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EC were beaten to their own codex by squats?!?!?



I like you would adore and EC book, I'll take a back seat to squats though. At least it's not another power armour dex and squats have been waiting longer for something functional than us lol.

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Am I imagining things or do the runes on his right shoulder look a bit like they say 'TAU'?


They look like runes. Middle is straight-up the Rune Haglaz (meaning "hail", as in the precipitation), specifically the variant hægil (or hægl) from the Futhorc (Anglo-Saxon runes), but reversed.


The first one looks like it could be either a modified(Algiz) or (Tiwaz).




Tiwaz the night before Squatmas?

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Well I never...... Actually, no matter what GW says or Previews I don't think I will believe this is true until I see models on the table. :) Edited by Corswain
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Not sure if we can really determine a faction aesthetic yet. This seems like a specialized unit, possibly for Killteam. It'd be like trying to define what Eldar is through the Corsairs unit. Some stuff you can tell but lots you can't.


I wonder if we'll get a Killteam for them first and after some time a more full faction. Hard to tell though.


The Leagues of Votann are coming to Warhammer 40,000 later this year, but there are still a solid few months to go before we get a good look at their advance force.


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My earnest hope is that the bloke pictured, and the basic infantry in general, are on 25mm bases so my AdMech Arkanauts work immediately for counts-as without rebasing. Quick scoping suggests that on 25mm they'd be a head shorter than Krieg Veterans... and comparing to Intercessors I don't know if they'd really be 'smaller' than GW humans. 


The weapon is v. cool too. No clear Imperial referent, but likely lack of solid ammunition is interesting. Faction could be interesting as 'short range but high damage' given the theme/idea that they're used to just cutting their way through hulk decks, but if they're also slow obviously they'll need some kind of long range package...


5" move but universal infantry deepstrike is my suggestion. Also 'Living Ancestors' as uploaded intelligences to basically be 'pure techno dreadnoughts' please. 'Robots' as 'what happened to Men of Iron who integrated to Leagues'; or AI 'Hive Minds' that have for millennia been 'drinking/recording the minds' of people right before they die ... like the end of Ghost in the Shell, but for whole societies/cultures over 25k years. Gives them book of grudges elements as 'AI-based direct cultural memory'.


The Men of Iron have been learning the whole time, while most of humanity have been merely unforgetting since the Terran Crusade.




The Good Doctor.

Living Ancestors being uploaded intelligences it a bit like the Eldar and the Infinity Circuit though. Mind you they did say some of their tech would be considered heretical by imperial standards, A.I. and uploaded memories would fit the bill imho. 

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Am I imagining things or do the runes on his right shoulder look a bit like they say 'TAU'?


They look like runes. Middle is straight-up the Rune Haglaz (meaning "hail", as in the precipitation), specifically the variant hægil (or hægl) from the Futhorc (Anglo-Saxon runes), but reversed.


The first one looks like it could be either a modified(Algiz) or (Tiwaz).


In warhammer fantasy the Dwarves did have their runic alphabet in one of their army books (and maybe a WD), could be worth seeing if the Squat runes mean anything in 'GW' runes. 




Doesn't look like it fits, sadly.

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Thinking about it, KO from AoS feel odder now because they really felt like a totally-not-Squats army. Going to be interesting how things unfold. KO as the fantasy version with magic fuel and Squats with simply advanced tech and mining/industrial vibe instead of steampunk
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Tbh I'm not sure I like squats comming back. I think I would preffered another xenos faction - like the giant mushrooms rumoured some time ago. Need more non-humanoid xenos in the game!!!

While I'm really excited for squats, I do agree, we need more aliens - and the 9th edition (edit: rulebook) has such amazing art of weird aliens, I'd hope they used it!

Edited by Petitioner's City
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I like it, it will be interesting to see what more is in store for Squats. Aesthetically the mini looks like a cross between GSC and Tau IMO.


So the rumour/leaks from last year get another one right.

I take back what I said about squats not belonging in modern 40k. Their design is neat and not more outlandish than say... the Tau.


I do hope the Squats count as Xenos though, since the Votann leagues are abhuman civilization enclaves independent from the Imperium (at least according to WarCom)


I also imagine that attempts to purge them or subjugate them have carried out numerous times in 10k years... and understandably so.

Can you imagine? Being blessed with the fortune of having inherited considerable amounts of hallowed STC imprints, and then having the gall to desecrate said treasures trough INNOVATION? Savages.


This is why you cannot tolerate any who deviate from the pure human form. Corrupt in body is corrupt in soul.


Monodominant gang, rise up!

Edited by The Scorpion
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Living Ancestors being uploaded intelligences it a bit like the Eldar and the Infinity Circuit though. Mind you they did say some of their tech would be considered heretical by imperial standards, A.I. and uploaded memories would fit the bill imho. 



I say the functional 'similarity' to Eldar spirit stones would be a feature, not a bug lol. If they do 'Exo Armour' or dreadnoughts as 'wounded soldiers in battle-sarcophagi', or even just 'embiggened armour' then that's still going to overlap with Astartes/Imperials or T'au respectively.


Doing a 'Dixie Flatline' ROM model for Ancestors gives Eldar a reason to look down their noses at these 'mere imitations' of consciousness that some tiny Mon'Keigh venerate as ancestors, despite having no psychic essence... So the AI end up being both 'heretically advanced' from an Imperial perspective, while still being purely technological and therefore not 'real' or in the sense of having warp presence.


The scale comp image shared looks pretty good - thanks for that, internet gods - be interested to see what it looks like scaled to match a 25 instead of 28 tho... otherwise they really do look alot wider and stockier that guardsmen.




The Good Doctor.

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Bring on the Living Ancestors and then give me a Crusade path so that a lowly rank-and-file grunt can grow into one.


Also LOVE that this article references Ash Wastes. You know, I always thought it weird that BSF and KT branded releases get 40k support but Necromunda doesn't. I feel like Ash Wastes Squat Cross-overs have the potential to break that barrier. I'm pretty sure that we'll get plastic squats and/ or bikes/ trikes for Ash Wastes with cross-over implications for 40k.


I'll be looking forward to the Background building leading up to the release. I wonder about allies and relations with other factions. The article mentions an "uneasy relationship" with the Imperium, and I want to know what that means. Will they have an Imperium keyword? A special rule? 


There are so many unanswered questions.

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