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[HH] Kratos Heavy Assault Tank

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I was looking at this picture earlier - do I see correctly that's double choom on the upper chassis of the lower hull?  It would be rude not to give it those extra choom afterall :smile.:

Looks like it to me. Going by the leaked rules, it can take volkite cardanelle in the turret, two hull mounted calivers, two sponson culverins and a pintle combi-charger, which I make to be 30 deflagrate shots in total. If you want some choom to go with your choom.

Edited by Arkhanist
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I want one with all the Choom.

That is the only correct choice for your first Kratos.

That is the only correct choice for all army options. ;)


I wasn't overly fussed by the Kratos but it'll be a nice glaive replacement and having so much of the same weapon makes an easier choice too - no split fire seeming in 2.0 so life will be better for it.

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Choom Kratos. Choom pistol Praetor, Choom Heavy Weapons Squad, Big Choom and Little Choom tactical support squads. Maybe Choom dreads, if they come out with choom arms.



Not forgetting choom on terminators or combi-choom. Kakophoni which are choom dialled to 11. The endless possibilities...

Choom for the Choom God, Choom for the Choom throne!

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Could be camera angle trickery but it looks like the Kratos hull in that comparison pic is twisting to the right of the photo pretty heavily. Wonder if the tracks dont line up with the hull right or put together poorly, or just my eyes.

In the gap between the track covers closest to the mid-point, on the viewer's right, there is a distinct jink in the track. It also doesn't appear that it could line up with where the track sits at the back of the tank. I think it might just be one misplaced or ill-fitting piece in that one spot, but it creates the visual effect of the whole chassis being twisted. Maybe the whole thing is twisted. It's hard to tell, but that spot in particular looks problematic.

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He later posted a video where he says he got the translation wrong and that they don't come at release but later on.

Edited by Black_Knight
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Maybe it's the angle, but the Kratos looks slightly bent to me, the front track sections look like they aren't on a straight line.

I think it's the lighting



Either that or the camera position because if you look the right (Viewers perspective) Spartan track seems to bend in to the nose.

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Just because the tank has little to no gun depression on it's main cannon doesn't make it bad.

Being physically unable to fire from a hull-down position, from a cresting position, or even engage targets direct front below some range due to combination of how high the weapon is mounted and how small the depression angle is - that's a lemon, not a tank.


It's a cool ass looking tank and rule of cool may trump realistic design - but in an RL tank, those are hard failures.


[ EDIT: Sorry, didn't want to necro a closed off topic ]

Edited by Reclusiarch Krieg
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