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+++ Muster the Guard: Hobby Challenge +++

Go to solution Solved by GreenScorpion,

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@duz_ Your pledge was added to the list.


@Bonehead I have added your pledge, I considered 2 partial infantry squads (13 models) and 3 partial HWT (the 4 rpg/missile launcher soldiers and the mortar shell soldier). I hope that is ok, since you mentioned these will be a part of existing squads.

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Lamb's World progress:




Bit more painting last night – quick wash of Gryphonne Sepia, followed by Vallejo's Mummy Robes (GW's Bleached Bone is a good equivalent). Four of them have gone to the next stage, with metals painted black, then gunmetal (Boltgun Metal), and the hard armour painted with Tank Crew II (GW's Straken Green is a decent alterntive.)






Edited by apologist
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10 hours ago, GreenScorpion said:

@duz_ Your pledge was added to the list.


@Bonehead I have added your pledge, I considered 2 partial infantry squads (13 models) and 3 partial HWT (the 4 rpg/missile launcher soldiers and the mortar shell soldier). I hope that is ok, since you mentioned these will be a part of existing squads.

Thanks Green Scorpion! I'm happy to be part of things however you see fit.

And I'm pleased to report progress in the muster: The first three troopers are up to the stage of filling in the small details and final highlights, and the second three came along some way while the wash dried on the first lot. I might get off to a fast start and finish six in a week at this rate. Or possibly just put a hex on the whole damn thing by being overconfident.

As you may be able to guess, the paint scheme and indeed the choice of helmets is directly inspired by Apologist's Lamb's Worlders; In fact Apologist was kind enough to swap me a few of his extremely precious supply of FW respirator helmets for some of my rogue trader guardsmen, which I then made a blue stuff mould from. So now the mystery of why everyone starts off with a green helmet is answered.

I managed to time everything badly enough that the Elysians were oop by the time I started though, so I went with Victoria Miniatures and a custom set; and got really lucky on a FB forum buying up some AK lasguns from the old necromunda sprue, so I decided to steer heavily in a Warsaw pact direction. Yantar is a location in an old favourite video game, STALKER. Made in Ukraine, lest there be any doubt.

Anyway, that's enough jibber jabber. Cheers all

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20221130 (2).JPG

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The first six are done! I'm pretty surprised how quickly I got that done. Two of them are a meltagunner and a medic to finish off a platoon command section, in the second picture. The rest will fill out squads in the growing horde.

Yantar is part of the enourmous northen European marshes that cover areas of Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus, so I've gone with a scrubby grass and scraggly plants sort of look on the bases.

It's going to be a busy weekend at work, so this will be the last of my input for at least a few days. Good luck everyone. If someone like me who previously managed about one figure a month can do this, we've all got a chance.

20221201 (1).JPG

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first time trying to post a photo since the forum upgrade. Although most of my reinforcements are going to arrive at Christmas, and I am busier than a beaver in a lumber yard, I can't let nearly an entire month pass without working on something. SO In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander MedicMike of the Mordian 19th, shall raise a Deathstrike by February 4th. :HS: 


that should keep me busy during my travels in the coming weeks, thanks for the motivation!  

deathstrike sprues.jpg

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I am mustering but my guard don’t qualify quite as a majority are painted already just in the wrong color scheme for my army.  This is my recent mustering where over half are still red and green, I am going for green where the red is and purple where the green was. The Ishtarians stand with the Imperium


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Just put my order in, so 20 Solar Auxilia flamers will be coming to be converted into Scions with meltaguns and hot-shot volley guns, plus three Scion command squad medics. I'll do a post when I have them converted and ready to start painting.

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@TechCaptain If things go well with this event I might organize a more generic longer duration event for all kinds of hobby activities, including the sort of repainting you are doing :smile:


@Lord_Ikka That will certainly be an interesting conversion, can't wait to see the results.



Now in what relates to my own pledge, I have concluded the second building today:




More pictures on my thread:


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First pledge completed. A Scout Sentinel is ready to ensure the rest of my army can safely advance. And boy is it so much chunkier than my old Sentinels. :FA::FA::FA:

All weapon options ready to go as well.

PS: If someone could enlighten me how to rotate an an attached image here, that would be amazing.








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In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander TCC of the Cadian 8th shall raise 2 Armored Sentinels with chainswords, two bomblast FoBs, 10 Kasrkin, 20 Cadian infantry, 5 Cadian command squad, 5 ratlings and 1 primaris psyker by February 4th.




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I've been slightly distracted by Cadia Stands and the new codex so I forgot to take some photos of the infantry but here's what I have: 





It's not clear from my (as usual) terrible photography but the lasgun stock is done in dryad bark so it appears wooden. I wanted the guns to feel less modern than those on cadians so I opted for wooden stocks and brass vents. The full squad is at this level right now. 

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Just to show there is work being done. Even with my poor lighting, I'm working on the scions, castellan, commissar and to standards (not pledged). 



The DKoK are going to be delayed as I needed to order more heads (only had 3 of the type I wanted to use). They should be arriving around christmas.


I also found a Tempatus Start Collecting box while hunting for other bitz. Question for later.


Can we pledge squad additions (command squad adjutants, squad size increases) if we find/get the models at a later date?


Also I did edit my pledge post to include the pict of the castellan

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