; or AI 'Hive Minds' that have for millennia been 'drinking/recording the minds' of people right before they die ... like the end of Ghost in the Shell, but for whole societies/cultures over 25k years. Gives them book of grudges elements as 'AI-based direct cultural memory'.


The Men of Iron have been learning the whole time, while most of humanity have been merely unforgetting since the Terran Crusade.




The Good Doctor.

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