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[DH1e] The Damocles Contingency (OOC)

Mazer Rackham

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The Radiation will incur a Toughness Test, with Rad suits giving a solid buff. There are bits of suits, or damaged ones that are in the lockers, as Dreyfuss will have replaced busted gear, so there might be gloves, which will give a pip of resistance, or overboots which will give the same.

Think of it as an NBC suit Lego set. You don't get all the parts, but having charcoal lined speedos is better than nowt. :tongue:

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Edit: oops, ninja'd!


I'm not 100% but I think there were enough suits (that's how I've been writing it, anyway) but only 3 (AT rolled 3 on a d3, right?) were in perfect working condition? Others may have rips/tears or be missing bits?

I know Reynard grabbed a good one, probably Falk was next taking one, I don't know who got the last good one?

Actually, that might be what our GM is hinting at re if anyone wants to do anything before going down the ride - trying to fix damage as best they can?


Edit again: do we need to pre-emptively take anti-rad tablets, or is it a 'take it afterwards if we need to' situation?

Edited by Lysimachus
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@Machine God Am sorry bud, but an FP generates only one re-roll, just like in DW.

9 hours ago, Machine God said:

Kerr Restal:

  Reveal hidden contents

AGL 30 + 0 (Challenging) = 30. Result: 56, Fail 2DoF. Spend Fate Point: 99, Fail 6DoF. Spend second Fate Point: 11, Pass 1DoS

So unfortunately, this is a no-go. (Using Fate Points, DH Core, p185).

What we can do is a bit of massaging, since this game is harder on narrative than it is on consequence, and I'm interested in what's good story wise and also exploring soft fail-states.

How about the following:

The Warnings provided by Lysi and AT will stand as Assistance, giving +20 to the Test (this can go for all participants now) Which will still render a fail on your original roll, but without DoF. You could let that go, and instead of falling off the gantry, you just land awkwardly and take a bit of falling damage instead (3 Wounds).

Or you could fate against the original test, allowing that to stand if you don't want to take the damage, but that then means whatever you roll will be the final outcome.




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5 hours ago, Mazer Rackham said:

I'm a little more concerned about Bardas...

I am not on death's door again am I? 

Taking a bit longer to catch up then I intended, shiny unsquated squats arrived on Saturday. 

2 hours ago, Lysimachus said:

...but yep, there are Tro's rolls to consider... :eek: :facepalm::tongue:

I promiss nothing. 

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7 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

I'm not quite sure on our order, who's left to jump?

I think Ikka said Nicios would go last, so is it Stitches, Scourge and Bardas in whatever order in the middle?

Yeah, I think that's it. I'll have to read back though.

So it's:

  • Reynard
  • Tarrant
  • Falk
  • Stitches
  • Bardas
  • Scourge
  • Nicios

Obviously Falk and Tarrant were close enough to dump out at the same time. :thumbsup:

Edited by Mazer Rackham
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Ok all read up to today now.

Mazer, glanced at character sheet and one FP was already spent when falling of train, so with the two you spent to keep Bardas out of the radiation swimming pool/rad check that’s one more than Bardas has unless the train incident was far enough back to be the previous session.

Also I see that even blind my dice try and get me killed. :P Then again I should have guessed from the comments above.  I think the dice believe Bardas has Acrophobia and are trying to play on that.  

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I'd noticed, but since we massaged the situation with MG, and you gave me four rolls, and since you were absent, it felt unfair to dunk you in the drink.

That would be killing you offscreen, and that's a no-no.

Now you have returned, I am sure your dice can once again try to engineer your death.

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I think Reynard went to the right hand door first?


With Restal's examination of the :DTran:door, I'm now totally not sure whether its icon meant 'a quick way away from death' or 'a quicker death'... :cry:

Maybe we are better off sticking with getting the :Fort:door open...?


If so, I'm not sure about which way to open it... Bardas' Tech-Use is obviously easier, will get there eventually, but if we are worried about pursuit, maybe we want to use brute force to get through quicker?

Bardas Tech-Use is Int 34, but our GM mentioned borrowing a tool from someone? Anyone got a Combi-tool or anything else that works on Tech-Use?

Or Scourge's Strength of 37 is highest, and 2 Assists will negate the -20 on the Test. Can we test multiple times, or how will DoF affect things if we do it that way?


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I mentioned about borrowed tools, because I forgot what everyone had stolen that wasn't bolted down...:pirate:

The :Fort: door can be repeatedly tried, there's nothing stopping you. It's just loud, and the banging and thumping causes vibrations.

Edited by Mazer Rackham
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