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+++ Muster the Guard: Hobby Challenge +++

Go to solution Solved by GreenScorpion,

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Weekly update....


Just a few arms and pieces of belt equipment to add to some of the guard but some are complete less unit decals.


I think I will meet the deadline :)







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Great work Elmo! 

greatcrusade08, nice progress.


Lovely as always TCC!


Well, I’ve finished my vows! I have a few Bullgryn but not sure whether or not to make another vow (I’ll decide in the morning)


52643535355_10ec0f363c_c.jpgDeath Korps of Krieg



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"In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander Hiro of Taskforce 141 shall raise Torrent Company, 332nd Battallion, 501st Brigade Combat Team by February 4th."


2x Cadian Shock Trooper Squads (20x Infantry)





Aegis defense line






 Finished the Aegis Defense line and primed and basecoated the 2x Cadian Shock Troop squads.







Edited by Hiroitchi
Updated for progress instead of creating a new post.
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55 minutes ago, greatcrusade08 said:

Me and Hiroitchi going head to head, photo finish methinks 

yeah this weekend is going to be interesting with the release of the new guard.


in the mean time, just to break things up; I’m going refresh the palette updating SGT Ripper



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Meanwhile progress continues along at the same crawl for the mere mortals among us: Three more done but for the bases, rounding out my command HQ, and three more squaddies well along the way.

I've also ordered another twenty plus a few extra bits for conversions/tank riders etc. I'm waiting on Victoria Lamb to get onto the rough riders she teased, and also for Grim Prints to model the 40k-ified US halftracks he promised. I was thinking about getting some of the Blood and Skulls conversion parts to make chimeras look like Warsaw Pact-style 8 wheeled apcs but I've never really liked the look. They'll stay infantry for now. I might see if anyone does a decent T-54-ified Russ analogue to match the theming, but none of that's relevant to the challenge here.

Nearly there, everyone. Good luck for the last ten days or so

20230123 (5).JPG

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Hey guys.

Unfortunately my latest pledge will be my last, my degree and work are taking a lot of time now, so im unable to get much more done.

Thanks for the support and drive to get this lot painted, and im amazed ive been able to get so much done.

Congrats hiroitchi for getting so much done, with basing and vehicles he had me beat anyway, but hes a machine.

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@greatcrusade08 You have been quite an excellent participant in this event and I am happy the event has managed to inspire so many people to make progress on their armies.

As things stand you are still the current record owner for most models in the Troops slot, although hiroitchi is certainly ahead overall.

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On 1/21/2023 at 7:41 PM, greatcrusade08 said:

@Slave to Darkness I popped into my Lgs today couldn’t see any steel legion drab, but picked up a leadbelcher for you. Pm me your addy I’ll send it to you.

:cuss: dude you didnt have to do that!! Much appreciated though. Ill sling you a few quid when I get paid. You can get a coffee or a bottle of vastly superior hobgoblin to sip when your painting. 


Do you need any more Fausts or assorted WW1-WW2 German bits? Got tons of leftovers from the WGA Space Brits as well if you need anything.




Totally forgot I bought a WW1 British paint set, theres a shade in there thats verrrrry close to Steel Legion Drab, maybe a touch lighter but with the amount of ink I use I doubt anyone will notice... Looks like I have no excuses now lol


For those of you that dabble in historicals, this is the paint set Im on about. 

LifeColor British WW1 Uniforms and Equipment Set (22ml x 6) - SnM Stuff

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I'm still alive and in this thing! Life has been getting in the way the last couple of weeks and I've been struggling to find a good camo pattern for my kasrkin fatigues and found something I like last night.


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Completed the next 20x Cadian shock troopers and finished SGT ripper Jackson. All and all a good day and I can’t wait this weekend to work on the New models.







 @greatcrusade08 bro you really made this fun and such a great motivation to get things painted up.  I appreciate the compliments, you’re a machine yourself. 



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Another day, another post and some more progress. Turret weapons are done, just Hvy flamers, lascannon and the turret and sponsons themselves to go. Not going to win a speed awards here, but it is crazy how quickly some of you are knocking completions off to such a high standard...bravo.


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The pledge list should be up to date with everything posted so far.

Once the event reaches the end I will review the list and see if I missed something or counted something wrongly, but if you spot something wrong please let me know and I will fix it.

When the full thing is checked I will award the badges that you have earned during the event, which you can later display on your signature or elsewhere as you please :smile:

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Nice one TCC.

And I follow just behind with my last three squaddies to round out my pledges. I appreciate the helmetless one looks a bit odd, but it's the flash. Honest.

Anyway, following on from the final three, here's a shot of the whole lot I finished during the challenge. Nowhere near Hiroitchi or GreatCrusade but I'm still happy. All in I've managed an entire infantry section, a command HQ and a six-trooper flamer section as per my out of date codex, along with a sentinel and a bonus missile launcher team.

Oh and after all that the damn sndbags for the mortar teams finally arrived, in the right scale this time.

EDIT- I missed a couple of troopers- there  are actually a couple more I've done as part of the challenge, but I couldn't remember which ones they were.


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Compared to the output of some of you lot (crazy numbers, seriously well done!) my little pledge  is a drop in the ocean, but I have now completed all of it and am happy with the results. In fact I am planning on expanding it to 1,000 points or thereabout over the course of this year.


I present Armoured Fist Squad Alef






And completed earlier one Enginseer.



BDB Enginseer 1.1.png


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